Mysterious iron keys

Lil' Brudder

Jun 9, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
SOLVED! Ethiopian Coptic Christian Hand Crosses

So I overheard a homeless man downtown on the square talking to his homeless friend about selling some "crypt keys" he found discarded from a storage warehouse. I piped up and acquired them. I'm delighted.

As far as I can tell they are indeed keys for something, from the Crusades era, one is a Cross Cercelée, the large one contains a Formée Pattée in the center of both sides of the top with a dot in each quadrant. There are ring and point details at the tips of the plain cross but it is the most decayed and they're discernible only in a few spots. The large one also has a very small hole through the bottom running parallel with the plane of the flattened top.

They are sticky still from being packed in a heavy brown grease, like the Cosmoline old rifles are packed in.

If any one can help me figure out just what they are and where they came from and who may have made or owned them first I'm dying to know!


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I think they look like keys from a church. Sorry that's probably not much help lol.

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I thought they might be and wore google out with that and still nothing... I think you might be right though. Thanks.

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Are the Cross Cercelée and Formée Pattée part of the same sect of religion? i.e. I was raised in England and we were raised protestant I think lol, I'm just thinking they may have all come from the same church of that denomination.

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My bet is Catholic for sure, I'm pretty sure Crusaders used both symbols. How cool if they were keys to the tombs of fallen Crusaders? Lol, never know...

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Alright it's strange a homeless guy would just happen to have a set of keys from the Crusades though don't you think lol, welcome to Tnet by the way.

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Thanks my brother told me to come here, glad I did, but hey man I know the building and it is possible. I'm no expert but they really look legit...

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I'm sorry don't get me wrong they are very cool, I would just rule out them being local and a bit newer first.

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Of course, I'm going tomorrow to have a pro take a look but a boy can dream... Lol

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Could you show us some pics of the "teeth" ends of the last pic? All three 'keys'. Thanks HH yelnif

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Stranger things have happened, someone might pop into thread with something we weren't even thinking of, maybe they're not even keys, or maybe they're Napoleon's coach keys lol.

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I posted 2 new pics, one with large key in center turned to see the hole, the other flat as in original pic.

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I can't stop looking at them, trying to find out more, I'm mesmerized! I'm in east TN.

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They look cool but not like keys to me, except for the one with the double large "tongues"...

And this one looks to have a byzantine cross on top

Medieval and even ancient roman keys had to have some kind of tongue or teeth combination to open a matching lock or pad.

I think they may have something to do with the christian sacraments ritual... I'll search a little more.

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Thanks for the additional pics Lil' Brudder, I'm thinking the bottom two may be clock pendulums- does the bottom one have a hole in it also? The one above the FRN looks like something I have seen before just can't remember what or where. still looking though- they are neat!

HH yelnif

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Yelnif, I looked for a hole on the bottom one but didn't see it, however that one has the most rust and there do seem to be tiny impressions on two sides, could just be pitting. I don't watch to go scratching at it before I have it looked at though. I'm leaving now to go to the local university museum...

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Yax, thanks, they could be tools of the trade for a priest... Happy hunting!

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So the University folks are stumped as well as every other historical institution in this area... I emailed an expert Dr. Of Medieval studies at Oxford University, going to find and send to a couple more who may know... Also left a message with the Historical department at Higgin's Armory in Worcester, MA. Just got off the phone with them and am forwarding the pictures... Wish me luck!

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Very interesting indeed, keep us posted as to what you may find out about these, we all learn a lot trying to ID items in this section when something unusual pops up!!

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