My jaw dropped when the mail came today!!! Thanks BDoo


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Jan 9, 2007
North Carolina
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Some of you will remember this hilarious post where I offered to put a dress on for a piece of jewelry from the BDoo Boutique of Fine Jewelry. Here it is for those who missed it (or want to relive it ;) ) :,124060.msg907730.html#msg907730

Well Folks, I must say it was WELL worth the harassment. :o BDoo followed through with flying colors. Colors of gold, diamonds, and sapphire that is. ::) Check it out!!!
I haven't decided if I want to give it to my wife or daughter, or get my naval pierced and wear it myself. :P
BDoo - Thanks so much. You made my day, and I'm sure I'll remember this wild and crazy time for the rest of my life.
You are a great guy, and real inspiration to us all.
(a.k.a. Doug-a-licious)


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civilman1 said:
Man that thing look's better and better every time I see it.Congrat's Doug.....and Bdoo,you are one of a kind.I'm not sure who it hurt more,the "giver" or the "receiver" ;D.The pic with the old prospector say's it all,that's why we do what we do!!!!Thank's for sharing MM

Hey, wait a darn tootin' minute. What do you mean by "the receiver"? Ouch. :o ;D ;)
I'm keeping a tight lid on this thing.

ivan salis said:
uh who's jawbone is that?
It's actually fake. Looks real though, huh? I bought it at a gag shop. It's a business card holder.

KirkPA said:
Wow, that one is a looker! Bdoo is an awesome person! He is the most unselfish person on Tnet! Just think, we had some baboons on here trying to run him off. >:(

Doug, I am still laughing my a$$ off at your dress-up pics! :D You are hilarious! :D


Thanks Santa Kirk.
We both deal with stockings you and I. You fill them, and I wear them. ;D

rockyredbaron said:
Thats funny !!! BDoo is the best isn't he !!!
Happy Holidays to all

Yes, he is. No doubt.

Dirt Fishin Dale said:
You people might consider some counseling. :D

LMAO!!! ;D

Captn_SE said:
That's a beautiful looking ring...almost as beautiful as Doug-a-licious.... :-* Whoa.....I think I'm losing it!

Doug, thanks for all the was hilarious to say the least.
BDoo, your generosity is unsurpassed!!


I knew you'd eventually find me irresistible. It happens Buddy. ;D ;)
Looking forward to your next video.
Have a great holiday Big Guy.

Boobydoo said:
hollowpointred said:
pretty sweet! now you have to wear a dress!? ;D

He earned it!!!
Glad it arrived MM!!!


HAHAHAHAA you aint kidding he earned it! ;D ;D ;D.... very funny stuff!

ah hell, I started laughing all over again... totally hysterical..and you so deserved that ring... BB that was so nice of you... your a kind hearted person big time... what a guy, and Doug, what a gal...hardy har har.

I loveeeeeeeee that miner statue, where did you get that?

lol, this is way too funny. way to follow through on your end of the deal by dressin up all sexy and stuff.

KirkPA said:
Wow, that one is a looker! Bdoo is an awesome person! He is the most unselfish person on Tnet! Just think, we had some baboons on here trying to run him off. >:(

Doug, I am still laughing my a$$ off at your dress-up pics! :D You are hilarious! :D


I am completely with Kirky on this one. To all those "Baboons" who wanted to try and run BDOO off:

Merry Christmas-Mike


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bootybay said:
ah hell, I started laughing all over again... totally hysterical..and you so deserved that ring... BB that was so nice of you... your a kind hearted person big time... what a guy, and Doug, what a gal...hardy har har.

I loveeeeeeeee that miner statue, where did you get that?

That pewter statue was made by The Franklin Mint back in the 1970's. It is part of a series they had put out back then. This one is called "The Prospector". You can still find them for under $20 on E-bay. They are very fine quality and highly detailed.

ozdrew PI dig all said:
MM looks way to comfortable in that dress and make up , HHHHMMMMM
Your a good sport , MM
Have a great Xmas And new year

Thanks Andrew. Now I know why women wear them. You get a nice draft of air right up to the buttocks to keep you nice and cool. A lot better than wearing pants or shorts. ;D
Happy holidays to you also,

Green1 said:
:o :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D :o GREAT DRESS !!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :o :-* :-*

Thanks Green. By the way, I have one in GREEN too. ;)

jonnyrebel00 said:
lol, this is way too funny. way to follow through on your end of the deal by dressin up all sexy and stuff.

Thanks JR. I come from a long line of comedians, so this was a blast. ;D

Heck!!! Taking into account the scale of that prospector, he done hung up his pan and went to the bank a grinnin' ear to ear!!! He was set for life!!!

Great looking ring! MM, even though I too, am a user of the mighty Tesoro, sadly, I don't think that I could ever equal your prowess in this regard. ;D ;)

How did I miss THIS?

OMG that was HILARIOUS!!!!

Whose jawbone is that?

Umm, Congrats, I think

Can't type, still LMAO. You guy's are killing me.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! HH


First off Doug, I must say that your camera really takes good photos,
blows mine away big time. I think the ring looks better in your shots then in person. :)

For those who missed how this all went down.
I posted a "BDoo" design (future avatar maybe) made with my rings found this year.
It's here...,124060.msg907730.html#msg907730

Then Doug came back with this comment
ModernMiner said:
rcawdorswife said:
Gypsy Elf said:
Hmmm. .....What to do what to do .....Hint....Christmas is coming and there seems to be enough there for all the Tnet ladies......hmmmmm :D :D :D

Im with Gypsy on this one! ;D :-*

I dont know any woman that doesn't like jewelery. ;) I like rings and bracelets!


Me too BDoo.
I'll throw on a dress and some lipstick for some gold and diamonds. :o :o :o ;)

So I offered him a challenge and agreed, if he dressed up as promised, I would send him a gold, aquamarine, and diamond ring.

Well, when I saw how much effort he put into it, after I pulled myself up off the floor almost keeling over with laughter, I had to upgrade him to the ring pictured above.

Doug, you are a great sport and an awesome person. Thanks buddy!

I can't remember having this much fun or laughing this hard about anything on this great site. Thanks for that too!!

Happy holidays you all!

Thank you for all the nice sentiment expressed here!!

BDoo :)

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