My First 17 Silvers For 2010. Rare Date 1894 0 Barber. Plus A Lot More


Gold Member
Feb 28, 2005
Three Rivers
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab Etrac ,Xp Deus, Ctx 3030, Vanquish 440 X 2, Equinox 600, Equinox 800
Hey everyone,

Hope everyone is out hunting by now. I've been on a 16 days in a row hunting adventure. I just got a new V3 in January. I really wanted to put this unit through the test as soon as the weather broke. It's been tough and I've been tired. I work nights so I can get out a few hrs a day or so with my youngest boy.

I've been to a bunch of sites. Some hunted hard some not hunted at all. I first started the yr with hunting down new sites I researched. I came up with a old park that was no longer in use. I went on sunday and found three silvers through 12 inches of snow. I came back the following week and just was ready to hunt right.

So this nebby neighbor comes over to me and asks me if I have a permit to be in these unposted public woods. I said no and he asked me if I was from the gas co. I said no. Ten minutes later the cops come. They were nice but said I couldn't hunt the land. I said ok no problem and left. They told me were I could get permission to hunt the land. But I am busy right now so I guess another great site will sit. It held silver wheats and more.

I decided to just stay basic. So I went to a park that I don't hunt much and it dates to the 1850's. In three hrs I pulled out 7 silver coins. All were deep and the V3 is just a great unit in the right hands. I will add more in a minute about that. I've picked up other coins at other sites. Just to much to list right now where everything came from.

The following sunday I decided to go back to the park. I get there right. There are 7 guys hunting this park that morning. I was like man. One guy had a dfx the other a v3 2 guys had e-tracs and another guy had a mxt. And I can't recall if a guy had a se or something else. Thay all had top of the line units.

Do you beleive that in 3 hrs I pulled out more silver from this park than 7 guys did in 5 hrs. They had 3 silvers total. Decent guys helped out the one guy with his v3 some. He had no old coins at all. I pulled out 21 old coins in three hrs. It's the person not the unit. The guy with the e-trac had the most finds out of his group. He watched me dig a wheat down 11 inches and was like wow. I said the same thing.

Overall I am very happy with the V3. It is a great unit and I got it down pat now. I think it is going to be a really good yr. Wish you guys luck out there.

Some of the notable finds were a sterling pocket knife. A weird token called billiken copy right 1908. 7 Indian heads 2 v-nickles over 50 wheats. rare date 1894 barber dime with 0 mint mark. Nice old religious medal. Pennsylvania state seal button circa 1875 all flattened out. Silver button and a 1925 d merc. Pulled out a total of 8 barber dimes.

HH Jer


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Upvote 0
Blamed neighbors that aint got nothin better to do then try to make someone else as miserable as they are......otta be a law!!!
(Maybe Pres. Obama will have that on his agenda next.)
Great finds, great presentation of finds. Sorry, but I must ask.....V3 by who? I have a minelab, and am finally starting to
figure it out......but mine gets the same depth as my other machines. Must be doing something wrong.
Keep us posted on what you are it!! :thumbsup:

Ah, yes, I see it now :icon_thumleft: :wink:

nice load of finds :o if that barber cleans up that would be even better :icon_thumleft: neat knife!!!! MR TUFF

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the reponses. Yes, This is everything I have found with the V3 in the past 16 days. I only got to use it a few times then we had a really bad winter here. I put about 40 or 50 hrs on the unit. I got the unit in Jan. I'm not saying run right out and get a V3. You need alot of experience to run a unit like this.

It had me wondering at times. Yeah I knew this guy was gonna be a problem. Before I even stepped into the woods he was all over me. This guy was a real nut case. The week before that I went for 3 hrs and the other neighbor had no problem with us back there. I was told I got to attend a city council meeting. Some bank owns the land and it's a liability I was told.

We were shooting the cop with a ton of questions. This guy was about 70 yrs old. Almost got killed coming into the woods. He was saying we could walk down in these woods but we cant detect it you know the BS. Maybe I will persue it some day. I have alot of other good sites.

Most of my exp already switched over from the dfx to the Spectra V3. For you all who don't know what V3 is. It's whites top of the line. You can see it on the front page of this web site. My only dislike is headphones die to quickly. And when you run the unit with the display all lite up in color it runs the batteries out in 4 or 5 hrs. I've been out in the field dead already.

Back to the neighbor one more time. I knew I was in for it. This guy was working on a retaining wall right in front of his really expensive old home. This area is a very wealthy area with beautiful turn of the century homes all around. Pain in the I'm not gonna say on this family forum.

I'm still trying to get that barber cleaned guys. Never fails. The best rare dates are always in bad shape. I pulled seven other nice common barbers. Then get a good one and it looks like that. I got it almost cleaned up well. Might grade good when done.

Neal, Master I don't know lol. Thanks for the kind words. I still think I got some things to learn.

Thanks again guys

HH Jer

Wow, what a great post!! :headbang:

Hey, Jeremy!!

Just wanted to say Hi, and say that from the looks of your finds, your transition to the V3 has gone rather smoothly.
You're do need to really understand that machine to make it produce the finds you're making. I have not seen another V3 post with the quality of old finds as yours.

I'm still out of commission for a while due to my fibro condition. Haven't detected in over 8 months. :BangHead:

Continued success with your new machine.


Thanks alot guys.

Wow, Dan nice to hear from you man. Sorry to hear your condition has come back. You are a great hunter man. Best on the west coast. I hope you get back the strengh to do what you do best. It has probably been really hard for you being sick and not being able to do what you love.

I have a feeling your gonna bounce back again soon. Hope all is well for you man. Can't wait to see those big silver post again.

I was alittle worried at first that I wasn't gonna be able to get the spectra to work for me. It was confusing like any other new unit I ever touched. But it is coming to me rather easily now. Having past experince with the dfx really helped me out alot.

I am using the same set up as I had on the dfx but on the V3 and it is working out well. Same program with similar adjustments. I still got a ways to go till I fully undertsand this unit. Got a good enough grasp on it though. I was worried about having a slow yr trying to learn this unit.

I'll be back again with more. Maybe I will get some more time to play with the adjustments on this unit. I've been staying pretty basic by just lowering and hiring the gain.

Take care


Thanks guys,

Be back again soon with more.

HH Jer

You're doing great with the V3. Only had mine out 7 times so far and love it. What is the washer like item with the line through the hole in the middle? Some kind of button? It is next to the wheats and below the nickels. I found something similar on the beach all rusted up, and tossed it in my junk bucket.

Thanks alot guys

The item you see is a lead dress weight. Common find but older for sure. Range up in the half dollar range at around 8 inches. Thought for sure big silver.

Keep at it Bug and and welcome to the forum. Best thing to do is put yourself in a old natural area. Then you will find old items.

HH Jer

Super Sweet Finds! Congrats on that 1894-O- Very nice. When I do Macro pics of my finds I find it works best without flash..... But, whatever works best for you. Keep up the great finds!

Thanks guys,

Yes I have spent alot of hrs over the last month hunting. Probably 80 to 100 hrs in the field breaking in this new unit. I haven't even really played with the settings. I like it just fine with eeprom high pro on with sense boosted. I turn the tx boost on at times. Trigger forward analizes targets and it's become a great aid on this unit.

I did a crappy job on the pics. I was in a hurry that day. I like to try and use batural sun light works well. It was a rainy day out also. Thanks for the advice. I have some more items soon to post. Wanna get a little more to make a nice post.

Take care guys


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