Emerald Member
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
XP Deus II v0.6 with 11" Coil
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Most of this week has been sub-zero temperatures & the ground was frozen to about 3 inches but the snow didn't start until after we had finished 4 hours hunting new fields. We tried 3 of the 4 sprayed off fields (failed crops) which are close to our Roman Sites but we have never tried. I got the shock of my life when 1 hour into the hunt & whilst wandering about the 2nd field I dug my oldest coin ever :headbang: We went on to grid this area with no other signs, including no lead. So someone was looking over me today & my Gold streak continues...

Other finds:
USA Lead Seal - Meat Inspection (WWI-WWII ?)
1836 Silver Four Pence - William IV :)
1854 Cinq Centimes
Really nice complete & still ringing Crotal Bell :)

Gallic War Type circa 55BC
Gold Stater
Gallo-Belgic E - imported from Gaulish tribe of Ambiani
Just over 6g of Gold :blob7:

These coins were produced for payment to mercenary for one of the most famous Celtic battles in Roman History. Lead by a great Celtic Warrior called Vercingetorix against the armies of Julius Ceasar. It amazes me to think how & why this was imported into our country across the sea for trade or by warriors fleaing Europe to a safe island. :o

This coin now equals Dads oldest coin & is nearly a matching pair, other than mine is a VA56-1 & Dads is a VA54-1. 8)


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Upvote 10
Thanks :icon_thumright:

Interesting piece of history on my silver 4 Pence or Joey I found that day:

In 1836 a new design of groat was issued for circulation. It's diameter was the same as for the silver threepence of the time, namely 16mm, but it was thicker and had a milled edge.

In fact this coin was never commonly referred to as a groat. The phrase 'fourpenny bit' was usual, but the coin was also known as a Joey after the MP Joseph Hume, who campaigned for its introduction. I believe his reasoning was that the hansom cab fare was fourpence, and the coin therefore did not require the change that a sixpence did. This was not popular with the cab drivers as often they had been given the twopence change from a sixpence as a tip!

It was only used for a short period in the Victorian time because of its confusion with the 3 Pence.

Nice dedication to keep on going even though it didn't look good :icon_thumleft: It got you another well deserved Banner Coin; fine job buddy! :occasion14:


See I told you :wink: it got there in the end, I need to do some catching up :P might take a bit of doing :icon_thumleft:

SS :headbang:

I can't think of anything to say about that.

freakin awesome! :thumbsup: GORGEOUS coin! congrats Cru!

Awsome finds! You never cease to amaze me. :icon_pirat:

Incredible find! Nicely done.

All the best,


unreal what a find

That one has been waiting in the wings. It was just a matter of time. Awesome score CRUSADER :icon_thumleft:

Congrats on some amazing finds !!!!!!!!!

justice! Well done :notworthy:

Congrats on finding a beautiful outstanding FIND!!!!!! :headbang: (and making it on the Banner too of course :icon_thumright: )


Congratulations on your banner ! :icon_thumleft:
Not fit the banner on your list ... open a new account. :D

Another great golden Pony! Congrats Crusader! I'll be over there in a month.



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Oh, my goodness! Fantastic find! Way to go Cru :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Breezie

Sometimes it just sucks to live in a country so young! :BangHead: Congradulations on an Awesome find.

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