My Piece of Antietam......


Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
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Garrett Infinium LS,White's MXT's and Surf II Lot's-O-Coil's
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Hey everyone......just wanted to share some of my pic's of the place I'm fortunate to "hunt"!!!!!First pic is the back side of the farm,to the left the 1 P.R.,92nd and 27th N.Y.were hangin' out before the battle...2nd is where Tompkin's and Owen's brought there artillery down the same road,Tompkin's finally retreated down the same road after running out of shell's(1150+spent).About halfway down in the greenfield is where he sat....Pic no. 3 is the fenceline that the majority of the Union force's laid there head's that night....I hoped they Prayed.So is my tree stand by the way.No. 4 is the road that come's from the back of the farm that went into battle,Fighting was pretty close at this time until the day progressed and the Confederate's were pushed back toward's the Hagerstown Pike...Pic no. 5 is the extreme East part of the E. Wood's.The fenceline in the back is NPS boundary,the alfalfa field in the foreground is on the property and it's the only one within at least three mile's.....That's alot of visit's from our split-hoofed friend's....Pic no. 6 is the same field at a differenet angel looking toward's "Burnside Bridge" at Antietam Creek with S. Mountain in the rear which over look's Harper's Ferry at the conjuction of the Shannendoah and the Potomac river's......I don't think they knew who was in the wood's back then,could have been your "brother".....Pure History....Gotta love it


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jeff from east pa said:
That's pretty cool Jeff....It's just north of Sharpsburg,Md...The fenceline end's right at the edge of the battlefield.The farm is leased by a family of Menonite's,a family friend own's it.The place is still giving up CW relic's to this day.....HH!!

Great pics and story civil, lotsa luck.

Yes I liked hunting it. shame it don't get any closer to that sunken road though. Up by the barn we went down in those pines down in the left bottom of the field. my friend found a piece of brass chain to a us bridle I found some bullets. there is a little spring which runs by the little red shed along driveway my friend found 2 eagle buttons in little garden where he plants potatoes. I live in fayettville I hunt the confederate retreat routes from gettysburg. I love that confederate stuff. best of luck.

Hey thank's Jeff...As you know there's alot of land there...Everywhere as a matter of fact,kinda hard to hit it all.I don't know if you know but the union pretty much spent the night in the field's behind the main barn along the fenceline.Here's a piece I took off the front toward's the Battlefield in March of last year.Like I said it's still giving up the Goodie's....Got a few other TNer's hunting it wtih me now...Pretty much private these day's...


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A friend of mine found a new york button near the fence it was in bad shape though. I may try to get down that way soon. just working on finding 2 bivoack spots. I know they were there 100% they were from carlisle sent after the confederates after they burned carlisle barracks. they were the 23,56,8,37,11,22,new york national guards. I'm going out this weekend to see if I can find out where they camped it's back in the mountains. I'll let you know how I made out. I had permition to hunt the farm beside the one you hunt at but never got to it it's the one before yours have you hunted it?

Civil, Very Nice Post, I Have Had The Pleasure Of Walking The Battle Field Several Times And Always Was Impressed By The Great Sense Of History That Surrounds That Area. You Are Very Lucky To Live So Close To That Much History. Best Of Luck Always & Good Hunting. trk5capt...


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nice pics; thanks for posting.

Hope you are able to pull up a bunch. ;D


have a good un.................

If you still want some help pulling out relics, let me know, I'm still here in Winchester. Hopefully when the ground thaws we can fire these detectors back up.

Hey civilman, it looks like you have a great site to hunt...good luck in the future huntin it and if you evr need any help, i am more than willing to drive to help ya:)
Pepperpump ;D

You should organize a little dig. It'll be nice to get together with fellow treasurenetters and pull some relics from the ground.

I have a very avid interest in Antiatem and am currently writing a novel based in the area. I would love to join in hunting the area, it's one thing I HAVN"T been able to do here. If you were to organize a dig, I know of a few other areas locally that may be worth checking out. Civilian hideouts, the canal, etc etc. Definately interested in a collaboration. Nice pics too, thanks for the post.


Cool stuff. I live right near there in Martinsburg, WV. We go to the fireworks every year on the 4th. Didn't get to this year because of deployment though. I would love to hunt around there, but I figure the landowners have been asked so many times now through the years that it would be near impossible to get permission.
I remember being in the woods there when I was a kid. I was with my mom and sister's and my mom's best friend who is a master on the civil war. She sits on the civil war council in Tennessee now. Anyway, we were poking around in the woods seeing if there were any bullets laying around and suddenly there's a park ranger there and wanting to know what we were doing. Being the naive little six year old that I was I piped up "Looking for civil war bullets". He said you know you aren't supposed to be doing that right? and sent us on our way. I imagine there would be more severe consequences these days. We did find about 5 bullets though just laying on top of the ground.

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