Silver Member
Treasure_Hunter said:OK and where do they get the numbers that state that, did they poll all of NRA members? No member I know supports it including myself....
Now are you calling me naive? I know where NRA gets its money, it gets it from the members in memberships, donations and from the gun manufactures..... It takes money to lobby, fight and win a battle in congress, more power to the NRA I am glad they have the power they do...... I am all for any group that fights to defend the 2nd amendment against attacks from anyone trying to destroy it......
Remember it was not the NRA that started this battle, it was the Democrats, liberals and gun control lobbies that started this battle................ What happen in Sandy Hook though tragic is not the fault of the guns in this country.... You even have a parent of one of the dead children testifying to that.
As long as I can remember guns have always been readily available in this country, you could buy them in any hardware store, a lot of department stores and through the mail, we had rifle teams in schools, you had boy-scouts giving merit badges for shooting yet we did not have mass shootings. Guns are not the problem, it is the moral decay, lack of parental guidance, and the poor mental health care in this country that is the problem.. It is like saying we need to ban large spoons because of all the overweight people in this country...
Do you not understand what a "poll" is? A poll does not mean they have as every single person in a group - that is not a poll. A well done poll is a statistically significant number of people in a given group. And I said 85 percent so yes you and your friends could be part if the 15 percent of members that are against universal background checks - right?