Bronze Member
After yesterday's great barber half find I was going to take a break today but the detecting bug woke me up early and said lets go, and sooooo glad I did. I have found many rings over the years but not any that I can really brag about, till today! Was going to head to my barber lot when on my way there I took a different route about 5 minutes away from it. Passing thru a neighborhood that dates back to the early 1900's when I seen one of the homes had recently been tore down and a empty lot was screaming at me to stop. After a very slow start and a few wheats and a mercury dime later I was thinking, not as good as I thought it was going to be, than bam! A strong 81-82 on my At pro, dug down about 4" when I seen it, still not sure what I had till I picked it up and realized I found my best ring ever. Looks from the style to be from the 1920's, Amethyst and diamonds and is 10k marked. Taking to Jewelers this week for cleaning and appraisal. I am one happy guy.