Modern Playground Modern Clad 5/12/05


Gold Member
Apr 15, 2005
Location: Undisclosed
Detector(s) used
I use, Whites MXT and Garrett AT Pro.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
EYE! everyone again I did not find much. I wanted to find rings and clad, I was sick of the old sites yielding trash and pennies. So I went to my elementary school playground. It is a very elaborate playground, one of those big wooden ones that look like castles. Anyway I started hunting and right away a little girl stopped what she was doing and started watching me. The first thing I found was a penny and I gave it to the little girl. She ran off, and played with her brother and sister or whoever she was with. Then I found a Kentucky State Quarter and some more pennies. The little girl came back, she said she was 3 and her 4th birthday was in a week. I continued hunting and found a little toy. The little girl then said, I know what I am going to get. I said what, a metal detector and she said yup I am going to ask my mom for my birthday. I chuckled and said they are expensive maybe you can save now and when you get older you can buy one. She said yes that sounds like a good idea. I chuckled again and started searching, found more pennies and soon a dime then another penny or two. Talking with the girl the whole time about detectors and how they work. Answering all her curious little questions, so cute and brilliant. When it was time for her to go she fought with her elders for 10 minutes not wanting to leave as I searched. After the little girl left I searched next to the swings and found some more pennies. I then went off the wood chips and over in the grass next to a small tree I found another dime the spoon head and a penny in one hole. After that maybe an hour and a half of searching. I had to go food shopping and it was already 8:00pm so I R.U.N.N.O.F.T! It turned out to yeild almost the same as my old sites a little more. That was my little hunt for 5/12/05 hope you enjoyed, its more a story of the treasure of joy and children than actual treasure.

Oh, Here is the pic. HH!!


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thats what its all about mud .knowledge/pass it on.

If the little ones are out metal detecting then their not out getting in trouble. At least as long as they're not digging up mom's garden!!!!!!


Looks like ya did alright to me. You must have the curse of lincoln like I do lol. I sware I walk down the sidewalk and wheats come flying out of the ground sticking to my forhead as I walk! :D Is that a POWER RANGER thingy majiger next to the whats it? Anyways I think ya done good, at least you got to go stuck here detecting m&m's and chip crumbs with my azz detector on the couch! LOL ;D

Mud I think that would be a great day. The children are the best. Adult questions are so predictable.

Nice story MUD,you got out and you know how to make a hand full of clad interesting to you're readers.Look for more old sites its there and got you're name on it.HH :)

good job mud...both with the finds and the little kid! you probably made her day. ill bet there is a lot more clad in that park left for you to find!

Great story, MUD. The playgrounds and schools are the best places to get to know your detector. Keep it up and you'll strike gold.

Thank you all for your replies. It was OK I did not find gold diamond rings and $20.00 in change, it was a fun time and clad I got out. Thrilled to make a little girl happy let alone her day. I am quickly learning my detector and how to pinpoint better. I do find a lot of pennies but only found one wheat in my yard.

Thanks again for your post.



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keep at it will be surprised just how fast that clad adds up.looks like this location was a bit more productive for you.if you go back to the school..... check the grass between the sidewalk and where the busses load and unload kids. i have found lots of coins there at the schools around here.also anywhere the kids hang out or play should have tons of clad.(tons of trash too but it gives you a chance to get the discrim thing down).im kinda new at this too mud, and i know how you feel about wanting to find something old or silver. last week i found my first silver dime, a 46 roosie,and it was at a school that i would have bet there was nothing old to be found at. you just never know when something cool is going to turn up.i think the key is to stick with it and the finds will come. besides........the real treasure is getting out to swing your coil. just being able to get out and look for stuff can be rewarding too.youre gonna find something awesome some day..i can feel it!!!

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