Monster 17" coils picks up what I have left behind...


Hero Member
Dec 29, 2014
Vancouver Island
Detector(s) used
CTX 3030, EQ 800, AT-Pro, Xterra-505
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
So I was determined to put the knowledge our infamous Bruce (Island Detectorist) had passed onto me, upon meeting him Christmas eve day.

I noticed he was using the monster 17" coil on the CTX... I had previously tried using it when I was Green-Green to the machine with minimal luck, a million signals bouncing everywhere and frustration made me backtrack to the 11", which isn't so bad... But now.... I will be mainly hunting with the 17"!

I had gone back to the park where I found the 2x Gold rings, 1901 IHC, 1921 French silver 20c, 1928 Nickel and silver thimble...

That park has been fantastic with finds from everywhere, but have yet to get a silver Canadian coin... I know they are there and the 17" will be covering the whole park again to see what I had previously missed.

With determination and a VERY short 10 minute window I started to swing.
Ground balance Off
High Trash
Auto +3 Sens (Super mineralized soil with a claylike layer 8" down
Wide open screen minus FE 34 & 35 all the way
Pitch Hold
and Seawater

This coil had picked up so many more coins that I had previously missed with fantastic separation even with a HUGE coil.
I will be absolutely going back and re-gridding the whole park - SO STAY AWAY! :smile: :lmfao: :tongue:

I am sure to find some other gems, considering I'm going over a pounded out area, and am still getting deep penny/ 12:35-12:46 signals - I am sure to find that elusive silver!

This monster silver beauty was the best find in the 10x20' are I hunted in the 10 minutes. Weighs 7.6 grams with an awesome Tigers-Eye Turquoise stone set inside.
No hallmarks or stamps, but tested silver and was DEEP. around 11" down, in this super mucky patch of soil.




Upvote 12
Why on earth would you use the seawater setting in land? The purpose of it is for when you are hunting some place like a florida beach which has zero iron mineralization in it.

I seem to get a lot of falsing when off with the 11" coil and here on the coast we have crazy min realized soil and it really helps especially when wet.

You get more dept in manual sensitivity, 25-28 if possible.

I find it NO different than the 11... I'm 6'5 and have it all the way out all the time, and I find the weight and balance perfect. No complaints at all and actually prefer the 17 now and it's separation and depth would be missed otherwise, but I'm sure conditions somewhere at some time will require my 11 or 6" coils.

Ever spent time swinging the E-Trac with a 13" coil? Pretty much the same.

The E-Trac is like a boat anchor compared to the CTX. I gone down to a 8" coil just for taking the stress off the arm.

Anyways- Great looking piece of silver, and good luck back at the park.

If you're going up Island and need a spot to grab a few oldies shoot me a PM, we used to hit it with great success back in the late 70's early 80's. We could grab a dozen silvers in a hunt easily for a few hours between the three brothers..


great recovery of an interesting ring!

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