In some states it is O.K. to dig on your own property even if its thought to be a BURIAL mound.It is not the bones of the dead that interest people it whats buried with them,bowls,arrowheads,stone axe's,bottles,etc.There is more stuff in the ground than the so called archeologist will ever document.Plus don't forget that the first archeologist were amateurs. If it weren't for the amateurs the ancient people of the past probably wouldn't know didily squat about their past.I mean after all look what we do to the present people who die.We disect them in an horrible fashion just to say that cigarette smoking killed them-no matter that there was testimony that these persons smoked for 50 years.Is there any way that we can say that this is honor to the deceased body.Even after these modern people are buried,we sometimes go back and dig them up to prove how they died.If you do dig to get the articles of art,leave the bones alone.Put up a plaque saying here lies an ancient person of unknown orgin.If you leave the bones in the ground eventually the bones will disappear and there will be not evidence of them ever being or who they were.
I mean the indians might not want you to dig the graves because you might find out that the vikings were here long before the indians were here.Just my thought and Oh yes,I don't dig graves.