More Bigscoop Tidbit

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That last question have you stumped? It had me stumped for the longest time too, but no longer. :thumbsup:

Well, if Mexico was his given name at birth then this would probably date back to the American Revolution as Spain/Mexico was also our ally, the name perhaps having been given as a gesture of remembrance and/or appreciation. On the other hand, if this was simply an assigned name at some point in those years after birth, well, one can only wonder how it managed to be attached to him? He sure had it as early as 1815......and by 1803 the US and Spain were engaged in a bitter border dispute, Spain no longer being publicly viewed as a friendly. However, Mexico certainly was and Americans were certainly relating to, and supportive of, their struggle to free themselves from Spain. Hmmmm.......

Well, if Mexico was his given name at birth then this would probably date back to the American Revolution as Spain/Mexico was also our ally, the name perhaps having been given as a gesture of remembrance and/or appreciation. On the other hand, if this was simply an assigned name at some point in those years after birth, well, one can only wonder how it managed to be attached to him? He sure had it as early as 1815......and by 1803 the US and Spain were engaged in a bitter border dispute, Spain no longer being publicly viewed as a friendly. However, Mexico certainly was and Americans were certainly relating to, and supportive of, their struggle to free themselves from Spain. Hmmmm.......

So the names Sherman, Beale, are not germane to the influences in the 1885 Beale pamphlet? So that's the source of our indifference, you have a completely different different pamphlet and narration. :laughing7: Sorry friend, but you just seriously stumbled about in your own "bloodline" and "all in the family" theory.
Bigscoop, Bigscoop, how many times have I mentioned John William Sherman the printer of the job pamphlet as being of those behind the creation of the Beale Papers?
As for "Mexico", there are no sea tales in the Beale Papers. :laughing7:

A tab bit shorter moment- Mathew was his given name at birth. "Mexico" an acquired nickname.

Yep. Certainly a tad bit interesting.

Yep. Certainly a tad bit interesting.

I know he had that nickname as early as 1815 as I remember coming across an old wedding announcement (or something of that order?) several years ago that referenced it and I'm pretty sure it was in 1815, give or take a year? But all of that was on my old laptop when it crashed a couple of years ago.

... “To me” the Beale mystery revolves around two different perspectives, the first being that the narration, in some form, is a work of fiction. The second being that the narration was possibly designed around some actual event concerning real wealth.

Obviously, the fiction perspective is indeed the strongest regardless how it was designed or it's possible purpose. And, if it is any form of fiction then there is no need whatsoever to pursue it any further as fiction theories relating to the narration are, as you know, a dime a dozen and far too easy to propose by the simple fact that there is little existing evidence of it being anything else...
If the narration is some form of fiction then we can easily, very easily, construct an endless stream of seemingly reasonable remedies/solutions as to how that narration was formed, what the ciphers contain, and why. But if that narration indeed contains a measure of truth to an actual event, well, not quite so easy to construct a reasonable remedy/solution because we can't be so free with our selective picking and choosing. Instead, this second perspective has to be spot on, dead to rights accurate. Not so with anything proposing fiction, or any form of it, because in this later there is nothing that needs to stand as spot on, dead to rights, accurate. Much, much, much easier and far more convenient when going the fiction route, any form of fiction route. But can that selective fiction be fully embraced? No, not until all other reasonable possibilities are off of the table, and quite clearly, they are not yet off of the table...
Far too many of these "reasonable possibilities" that you have laid on the table, are in their own way, a work of fiction.

I'm just the guy who decoded the Beale Cipher, possibly the only one who has done it ...
...and how or by whom was this decoded cipher deemed to be the correct solved message?

I'm just the guy who decoded the Beale Cipher, possibly the only one who has done it ...
... and Bigscoop is the one who has discovered the real story behind the false story that was rewritten from the true story to become the fictional story of 1885 Beale Papers dime novel with play along ciphers job pamphlet.
Alas, neither have provided any solid documentation to these claims.

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... and Bigscoop is the one who has discovered the real story behind the false story that was rewritten from the true story to become the fictional story of 1885 Beale Papers dime novel with play along ciphers job pamphlet.
Alas, neither have provided any solid documentation to these claims.

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