I knew a man that use to do the deliveries. At that time they always had tail runners, there job was to wreck or crash any rev`s that were chasing the delivery vehicle. The driver of the delivery vehicle was the wild sort, he was a second generation mechinac having grown up in a garage working for his father. It was nothing for him to really hop up any vehicle, not many speed parts back then so everything was custom made, wasn`t odd to see a ford with a linc motor, or a chev with a caddie motor. Those caddies although heavy were hot machines big cubic inch engines, strip the weight out and stiffen the suspension and they made mean runner vehicles. Plenty of room for his deliveries, more deliveries more cash for him. Well he ran deliveries for some time, made friends with alot of tail gunners, his last run one of the tail gunners took out a rev`y in a high speed crash ended up as a fireball. That tail gunner had been a personel friend of the delivery driver having grown up together, so it hit the delivery driver real hard. They had, had many close run ins before but always eluding the rev`ys and no one got hurt, but this time was different. The delivery driver couldn`t shake off that his friend had died to protect him, he ended up parking the caddy in the swamp and walking away, never to run them again.
He took up mundane jobs to support his starting family, but that itch for speed never left him, you could always see it in his eyes as he would talk about speed and always wanted to race but by then his family was growing and he could not afford to. One of his future sons took up racing and he lived his life though his sons racing.
That delivery driver was a great man, I`ll always miss him, but recken a son should miss his father.