My best day detecting ever-Thank you Nox

We all dig trash because we think gold or a gold coin may be lurking. That doesn't make a gold coin turn up there just because we are looking for it.

Another example of one of my Nox experiences.
Fresh water beach hunt.

Imdug nothing under 6" deep, no coins, no tabs.
But dig pull rings and tabs and pull rings at 10"-11.5" deep.
Not one of those a gold ring but could have been.
Site had been hunted, the why behind no shallower stuff found with Nos.
And not hunted ever previously by me using way model detector period.

Being able to get to places ( detecting scenarios target wise) where others can't using other detector models call allow a nice find to be found. Ace 250 is not the answer for all detecting- for me anyways.
I could use a number of other models detectors in the above sentence.

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I've only come across maybe 6 sites in my life which had never seen a detector. Most sites I go to have been hunted, some modern beaches, which replenish. Four sites have been hit for over 50 years (known Civil War camps) and I still get good items out of them.

I've only come across maybe 6 sites in my life which had never seen a detector. Most sites I go to have been hunted, some modern beaches, which replenish. Four sites have been hit for over 50 years (known Civil War camps) and I still get good items out of them.

The fact that he said he hit the site like 8 times at least with the Deus in various coil configurations means the following statement he made, "So it seems multiple,hunts using Nox in old sites are necessary for me for a site to be declared NOX dead." is kind of silly. Just insert whatever detector you want for "Nox" and you can make the same statement. It doesn't really mean anything.

BTW - I have said it before, the term "Nox" makes me want to throw up in my mouth (connotes to "noxious" for me) so I will continue to use it's proper name "Equinox" or "EQ" with no ridiculous "mighty" or similar modifiers in front of it. I am starting to become partial to "Noxtradamus" though and am testing that out separately and will report back when I think I am ready to use it in mixed company posts.

This thread no longer makes sense to me.

The fact that he said he hit the site like 8 times at least with the Deus in various coil configurations means the following statement he made, "So it seems multiple,hunts using Nox in old sites are necessary for me for a site to be declared NOX dead." is kind of silly. Just insert whatever detector you want for "Nox" and you can make the same statement. It doesn't really mean anything.

BTW - I have said it before, the term "Nox" makes me want to throw up in my mouth (connotes to "noxious" for me) so I will continue to use it's proper name "Equinox" or "EQ" with no ridiculous "mighty" or similar modifiers in front of it. I am starting to become partial to "Noxtradamus" though and am testing that out separately and will report back when I think I am ready to use it in mixed company posts.

Sure my statement means something. Nox is deeper here in park 2, but separate/unmask better using field 2.
Oh I hunted this spot far more than 8 times, try around 40. Hunted on and off for 7 years plus.
Just not 40 times with HF coils on Deus.

Btw, I have been reporting on Deus performance on forums for years now.
Even in this same site I mention here.
So I can see how good Deus is, but can't see how good Nox is?

Same methodology being used by me when I tested, used and reported on Deus stellar performance.

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Dr. Witty, no, now it's ob nox ious. rofl

BTW - I have said it before, the term "Nox" makes me want to throw up in my mouth (connotes to "noxious" for me) so I will continue to use it's proper name "Equinox" or "EQ" with no ridiculous "mighty" or similar modifiers in front of it. I am starting to become partial to "Noxtradamus" though and am testing that out separately and will report back when I think I am ready to use it in mixed company posts.

When I hear Nox, I think of Amanda Knox, who just so happens to be as controversial. Foxy Noxy?

When i hear Nox I think of Knox Blox remember those? The Knox gelatin that was harder than jello. You could throw them at your siblings and they would bounce off.

When i hear Nox I think of Knox Blox remember those? The Knox gelatin that was harder than jello. You could throw them at your siblings and they would bounce off.

I remember that stuff. Lol.

Some people hate change. That's fine.

I run into them all the time using the best machine ever made. They all own one. Could be whites, could be Garrett, could be some odd ball 20 or 30 years old.

Believe whatever you want, but generally engineers work hard to solve problems, which in our case means making better machines.

Yes it hurts to see your $3000 machine outclassed by the new $600 wonder. That's called progress.

BTW, my Commodore 64 was the best computer ever made but I can't use it to post here.

BTW, my Commodore 64 was the best computer ever made but I can't use it to post here.[/QUOTE]

Amiga 500 was the best. Remember Rocket Ranger? Video Toaster?

TI-99 was the best. Now where's my cassette recorder tape drive?

I guess you guys never had a TR (trash) 80, eh? :laughing7:

I remember that stuff. Lol.
Lol, back in my punk rock days, we used to use that stuff to make our liberty spikes stand louder and prouder.

Lol, back in my punk rock days, we used to use that stuff to make our liberty spikes stand louder and prouder.

Awesome for the visual on that one, man. LOL.


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Remember Pong? Going detecting in a few, got off early.

I think it's got to the stage of there's enough info out there on the nox to decide if you want one or not, without any more test of rapping a gold ring in iron nails placed on the moon ect. Buy one, if you don't like it, sell it, what's the problem. Good luck to everyone with there new machines.

I think it's got to the stage of there's enough info out there on the nox to decide if you want one or not, without any more test of rapping a gold ring in iron nails placed on the moon ect. Buy one, if you don't like it, sell it, what's the problem. Good luck to everyone with there new machines.

Sometimes its not a question of whether you want to buy one but do you have enough confidence in it to get rid of another machine and that's where some of these tests are going. Maybe a great beach machine but not a great relic machine in thick iron, so I will get it for the beach but hang on to my X machine for relics.

Folks should go look at head to head subforum.
Some interesting info.
After you go there and read, come back here and read the initial post in this thread again.

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