My abbreviated theory for the Knights Templar treasure in Nova Scotia

Are you really telling me that with all your degrees you don't have the ability to look up the Beta Analytic results on line? ...
That really is not the issue being addressed by DaveVanP, but why you constantly ONLY mention just their alleged date without posting their entire comments concerning their conclusions, and avoiding several requests to post BETA ANALYTIC's complete report or even to provide a link.
What is in that report that you don't want others to read?
If the dates you claim they stated as absolute are accurate, post the report.
What have you got to lose, Loki?

Myself, I believe the "Holy Grail" is the bloodline of Jesus Christ.
I have the genealogy from Adam to Jesus and from Jesus to Prince Charles of Great Britain...
Wouldn't that be genealogy of descent from Seth or Cain?

Wouldn't that be genealogy of descent from Seth or Cain?

No. From Adam as Adam is the father of Seth and Cain.

... I have the genealogy from Adam to Jesus and from Jesus to Prince Charles of Great Britain...
But that became two branches, one from Seth, one from Cain.
From which branch does this genealogy, and WHERE and HOW and by WHOM was this bloodline charted and was this family tree verified?

I believe I stood on the site of the Holy Grail near Annapolis Basin in 2009!
What do you think of that? Do you think I need sources or will you take my word for it?
Yes, because you may have stood on the site that a Digby scallop fisherman discarded a holey pail.

No. From Adam as Adam is the father of Seth and Cain.

If you subscribe to Genesis as literal and not allegorical . . . isn't EVERYONE currently alive descended from Adam? Though, apparently there were other folks off in Nod that Cain met up with and met his wife there.

If you subscribe to Genesis as literal and not allegorical . . . isn't EVERYONE currently alive descended from Adam? Though, apparently there were other folks off in Nod that Cain met up with and met his wife there.

Well it might be true it might explain why after millions of years of inbreeding why we have the brain dead masses.


Doh! :tongue3:


That really is not the issue being addressed by DaveVanP, but why you constantly ONLY mention just their alleged date without posting their entire comments concerning their conclusions, and avoiding several requests to post BETA ANALYTIC's complete report or even to provide a link.
What is in that report that you don't want others to read?
If the dates you claim they stated as absolute are accurate, post the report.
What have you got to lose, Loki?

They are too easy to find for me to have to post them, Lol! If you or your disciples don't want to look them up it shows a serious non interest in a subject that you have been hotly arguing for quite awhile now. Anybody really interested will look them up, all five of them. Otherwise, I guess you will just have to take my word for it, and in that regard, I don't "believe" I have told an untruth since I have been on this forum. :thumbsup:

Cheers, loki

They are too easy to find for me to have to post them...
If they are so easy to find, Loki, why ae you being so evasive with posting these BETA ANALYTIC reports?
It would be equally easy for you to post a link that will prove beyond a reasonable that the dates you claiming as proof and is not just a cherry picked fact to support your premise.
These coconut fiber samples were found at Smiths Cove as a 2 inch mat atop a layer 4-5 inch of eel grass under which was a layer of beach rocks free of sand or grass, sometime in the 1860's.
Do you know what a Coconut Retting Pit is and its purpose on converting coconut fiber into coir for manufacture into rope?
In nearby Halifax, WM Stair & Co imported coconut fiber for the manufacturing operation that began in 1810 and continued until the 1930's.
Happenstance, Coincidence, or a Definite Connection to the pit and "tunnels" and coir found on Oak Island?

... the only way saltwater "seriously" effects C-14 dating is through organisms actually living in saltwater, or in a diminished capacity those found in the greater depths.
Other than that the effects were taken into account with the ranges allowed by Beta Analytic.
All the coconut fibre found on Oak Island was cut on dry land sometime before the 14th century, that is a fact you have to live with! You make statements such as, you have seen this, or you have seen that, with no sources to back it up...
A study conducted by Dutch microbiologist, J Antheunisse, Laboratory of Microbiology, Agriculture University, Waeningen, Netherlands titled "DECAY OF COCONUT FIBRES BY SOIL MICROORGANISMS states that coconut fibre due to micro organisms, pH factors, soli, and temperature biodegrades fully in 15 months.
The Smith Cove coir samples were a 2 inch mat atop a 4-5 inch layer of eel grass under which was a layer beach rocks free of sand.
Even extending the decay limits of coconut fibre, total decomposition would have occurred way before BETA ANALYTIC'S 14th century dating.

Myself, I believe the "Holy Grail" is the bloodline of Jesus Christ.
I have the genealogy from Adam to Jesus and from Jesus to Prince Charles of Great Britain...
A outrageous and dubious statement, Franklin, that demands you posting this genealogy chart and citing the source of this highly questionable information posted as "fact" for you to retain any modicum of credibility.
*NOTE* The belief of "Divine Right" of kings ended during the "Age of Reason".

... I also have a long line of credentials related to my research which I will not discuss here.
Since you brought this into the discussion, why don't you list this "long line of credentials" if they are legitimate, Loki?

Since you brought this into the discussion, why don't you list this "long line of credentials" if they are legitimate, Loki?

That statement was in response to Dave and his list of credentials, and an easy answer is I don't want to. If you noticed I wrote "related to my research" and added "which I will not discuss here". The reasoning is simple, my anonymity on this forum would be compromised!

Cheers, Loki

In nearby Halifax, WM Stair & Co imported coconut fiber for the manufacturing operation that began in 1810 and continued until the 1930's.
Happenstance, Coincidence, or a Definite Connection to the pit and "tunnels" and coir found on Oak Island?

Is this your new premise, that all of the operations being investigated on Oak Island were related to the operations of the WM Stair & Co of Halifax? I think you should write to Rick!

Cheers, Loki

Are you really telling me that with all your degrees you don't have the ability to look up the Beta Analytic results on line? I found your half statement on coconut coir dating in less than 5 minutes last month.

I don't know why you and your leader keep bringing up Diana Muir when arguing with me, that is Franklin's area and he knows a lot more about it than I do!

Cheers, Loki

I have looked up Beta Analytics...years ago (before the TV show, even)...ALL their tests (not JUST the ones that indicate a 800 YBP dating)...and testing performed by other Labs (including Oxford AMS), that have been performed, including thermoluminescence. If they ALL corroborated each other, perhaps those 800-year-old dates would stand up to scrutiny much better. It was odd that they dated wood at 800-1100 years old directly UNDER (and in contact with) peat dated at over 2,000 years old (50BC)… Stratigraphy would tell us that the wood should be at least as old, if not older than the peat.... Did someone DELIBERATELY bury wood under the peat?...or could one or BOTH of the tests be in error? Occam's Razor rules, remember...

As far as my "leader" goes, I am not aware of one...could you take me to him/her?

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If you subscribe to Genesis as literal and not allegorical . . . isn't EVERYONE currently alive descended from Adam? Though, apparently there were other folks off in Nod that Cain met up with and met his wife there.

Using the Bible/Torah as literal and not allegorical...there is NOTHING in the reference that states that Adam was the ONLY man created - and only ALLUDES that Adam was the first. Genesis 1:26 states "Let us make man in Our image, and let THEM have dominion...". Many translations use the word "mankind" rather than man, so the context of the word is as the RACE" of man , not "a man". I think Adam was spotlighted, perhaps because he was "the first" , but also because according to the genealogy listed, he was the ancestor of Jesus. Thousands of men "could" have been created, but only Adam was important to the Bible Story, so he was the one written about.

Using the Bible as a literal source rather than allegorical, all races of man descended from three men and their wives, the sons of Noah: Ham, Shem, and Japheth.

I will admit, I am quite discriminating when dealing with historical artifacts. A skeptic, but not necessarily a cynic.
I consider myself open-minded to POSSIBILITIES.
"Evidence" is NOT "proof". Even a PREDONDERANCE of evidence is NOT "proof". Evidence indicates "what COULD BE' not "what IS". "Conclusive evidence" is merely that which is definitive enough to form a CONCLUSION, not DETERMINE FACT.
Even if the lead cross Gary found had been enscribed with the initials "H StC" it would not be PROOF that it belonged to Henry StClair, or that HE left it on Oak Island....jst that he "could have".
I do have an interest in "what could have been"...but only that it COULD have been. Isolated and ambiguous evidence do not history make.
I am a fan of Jason Covalito...check out his website.

COULD the Templars have visited Oak Island? - possible, but not likely. I won't say it DIDN'T happen, but no one can state positively that it DID.
COULD Vikings have visited Minnesota? Possible, but not likely. I won't say it DIDN'T happen, but no one can state positively that it DID.
COULD there have been civilizations on earth thousands of years before the Sumerians?* Possible, but not likely. I won't say it DIDN'T happen, but no one can state positively that it DID.
COULD there have been pre-Columbian, even pre-Norse, European, African or Asian contact with North America? Possible, and I go out a limb to lean towards being "likely"... but I won't say positively that it DID.
DID Egyptians have a settlement in the Grand Canyon???...I can't go with that one....
DID aliens influence human development?….I can't go there, either...ditto for *Atlantis.

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Is this your new premise, that all of the operations being investigated on Oak Island were related to the operations of the WM Stair & Co of Halifax?
I think you should write to Rick!
No, Loki, not a premise, but another possibility of the presence of coir on Oak Island in addition to Wm Stair & Co in nearby Halifax.
The in situ way in which the 1860's found Smith Cove coconut fibre was layered as a 2 inch mat over a 4-5 inch layer of eel grass on top of a layer of beach rocks free of sand and grass appears to have been a Coconut Fibre Retting Pit operation, and combined with the findings of Dutch microbiologist, J Antheuninisse that coconut fibre totally biodegrades in 15 months, presents a more plausible alternative source than being 400 year old Templar debris.

As for contacting Rick, Franklin mentioned that he sent Rick the exact location of one of many treasures on Oak Island, not sure if Rick ever followed up on that lead.

... unless you or one of your disciples comes up with some viable information otherwise, it is evidence of a Knights Templer presence on Oak Island!
I am not aware of nor have I cultivated "disciples", but I and others have presented other localized "viable information" on how was on Oak Island other than being brought by a fantasy Templar voyage to Nova Scotia.
The Smith Cove coir sample that you continue to tout as evidence of the Templars was a purposefully constructed 2 inch coir fibre mat atop a 4-5 inch layer of eel grass above a layer of beach rocks free of sand and grass.
If the Templars left behind this coir in this obvious construction at Smith Cove which is definitely NOT discarded cargo packing debris, to what purpose would the Templars construct this?

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