My find of my life!! 30 minute beach hunt turns up very expensive watch.



Decided to hit the beach for a few minutes tonight just to get out and play with my new DFX. I tossed on the head lamp (yes it is very dark out there) and fired my machine. Adjusted my beach program so that the back light was on and went to hunting.

Not expecting too much I just sorta zig zagged down the dry sand. After about 15 minutes of finding sand and more sand I decided to run back to the car and get my 5.3 inch coil and poke around a few of the old fire pits. The first one I hit produced about 5 soda cans all in different forms of melted and six clad cents. The next pit started was a bust, nothing but melted cans.

As I was heading off to find another pit down the beach I heard a LOUD high tone ring in my head phones. After taking a step back I swung the coil back over the area that had just sounded off. It was filled with targets! I quickly started to dig all the targets as I separated them. Quarter, Quarter, Dime, Quarter............more and more and more (these are my favorite spots) after about 15 coins things started slowing down a bit so I decided to grid off a 10' square around where the coins were and make sure it was cleared out. I covered about half of the square only finding a couple more coins. As I was just about done with one pass over the square I got a strong signal on the edge of my square. Being that I was digging so many coins I didn't even look at the screen thinking that it was just another quarter. Well I was pleasantly surprised when the "quarter" turned out the be a heavy watch. Sweet I thought, my first real watch from MDing. I tossed it in my pouch and continued hunting.

When I finished the square I had a total of 12 quarters, 8 Dimes, 10 Nickels, and 3 Pennies. It was getting a bit cold so I packed up the gear and headed home. I got home and jumped in the shower trying to remove the sand from all those places it likes to get. When I got out my Wife asked what I had found. I relayed the story about the nice little pocket dump I had found and about the watch. Not recognizing the name on it I hoped on the net to check it out. Well I was ecstatic with what I found out to say the least.

The watch is made by a company called Breitling. It is a swiss company that makes VERY expensive watches. I have sent a email to the USA based part of the company to see if they can help me with authentication and some info on it, as it is a model that is out of production now. The few that I can find from past ebay auctions of similar watches look to be valued from around $1800 - $3000!!!!! I guess now I just ask you to all cross your fingers for me hoping it is real.'

Tomorrow I am going to call the police department to see if there are any lost and found claims for it and also look in the papers.

Sorry the pictures are not the best,



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