Got the new Deus ll-finally got the controller sorted out (replacement) and the new cuff wireless headphones.
So I have gotten out for a hour here and there-only hit a few well hunted iron patches.
Just to see if this new would be any better than the previous model-YUP!
It gives another level of finding the odd button-brass/copper item that was missed in the hard hit spots.
One might say I have hunted these spots where any nonferrous item (foil even) might be a ok hunt.
All very close to the doormat-5 minutes in any direction. So time/gas is really taken off the table.
So after building a hoop house I said to the mrs on late Wednesday that Thursday PM and Friday was for mental therapy play-meeting an afternoon and a road trip on Friday.
Yesterday was a total whirl wind catch up day of chores-
So the Thursday PM haut was to a well hunted site that had beans, mowed nice and clean.
1st hit-The kiss of death One Cent-basically I knew I was cursed for the rest of the time there-yup-dug really nothing special.
But one in the pouch is better than a skunked hunt.
Friday's road trip hunt was to a multi site location-2 permission (depending on what side of the road)but all are within eye shot of each other 1200ft.
I stopped at the first field and the first signal-A nice square framed Sash Buckle-was this the kiss of death for the site?
Dug a part of a bridal bit
Kind of as I dug a few targets-few late Victorian pieces.
So off to see the permission-was the worked field planted-nope!
Got back-worked?
Not really-just a strip 2 discs wide 40ft to the back of the first field-the rest was liquid manure-now a little $hit isn't going to scare this guy off-it was 95% dried up
Just stay out of the black zones-nasty digging in those-boot scrapping after.
So I headed for the raise in the field, (where the tractor maks end on the right) to be rewarded with a 1842 Bank of Montreal Token-a few other things.
I love it when they fall off the dirt-I always know it's a fine keeper.
One real deep piece of copper. It wasn't any real winner-be impressive depth.
So back down to the road part of the field-nothing too great.
A button
I got bored quickly-so I thought maybe the postal station site-across the way-still in corn stalks-but I have hit this 3 times on previous trips.
Well hello there Mr Token
Scuffed the stalks away and there it lay-easy retrieval-got to love it!
Then a piece of cufflink? Enamel-cloisonne perhaps-an old period piece.
The next signal was a nice suspender frame.
Wow! Close by was this 85-dug-still 85-dug and down I went-had to be iron/can slaw-well-well-well looks here-Nice!
For the locked on # of 85-depth-nothing but impressive to say the least
Then I popped another bit of bling looking item.
I figured I'd kill the rest of the hunt with the easy-back across the road to the bean site-20 acre field 900'x900'
3 sites (iron patches) maps says 3-but they could be houses or barns.
Walked out to the furthest point where I thought there might be #3 site-750' NE
Yup iron-steady-no non ferrous-iron and lots of it.
Then to popped a -say what looks like a ram rod holder?
Next signal #2 holder
#3 Trigger guard!
OK this could be the makings of a gun.
Next was the barrel-My first one!
So I threw up a "What is it" for the gun parts.
Missing some parts-so another road trip might be in short order. (Things like this rent space in the head)
Well this well winded-so I'll keep it short-ya right.
Excited at getting out and about-getting a first-getting a road trip in-it was a good therapy day.
Thanks for looking.
Having picture loading issues.
Will insert edit update later.
Sorry for the delay
So I have gotten out for a hour here and there-only hit a few well hunted iron patches.
Just to see if this new would be any better than the previous model-YUP!
It gives another level of finding the odd button-brass/copper item that was missed in the hard hit spots.
One might say I have hunted these spots where any nonferrous item (foil even) might be a ok hunt.
All very close to the doormat-5 minutes in any direction. So time/gas is really taken off the table.
So after building a hoop house I said to the mrs on late Wednesday that Thursday PM and Friday was for mental therapy play-meeting an afternoon and a road trip on Friday.
Yesterday was a total whirl wind catch up day of chores-
So the Thursday PM haut was to a well hunted site that had beans, mowed nice and clean.
1st hit-The kiss of death One Cent-basically I knew I was cursed for the rest of the time there-yup-dug really nothing special.
But one in the pouch is better than a skunked hunt.
Friday's road trip hunt was to a multi site location-2 permission (depending on what side of the road)but all are within eye shot of each other 1200ft.
I stopped at the first field and the first signal-A nice square framed Sash Buckle-was this the kiss of death for the site?
Dug a part of a bridal bit
Kind of as I dug a few targets-few late Victorian pieces.
So off to see the permission-was the worked field planted-nope!
Got back-worked?

Just stay out of the black zones-nasty digging in those-boot scrapping after.
So I headed for the raise in the field, (where the tractor maks end on the right) to be rewarded with a 1842 Bank of Montreal Token-a few other things.
I love it when they fall off the dirt-I always know it's a fine keeper.
One real deep piece of copper. It wasn't any real winner-be impressive depth.
So back down to the road part of the field-nothing too great.
A button
I got bored quickly-so I thought maybe the postal station site-across the way-still in corn stalks-but I have hit this 3 times on previous trips.
Well hello there Mr Token
Scuffed the stalks away and there it lay-easy retrieval-got to love it!
Then a piece of cufflink? Enamel-cloisonne perhaps-an old period piece.
The next signal was a nice suspender frame.
Wow! Close by was this 85-dug-still 85-dug and down I went-had to be iron/can slaw-well-well-well looks here-Nice!
For the locked on # of 85-depth-nothing but impressive to say the least
Then I popped another bit of bling looking item.
I figured I'd kill the rest of the hunt with the easy-back across the road to the bean site-20 acre field 900'x900'
3 sites (iron patches) maps says 3-but they could be houses or barns.

Walked out to the furthest point where I thought there might be #3 site-750' NE
Yup iron-steady-no non ferrous-iron and lots of it.
Then to popped a -say what looks like a ram rod holder?
Next signal #2 holder
#3 Trigger guard!

Next was the barrel-My first one!
So I threw up a "What is it" for the gun parts.
✅ SOLVED - Need the gun experts to give me their thoughts.
I first dug the small ramrod holder, then the second one, then the trigger guard. 3 ft away out came the barrel. So the tape measure photo is the 3 pieces. The barrel is in the garage still. Barrel is 39" long Bore is 3/4" The tang at the back of the barrel is 2" This wasn't part of the 39" It's...
Well this well winded-so I'll keep it short-ya right.
Excited at getting out and about-getting a first-getting a road trip in-it was a good therapy day.
Thanks for looking.
Having picture loading issues.
Will insert edit update later.
Sorry for the delay
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