This is true Charlie. I see your quote line about the Geiger counter and I laughed because I was out last week at a friends house. There is a greenway walkway right next to his property line. A lady was walking her child and dog. She saw me with my detector and took a wide path. When she got to the otherside of the path she asked me if there had been a Hazardous spill or something? I was confused and asked what she meant. She said she was only wondering because I was using a chemical detector and it was making a beeping noise. She was sure there was chemicals in the soil and was concerned about her child in the greenway. LOL I nicely invited her over and showed her it was just a Metal Detector and I showed her the junk I found in his yard. She turned a little red and said she had never heard of this before and she was sorry. That blows my mind that she had never seen or heard of a metal detector before. But now she is educated and she was impressed. LOL