My first Civil War bullets


Feb 13, 2012
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
First off a big thanks to Thunderchild and Modern Miner. MM talked me into buying a metal detector about 4 years ago. I never did use it that much, it was pretty much only got used from the occasional "I've lost my wedding ring and hear you have a metal detector" type of deal. Found 3 wedding bands over the last 2 it served some purpose!

Well I got in touch with MM and tagged along last week with him and Thunderchild. I was on the hunt for a CW bullet (and we know these guys can sniff them out!!). Thunderchild literally pointed me in the right direction for my first find. I found the second bullet about 30 feet away. Small deal for some but I was really pleased.



I found a few other bits and pieces but not sure they are anything from that era. I need to clean them up as they are caked in mud and grime. I was so excited that I cleaned these up as soon as I got home and took a picture. If anything worthwhile comes out of my other stuff, I'll add them in.

Again, thank you to MM and TC!

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Really nice, those are the very reason I bought a metal detector in the first place!!! :icon_thumleft:

Youy will always remember your first bullet. Awesome feeling saving history one piece at a time. :headbang:

Took me a few days to find cleaner bullets and you found yours as a first!!! Way to go...I remember my first bullet too and still have it all by itself. An old timer took me out my first time to a spot he knew I would find my first. Thing is...he dug a US belt buckle not 3 feet away from my bullet!

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