Multiple mid 1800's military shakos, Spanish silver, early coppers and lots of relics


Silver Member
Sep 5, 2016
Eastern Canada
🥇 Banner finds
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Relic Hunting
As I have mentioned in my previous post, the heat is just too much for me this time of year. So basically I had two choices: take a break for the summer (which wouldn't be bad) or head into the woods and try to find an early cellar hole (something I have very little experience at). I chose the latter and hit a few wooded areas I never explored in the past. The first hunt was very slow but helped me to readjust to the new environnement. Only one hour or so before leaving have I found something that could indicate that I have a promising spot. This week-end I went back knowing exactly the area I wanted to concentrate on. I believe the results were more than satisfying as I have recovered multiple early military and civilian relics as well as some nice coins. Here are the most interesting ones.


What I believe to be early Victorian (1850's-1860's) Rifles regiment shakos featuring a French horn.


Very few similar examples can be found online so it was pretty hard to ID. It would look something similar to this.

1855-Shako-Rifle-Company g.jpg

Also a few crown pieces from the same period and one featuring a flaming bomb.


Couldn't be happier with the condition of the relics. Other than some damage from the roots, the ground was very gentle on the copper. Strangely, I have found no military buttons what so ever. Many other relics suggesting a military camp, but no buttons...

Found a few nice coins. Mostly 1812-1837 Halfpennies with one silver.


My second Spanish of the year - Half Real 1785


A beautiful 1837 Lower Canada Halfpenny


And almost mint Vicky's 1 Cent 1876


Some interesting relics.

A complete late 1700's buckle.


Decorative Victorian piece.


A pocket knife with the intact bone handle.


And an unknown relic. Probably from a military trunk, it a has ''Broad Arrow'' symbol engraved on it.


I'm glad with the results as I really wasn't expecting to be able to hunt so late into the summer.

Thanks for the comments.

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Upvote 58
Nice finds and Im pretty sure that buckle is a bit older than you think

Banner hunt right there! holy smokes!

Banner! That buckle is a lot earlier, probably first quarter of the 18th century, and the hat badges may even be from the War of 1812 period.

Incredible hunt, finds, and ID! Congratulations! Yup..Banner worthy!

Outstanding Hunt!!! Congrats!!!

Another banner hunt..great relics

What an amazing group of relics and coins! Congratulations on the results of your excellent work!

Amazing finds! Looks like somebody lost a couple hats! Imagine having to wear one of those hats in the winter? Your ears would freeze right off! As always you have some top quality coins and relics. You seem to have a really good sense of where to hunt. Great post!

Absolutely a killer relic and coin hunt! :notworthy:

Nice finds and Im pretty sure that buckle is a bit older than you think

Thanks. Yes, I was under the impression that it was older. I wrote late 1700's to be on the safe side ( as the site haven't produced any other very early find) but from my experience they are more from the early 1700's period and some go into late 1600's

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GOOD GRAVY!!!!!! I'd say you picked right up on that style of hunting bud!!! CONGRATZ....

What a hunt! Love the Shako pieces and that last buckle is so neat. Good job!

Promising? I'd say so. That's a heck of a collection of early finds. Better pound the heck out of that site!

Great finds! Looks like you've got yourself a real hotspot there. I have an identical shako plate (infantry bugle) from the same period I found a few years back. Your flaming bomb piece is an ear boss off of a shako. They went on the side at the top of the chin strap. Looks to be from a grenadiers shako. Guessing 1850-1860.

That is an amzing hunt. Those Shako pieces are really cool and the condition couldn't be better The other finds are outstanding as well

Another ridiculous hunt man! You certainly put yourself on some amazing sites. Great job

Holly sweet bunch of finds! Love the old French and Indian war period Shako relics. Imagine heading into battle with those costumes. Nice Spanish and other coins and relics as well!!

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