My 2nd gold signet


Silver Member
Jan 31, 2015
Baltimore, Maryland
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Fisher F75
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Met Ed at "The Park" for a few hours hunting today. Listening for the faint signals yielded 2 IHPs, a gold signet ring, a toasted trade token, partial thimble and other relics. Ran into, who else, but Kurt and Brad there.


Upvote 29
Thanks Bob. I appreciate your advice. There's usually something else that I or another detectorist missed.

Thanks OBN, my 2nd signet from the 1800s? in the last month. A great start to 2016!
Agreed. I consider Brad to be an excellent detectorist, never seen anyone pull more Indians.

Thanks buddy! It's very obviously set to Indian Head Penny. I'm not sure how to set it to silver. I'm STILL silverless since that trime weeks and weeks ago. I think I need to give it away. Haha

Brad, you are the injun-whisperer. Looking for some more silver action this weekend.....we'll see.

Very nice hunt and ring find! You also found a very interesting token and thimble...very cool.

HI AARC, yes, there looks like a maker's mark inside. no inscription, but it was a lady's ring, someone with a significant initial of "S".

HI AARC, yes, there looks like a maker's mark inside. no inscription, but it was a lady's ring, someone with a significant initial of "S".

WHAT mark ? Can you describe it ?
Any way you could try for a picture of that mark ?

Only if it is a "hallmark" mark... Don't bother IF is a "K" mark...
there is a point to this.

I will say this... I think possibly you have a REAL find.

So if you don't mind... take a series of pictures and post them.

Oh also... DO NOT give the ring OR sell if planning to just yet.

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AARC, you've got my curiosity going. I will post other pictures and, particularly, the mark on the inside of the ring.


See picture accompanying this post. These are the best I can do with the camera I'm using.



Phenomenal piece. Wow.
You are holding a serious antique.

I knew it. It had the "look" all day long... I am afraid to guestimate an age as of yet.
Well done and congrats.

Will poke around for some more info.

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Beings you are the one "holding" the ring...
And I am killing my eyes...

Can you "guess".... or best guess what you think that mark "says" / "is"

To me it appears to be an I R

Is this what you see ? or ?

I will shoot this from the hip...

I am wondering if this piece had a "partial" good mark to begin with...
OR...Worn down.
IF... I repeat IF...
This MAY BE made by... Joseph Richardson Sr. of Philadelphia who was marking similar in 1711 - - 1784

This is a FAR FETCHED... shot... BUT
if this is one of his pieces...
You hit the lotto...
His pieces are in museums.

So... without going on and on like I do sometimes... lets just see where the waves take us...
Lets ride the Tnet current and see what others here chime in on this...
this will be a very interesting "puzzle" none the less.

I am confident when I say that this piece "feels right"...
It is IMO
Colonial period... OR before even.
but ?
I have been fooled before so... hold onto that straw.

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Oh and ... while we are on this "drift"...
I have to ask...
Have you tested this to conclusively determine a purity of the gold ?

This should be done in non destructive way. In other words don't let joe blow pawn shop guy just grab it and start grinding away at it.

A determination in karat ... we can get perhaps a bit closer on this as well.

Very nice looking ring

Does look like a letter before the "R"; with the wear, it is difficult to say. I'd have to see his maker mark to know for certain.

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