My First Silver Dime Trifecta


Sr. Member
Feb 8, 2014
Badger State
Detector(s) used
Bounty Hunter Platinum Pro w/11" coil, Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202, Garret ProPointer
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Went to my favorite nearby town tonight and got around to hitting an intersection island that I have had my eyes on for awhile. Not sure if anyone has scanned this spot before, but in very little time I hit a 1914d Barber and shortly after that a '64 Rosie. Knowing I only needed to get a Merc to round off my first triple play, sure enough about 30 minutes later I nailed one; 1937d. Couldn't believe my luck. I've seen plenty-a-digger scratch this off their bucket list, and now I can as well :happy3:. Hopefully there's more to come at this spot. Stay tuned!



Upvote 12
Never heard of or seen intersection islands. By the looks of your finds, Ill keep my eye out for them now:thumbsup:

Very cool multi-generational silver dimes! :occasion14:

That's Awesome, Congrats!!
I've come close but, still looking for my dime trifecta.

I think most of us would look at that intersection and think of he earth moving equipment that scraped and pushed the dirt around and say....nahhh:tongue3: You proved us wrong and in big fashion! Congrats on the trifecta.

Congratz! I pulled my first dime trifecta last month! It was a pretty cool feeling!

Congrats on the trifecta! I got one last summer in NJ, and it took two days for the smile to fade away.

It looks like there is school or something on the left, you better go hit that place up too. And where are your nickels? I bet there is a V or buffalo around there, better dig some pull tabs and see...

I think most of us would look at that intersection and think of he earth moving equipment that scraped and pushed the dirt around and say....nahhh:tongue3: You proved us wrong and in big fashion! Congrats on the trifecta.

Frankly, I don't know how the Barber and Merc got there; the intersection wasn't mapped as is until 1941:


All i know is that it looks like a high-traffic area and that spot of land just gets in the way of people moving around, which was the theory I used to justify it's possibilities.

Congrats on the trifecta! I got one last summer in NJ, and it took two days for the smile to fade away.

It looks like there is school or something on the left, you better go hit that place up too. And where are your nickels? I bet there is a V or buffalo around there, better dig some pull tabs and see...

It's a church...not really sure of it's age. It looks pristine, so I'm apt to thinks it's relatively new...? And, sorry, no nicks; I usually discriminate them out as I'm a silver nut. I still manage to get those now and then despite the notching. Maybe I'll reconsider when I continue with this spot. :occasion14:

It's a church...not really sure of it's age. It looks pristine, so I'm apt to thinks it's relatively new...? And, sorry, no nicks; I usually discriminate them out as I'm a silver nut. I still manage to get those now and then despite the notching. Maybe I'll reconsider when I continue with this spot. :occasion14:

I will skip on anything except a perfect nickel hit in a lot of areas. However, if I dig a Barber, I'll start digging all nickelish hits!

Your killing me this year..... Great find and keep it up.....

I have a trifecta this year but from different spots.... Love seeing your success...

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