You don't tell us in your profile where you are but the Google map shows you living in a field somewhere that looks like Iowa. What I was going to recommend was to go to a place like a beach where the digging is real easy. Doesn't look like you are close to a beach but this time of year a plowed field isn't bad and a local beach on a lake is also good.
The reason I say to go somewhere where the digging is easy, is that I am going to tell you what most people say don't do and that is to dig every good signal. What I mean by a good signal is one that is clear and consistent when you sweep over it from 2 different directions. The tone stays the same, the VDI number stays close, and the Icon stays about the same. Make a note of what all these are and then dig the target to see what it is. It will be a lot of digging but if you are in sand or soft soil, it will be OK. Do this until you get a feel for what a good signal sounds like, what a rusty metal can or rusty bottle top sounds like, what the area the signal covers says about the target, what it means if the signal changes as you dig, what it means if the signal disappears when you dig (I'll tell you this one - the target is still in the hole most of the time. It's just not heard because of all the air in the soil you disturbed.), and other stuff. When you think you've got things figures out, you can stop digging it all.
Some other things, if you don't dig foil you won't dig gold.
You will always dig pull tabs and pop tops. Just the way things are.
If you don't dig low numbers that are clear and consistent, you will miss good stuff.
If need to dig some of the "iffy" signals. You'll figure that one out as you go along.
Trust your machine. A clear and consistent signal is worth digging.
Don't trust the VDI number as to what it is. It's probably close most of the time but soil, soil moisture, and target position will affect the number.
This is just the start. It takes quite a long time to truly get the feel for the machine. Just take your time and remember it's the hunt that fun, the finding of good stuff is the icing on the cake.