Naturallly Occuring Formation OR Manmade Treasure Marker/Sign?

Hey brother they got the National Guard up there in Telluride administering the test for the virus?

That's some pretty heavy stuff in The Revelations the man in black goes through, who
basically said he wore black for the things he saw that needed attention in humanity.
We know for every action there is a reaction... So...

Though He slay me yet will I hope in Him. Job 13:15

For I know that my redeemer lives, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: Job 19:25

[20] Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,
[21] And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave,
and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. Job 1:20-21
Note: In this case, actually the devil was allowed to do the taking away.

Man it's all too sad, so much having to shut down, when economic things were going so well.
Now maybe our people will open their eyes up to the reality of our evil backstabbing enemies.
I don't know why we have ever trusted them. Just for cheap labor hasn't worked out too well
in the long run. Especially for our people dying, who have never done anything evil to them.
I pray & believe, that The Just One will help His people to overcome this attack victoriously.

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That's some pretty heavy stuff in The Revelations the man in black goes through, who
basically said he wore black for the things he saw that needed attention in humanity.
We know for every action there is a reaction... So...

Though He slay me shall I trust Him. Job ... I know my redeemer lives. Job
The LORD gives & The LORD takes away. (or allows to be taken away)
Blessed be the name of The LORD... Job

Man it's all too sad, so much having to shut down, when economic things were going so well.
Now maybe our people will open their eyes up to the reality of our evil backstabbing enemies.
I don't know why we have ever trusted them. Just for cheap labor hasn't worked out too well
in the long run. Especially for our people dying, who have never done anything evil to them.
I pray & believe, that The Just One will help His people to overcome this attack victoriously.

Hopefully this is an eye opener for are people can you imagine if something really bad did happen the way people are acting is horrible are society is failing bad.In this day an age one needs to be prepared for such occasions to arise.

Hopefully this is an eye opener for are people can you imagine if something really bad did happen the way people are acting is horrible are society is failing bad.In this day an age one needs to be prepared for such occasions to arise.
I agree... Lying & backstabbing, treachery, the worst I've ever seen...

Yeah man, this is bad enough, if someone was to try & take advantage,
then things could really go bad, in a way that we'd all have to deal with.
I've always wondered what all would have to happen, to bring about the
tempting thought & actions that are outlined in Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39.
Where apparently there is a great coalition led by Gog & Magog, to attack
people dwelling in safety, so that The LORD himself rises up to destroy 5/6
of the great army amassed, & also sends fire upon their cities, & they wind
up being the ones getting spoiled. I don't think, I hope we're not there yet.
There are some severe happenings that are mentioned in the Revelations,
taking down the earth's population quite dramatically, Cash touched on...

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Lets not forget about are trucker's out there god bless em.

Lets not forget about are trucker's out there god bless em.

Yep, without them everything would come to a halt sure enough.
We pray for protection for them & good health, timing, & success.
And hopefully no fights like this. Sad to see the scooters mangled.

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Keep grinding them gears fellers.

Keep grinding them gears fellers.

10-4 good buddy, some wild clips of horror type movie scenarios...

That is a bazaar video, like some bad outlaws & such. Now unfortunately,
there are a lot of truck drivers here from south of the border & sometimes
they do run over & kill people. Not exactly being some of the good old boys,
an almost gone & non-existent generation, a lot of good hard working citizens.

Noticed in the video at 3:44, could easily be called Skull canyon, with at least
a couple of massive skull looking formations. Naturally occurring, or man-made?

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My apology for the foul language here; in artistic theme & comedy, Jackie Gleason is hilarious.

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Coors?...That's funny, I thought Texas always had their own 6 pt beer, & others available too...

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Poor video quality, two Classic American songwriter/guitar pickers/artists, working & having fun...

Now the total releasing of prisoners of every criminal element.
At least in the local city & county jails, prisons on lock-down,
due to the fears, of spreading contamination of coronavirus.
Reckon they'll all just go home & behave? Time to carry all
of the time but beware not to get caught in a trap say like
excessive force. Then there's those wanting to capitalize
and forbid the transport, while refusing to protect their
own honest citizens. This could get real nasty before it
gets any better, sorta' like the old wild west calamity.
God help us, give us wisdom, guidance in every way.
We've been major attacked a dark evil satanic plot.

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Its going to get a lot worse before it gets better brother hard times don't last hard people do.

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Sorry for getting off on a negative note earlier, just can't believe we've been seemingly
led into a deathtrap, while some have become so rich... But this too will pass...

Phillipians 4:7-9
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in
Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable– if anything is excellent or praiseworthy– think on
these things.
9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put into practice.
And the God of peace will be with you.… Paul The Apostle

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Its going to get a lot worse before it gets better brother hard times don't last hard people do.

The problem with the idea of answering to no one, is because nothing could be any further from the truth.
I know I will also stand before the Bema (Judgement) Seat of The Most High Ancient Of Days. That my own human
righteousness, is like filthy rags to Him. That I have sinned against my Awesome Father God, & fallen short of His Righteousness.
So my plea is & will be, I take the 5th, & plead the covering of the all powerful cleansing blood of Yeshua, His Holy sacrifice,
to cleanse me of all my sins & unrighteousness. Therein lies my true treasure & confidence, that I will stand,
& get to see eternity with Him. It's all so Inconceivable... And only possible by childlike faith...
I Believe The Witness I've Recieved, & my faith in Him, will endure forever...

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Sorry I got a little crazy back the other day brother, been up prepping the mountain house.

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