my area is drying up, anybody else sense a trend here?

Lucky Jack

Jr. Member
Jul 31, 2007
I'm a handroll hunter, it's just a part time hobby anyway but I've noticed that my "regular producers" are not producing anymore. I check out these banks about once a month and lately they either have no halves at all or they are all skunk rolls. Do you think their wise to me and are checking the rolls themselves? Is anyone else noticing a trend in your area? I'm going to have to make a long road trip soon, I'm really jonesing for some Ag....

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Yeah, I believe the pickings are getting slimmer, primarily for two reasons. Number one, the price of silver continues to rise and number two, there are more people CRH'ing these days. A lot of the bank tellers I talk with in my area are now checking halves for silver. I never find a loose silver half at a bank anymore. Just today, I was in a bank dumping some halves and one of the tellers asked, Have you gone through those and pulled out the silver ones ?? Duh !!. I just joked and said to her, I would have but there were no silver ones in them. She then added that she looked for silver herself and just recently ordered two boxes from their supplier so she could go through and look for the silver. Now we've got tellers ordering and CRH'ing. Oh well, there's still some out there, it's just not as easy as it once was. Maybe as it gets harder, some of today's hunters will decide to get another hobby. HH to all.

Fl Junkman

I'm getting alot of "a woman was here yesterday she cleaned us out", or as did little while ago in a heavy down pouring rain, "oh some one was in here an hour ago and got them all." There are just a bunch more people hunting these days. I sure hope Silver goes back down to 10 or 12 dollars.

What else are people going to do, unemployment is pushing 20%. People are desperate to find anything with value to buy the essentials. And we can thank our big O and congress for it.

I stopped by five banks today, one teller asked why everyone wants halves dollars now? and she did not have any.The teller next to her said I have 2 rolls,but they don't have any silver I checked,told her that was Ok I was heading to the casino I took the rolls one had1966 40% the rest clad,she did'nt check that good!!.Next few banks zip.Last bank had $16.50 in loose halves grabbed those skunk.I think alot of tellers search the rolls I would!!,plus there are alot of people doing this.I still do OK but not like I use too.

I went to the bank the week before last because the bank manager called me and said they had 100 Ikes someone brought in (I don't really care about them but my kids like them). I go to the teller window and pick them up. While I'm there I notice the teller has some loose halves in the drawer. A couple on the end looked like they might be silver. I asked to get all of her loose halves and she counts out everything but the last two. I asked her if I could get those and she replied she was holding them for another customer (bs). I asked to see them. They were both 67s. I wanted to pull rank but I decided to be polite. I told her I did not want the "other" halves. I have been skunked on every pickup of hand rolls and loose stuff they have. Now I know why.

I just started CRH in the last couple of months and have been picking up boxes plus any loose stuff they had.

I'd say it's the same as when I started a year ago. Banks that produced don't, and banks that never produced do. The boxes are about the same, maybe a bit less,but then it was never great in my neck of the woods.



AGCoinHunter said:
What else are people going to do, unemployment is pushing 20%. People are desperate to find anything with value to buy the essentials. And we can thank our big O and congress for it.

The crappy economy has been in the making for much longer than the past year. If the powers that be would have allowed us to have a necessary economic correction in the early 2000s instead creating cheap money and facilitating the real estate bubble--which led to the subprime meltdown and the coming commercial real estate meltdown, then we might not be where we are now.

They are now just trying to delay the inevitable depression that will eventually take place. The longer they drag it out the worse it will be when it finally happens.

Jobs are the key barometer to our future economic strength.

All above is just my opinion.


Seems like it goes in cycles at least with my boxes. If you get into a good pallet that isn't made up of your own or another CRH dumps then it can be good. I was averaging about six coins a box about two years ago then it dropped to three after a year then I had three months with the best boxes ever including my record of about 80 coins that were mostly 90%. Recently I hit the end of that stock as the boxes and rolls changed color. I think I'm back into CRH dumps as I'm down to just a couple good coins a box. Makes me think about cranking up my orders just to get through these poor boxes. With some people doing twenty plus boxes a week it is hard to avoid getting stuck with a bad run of boxes more often than not.


Hey Lucky Jack , Relax brother , despite the fact that this site is hyper-sensitised about
increased awareness of CRH , this hobby is truly random -no matter how much silver is
being agressively pulled by those of us who know or care , consider the following ; The
percentage of the nations population who are active coin collectors is a fraction , the number
of those who are into CRH-ing is a fraction , the burnout factor is pretty high -- when you get
multiple boxes that are skunk or pathetic , many don't perservere. The truly random and very
present reality is that there are hoards of ignorant citizens continuously turning in silver for
face value , and the numbers of bank tellers who are completely ignorant of silver coin is
stupifying . Finally consider that regular issue silver coins have not been minted in aprox.
40 years ! and look at all the finds --- these finds have not been circulating for 40 + years
they have been repeatedly collected and re-dumped - under all sorts of conditions . In
conclusion let me say that I absolutely reject in the strongest possible language ( this is
a family forum) the notion that the silver is drying up -- The very nature of a random game
demands that any of us will go thru skunks and pathetic yield rates periodically . Nobody
who has been CRH-ing for a long time will chart predictable results on any given quantities.
Those of you who recently are freaking out , need to chill out - or take a break - You can
get P.O.'d at me if you like, but the argument I've made is clear and rational , and since
I've been CRH-ing since the 1970's - based on experience . ( Lucky Jack , this last is not
directed at you , but at the whiners who are all over this site at present ) Argentium.

Keep in mind the tellers and some hunters are only seeking out the '64 and earlier coins. I wonder if tellers are hoarding or selling their finds....the one local yocal here is still only paying $4 ea for 90's, and 75 cents for 40's. ffd

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