Monterrey, Mexico & Skeleton Canyon

Do you know of any documentation of either of the two "Skeleton Canyon Massacres"?

Here is a photo of the sign for the Galeyville townsite. I found it in pieces and patched it back together with bailing wire. Within a year the horseshoe fire swept through there and incinerated it to ash.

gaylee sign two 568.webp

Les than a mile from Galeyville is this old grave. Casper Albert owned a mine in Galeyville and he was also a Cochise County deputy. They were killed by Ulzahanna's raidng party. One of the big secrets of the area is a cave with lots of signatures from back in the day. Zwing, among many others, wrote his name on the cave wall. I'm not sure of it's location, but I do know it is on private property and has a locked entry.
CASPER 599.webp

"If there was a "double-cross", then why were these two hanging out in this area in the months following the canyon ambush? "

More to the point, why would they be off conducting what was likely a paid assassination of Mr. Peel if they had all that treasure buried somewhere? After the killing of Peel they went to Chandler's Milk Ranch and sent a messenger to Tombstone to retrieve money owed them. It was the messenger that alerted Breckenridge to the outlaws whereabouts.

Moments after the killing of Peel, witnesses stated that one or two (I forget how many) rockets were seen bursting in the night sky. I surmise they were signals that the killing had been conducted. No attempt was made to rob the mining office so I think it was an assassination.

thanks for the directions, i appreciate it and looking forward to checking this out.

thanks crowfriend for the good info.

any up dates ?

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