Must be some Dredgers up Stream.....???


was the hippies that gave us the dust bowl..or has left the southwest still recovering from the over grazing of the 1920...yep...tis all the hippies fault...
none of that lead you sent down range was picked the condors die in many years have been spent in rebuilding that population,that still dies due to lead poisoning?
Condors and Lead
Overgrazing: More Deadly Than Any Hunter
Cattle and Sheep Grazing on the Colorado Plateau
"By 1912, livestock pressures had penetrated the most remote, timbered and mountainous areas. Theodore Rixon, one of the first foresters in the Southwest, described the situation:

"At the beginning the mountains and heavily timbered areas were used but little, but as the situation grew more acute in the more accessible regions the use of these areas became more general and in course of time conditions within them were more grave than elsewhere... The mountains were denuded of their vegetative cover, forest reproduction was damaged or destroyed, the slopes were seamed with deep erosion gullies, and the water-conserving power of the drainage basins became seriously impaired. Flocks passed each other on the trails, one rushing in to secure what the other had just abandoned as worthless, feed was deliberately wasted to prevent its utilization by others, the ranges were occupied before the snow had left them. Transient sheepmen roamed the country robbing the resident stockmen of forage that was justly theirs." (Source: Roberts, P.H. 1963. Hoof prints on forest ranges. San Antonio, TX: Naylor. 151 p.)"

Dust storms in the 1930s Dust Bowl

I can go on...but you should get the idea.

Foot meet mouth.

Condors and Lead

Since 2005, as part of an effort to reduce lead exposure in condors, the Arizona Game and Fish Department has provided free non-lead ammunition to big game hunters in Units 12A, 12B, 13A, and 13B (the areas condors frequent most during the hunting season). Hunters have responded with an 80 to 90 percent participation rate since 2007. Thanks to the efforts of these hunters the amount of lead available to condors has been reduced in Arizona. According to post-hunt survey results, 93 percent of hunters who used the non-lead ammunition said it performed as well as or better than lead bullets. In addition, 72 percent of all hunters said they would recommend the 100% copper bullets to other hunters. This free non-lead ammunition program will continue as long as funding permits, thanks to the Heritage Fund (state lottery revenue) and the Wildlife Conservation Fund (state gaming revenue).

Overgrazing: More Deadly Than Any Hunter

You really need to take some time and read about grazing limits in place now.

Cattle and Sheep Grazing on the Colorado Plateau

Once again you need to read the laws in place to prevent this from happening again.

Dust storms in the 1930s Dust Bowl

So you want to insinuate humans caused the dust bowl, read again. From the very article you posted.

These first cut modeling experiments suggest that the Dust Bowl disaster was the result of complex interactions between humans and the environment. First changes in tropical sea surface temperatures created a drought. Poor land use practices then led to exposure of bare soil followed by wind erosion and dust storms. The dust storms interacted with radiation to make the drought worse and move it northward increasing the potential for further wind erosion. That said, even without the human role, the drought would have occurred and the human impact was limited.

You really need to stop. You're gonna give me a hernia from laughing so hard.

Holy heck!!!!I never seen your sweet and ignorant reply Secretcanyon....interesting you change your name???I dont have the time right now,to easily dispute every single one of your ridiculous statements(MM)did well......but Just for starters at the moment....I happened to have worked directly with Condor reintroduction,at the Pinnacles release facility.There has not been a documented case that proves any condor has died from secondary toxicity,from lead ,FACT,ask your self why you never see dead Turkey Vultures?How many people die a year from the millions of lbs of lead bullet taken meat that is consumed?A recent study found that the #1 threat to chick Condors is trash...shiny trash fed to them by the parent birds....I could go on.....

As for cattle ranchers......look at any of the major private ranches in the State you live in(Some of the largest in the US are there)compare the conservation done there to any public land...who is keeping the springs open for all about stock ponds in areas there is no water?You see any on public lands not put there by cattle ranchers?How many years have there been cattle on those ranches?Do you think they would be in business still if they over grazed every year?Grazing...why does the Gov. allow any cattle on our public lands?Perhaps they understand that cattle graze and deer/elk browse,and the latter prefer the tender shoots that spring after the cattle graze?Maybe they see the value in the removal of the fuels so that the catstrophic fires we are seeing right now dont happen.Do you realize how many products and bi product come from Bovine?I gather your likely a Vegan,but thats OK,I promise you utilize something every day that came from a cow....and since not all of the US is not vegan where do advise we get our meat?Some other country?As I said,I dont have time to go on,and seriously doubt it's worth it,folks like you refuse to hear fact and truth.....

...and what have the hippies done?Anything for wildlife?Anything for the woods?How much work and money have you put forth?Yea,its easier for you/them to sit back and spew lies about how wrong we have been doing it all for so long,while you sit back and do..........?Who blazed the trails west and why?Hippies?Who set aside millions of acres for future generations to enjoy?Hippie?If it had been a hippie we all would either be wearing feathers in our hair(thats OK)or be bear chit,thats FACT!!!

Oh,and one more FACT................if its not grown,its MINED!!!!

Here is a EVIL,no good Cattleman......look into what other horrible things he did as well.

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Since at least the mid-1990s, some have opined that California condors feeding on hunter-shot game carcasses are poisoned by the lead ammunition present in the downed food source. In 2007 and 2008 anti-lead ammunition activists, focusing on metallic lead in ammunition while ignoring decades of contamination caused by various soluble lead sources including leaded gasoline and paint, bypassed the California Fish and Game Commission’s scrutiny and passed legislation (AB 821) that prohibits hunters in California from using lead-based ammunition in a so-called “Condor Zone.”

This push was justified in large part on a paper published in 2006 by researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz. As a result of litigation concerning these researchers’ failure to produce all of the underlying data related to that paper, however, they admitted that some of the data collected for the paper was deliberately notincluded in the data set that resulted in the conclusions published in the paper. The researchers would not specifically explain the omission, but ascientific rebuttal of that paper has been published outlining multiple flaws in both the methodology of the paper and the conclusions reached.

And what does the data collected to evaluate the efficacy of the AB 821 lead ammunition ban in the “Condor Zone” experiment show? Condor blood-lead levels on average have stayed about the same or slightly increased since AB 821 was implemented, even though the evidence suggests hunters are 99% compliant with the law and are not using lead ammunition in the “Condor Zone.” Yet again, instead of confronting the failure of AB 821 and looking at alternative sources of lead in the environment, the activists, many of whom also oppose hunting in general, doubled down. Incredibly, they now take the position that the failure of AB 821 to not result in a decrease of condor blood-lead levels just shows that the AB 821 partial lead ammunition ban did not go far enough. So now they are pushing for a statewide ban in AB 711.

Back when I was in high school, at the height of the condor scare. We would sprinkle some pasture and would often see a pair of them out watering with the turkey vultures. This was in the San Joaquin valley, a long way away from Condor habitat, but what the heck did we know, just about cattleman.

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