My personal opinion is that, most likely, these 3 poor gentlemen found themselves, simply, outmatched by the "Supes". She always brings her "A" game and it doesn't look like they were prepared for that. Very sad and our family is praying for their families. I have a feeling that if they are found, they will find 2 men near each other (if that is possible at the time they are discovered) and the third one somewhere else. I was born and raised in AZ and the Supes are where I cut my teeth, so to speak. It is hard to explain to some of my out of state friends just how merciless they can be... Please BEWARE.
A questions for ya'll:
1) What is the validity of the Apache Indians who are presumed to be guarding thier sacred sites from desicration? They ever really exist? Still there? I once read an article about an Apache indian that the author named "Little foot" due to the small size of footprint he left. He supposedly traveled from the San Carlos Reservation to "watch"? I'm sorry that I can't site the actual article at this time but does that ring a bell to anyone? Just curious. I have heard that they have been blamed for harrassing LDM hunters? Could this be a possibility with these men?
Just trying to get some ideas. Thanks in advance.