Its beetle kill and its bad you got to have your head on a swivel in that timber if the wind comes up its deadly that photo is from last year in July.
View attachment 1714959Here is a photo of how bad that beetle kill is one good lighting bolt and poof it would really clear it out.And if you look close you might see a little something something what. LOL
That's cool, water falls next to your rock... hide
Very interesting looking area, think I see carving & entrance...
One summer there were 3 of us & a guide, riding horses above the
old William Cody hunting lodge, on a trail riding beside Shoshone R.
canyon through the mountain. Took the upper trail, winding on high
above the river & canyon, slowly twisting toward the mountain ridge.
Tracking q grizzly, far up the trail & high enough to view the Yellowstone
valley back toward Cody, we approached a pass in an area with a lot of the
same kind of dead pines. They were pretty good sized, & the summer wind
came gusting down the pass, off & on, suddenly cracking, breaking off trees
falling over & down toward the trail we were on. Here & there, some by two's,
only about 30-40 yds. up from us. The wind coming & going quickly by surprise.
The horses freaked out, reared up a bit dancing around, & throwing their heads
around wildly, turned around to take off running back down the mountain's very
steep trail we just walked them up. They were a little hard to hold, but we'd all
stayed on them. So I understand what you mean about the wind breaking them.
We waited a few minutes to see if it was ok to continue, & had to go back down.
I don't really want to know, or see what occurs from a lightning strike with wind.
Understood, what you mean about keeping your head on a swivel, it's dangerous.

... ~:Crosse:~ ...

