Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

once when I was in the Sahuaripa area late one night, we had to cross a dry river wash, which was about 4 - 6 meters deep. we promptly had a flat and had to change the tire down in the wash. While we were changing, it I noticed what appeared to be a light dust floating in the air abve us being illuminated by an oncoming car's headlights, so I had one of the men go up to warn the oncoming car about us. When he reached the top he became puzzled, since there was no car, yet the air was illuminated wit a whitish light, which lasted until we had changed the tire ??

. I have become convinced that we were iluminated by a so called treasure light In fact I once found a treasue by one, --- 9 mule loads of Silver 8 reales

Then there was the time when I was flying about 2000 ft in the vicinity of a military Air Base when I was aware of an extremely bright green light which appeared off to my right, above me. The light apeaared to be decending to my altitude then sudenly changed direction 90* and then streaked over the length of California. Calif,

Then there was the time -------

This phenom. appears to many, they are not uncomon., but still not understood.
8 REALES Alamos minted. 1885.webp

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Excellent story mdog

Perhaps it was a form of ball lightning?

Some people claim the earth releases stress in faults by static electric discharges. In Australia we have what the natives call min min lights or Debil Debil. These light have been given many lights. I recalling from memory the Joplin spook lights? Jack o lanterns Willowisps. These lights are know all over the world with their own superstitions relating to them. Asian countries are superstitious by nature in General.


Thanks for the clips, Amy. I've heard about these before but I've never seen anything like it. It seems only fitting that a bunch of soldiers were saved by a ball of hot air. :laughing7:

Back I the early 1970, s there was case reported to one of several insurance companies.

The man that saw it is retiring from his position of County Sheriff after the election this year.
It happened to his home while he was a city police officer, working with my dad.

It was not reported by a crackpot.

In the midst of a strong thunder storm. As the lightening took over the valley below his home, a strong lightening strike hit a tree then a ball of lightening took several small limbs and then traveled down an old split rain fence which carried it to his house where it came into the house thru the electric wiring exiting the outlets in several rooms.
It re-grouped into a single ball and bounced around the house as though it were trying to find its way out.
After setting several small fires in the house, it hit the tv and blew out the screens and followed the antenna wire to the top of the antenna and dispersed into the sky.

He witnessed all of this from his porch, then ran into the house and put out the small fires in the house by hand. He told my dad that he felt like it was searshing for him, and just couldn't find him but destroyed most of his electric appliances out of its frustration.
The insurance company sent a team to confirm the damage.

They cut him a check while they were there.

#/80{)~ ¥₩€

That's a good story, Mikel. Just a few nights ago, the house of my son's ex-wife got hit real hard by lightning. It blew the roof up and sideways an inch. It also blew out the electric and started a fire in the attic. My grandson was there but he slept through it all until his mom woke him up. The fire alarm was going off, but in his sleep, he kept reaching over hitting the alarm clock. He always was a sound sleeper.

Hi Mdog, remember they almost always intend to recover it in the future. I would tend to not worry about any poison being sprinkled around, sides none that are capable of being scattered are that quick acting, so they would have absconed with the teasure by the time that it reacts.

Traps in the tunnel are vastly overplayed. yes they exist, but.. Just common observation will generally account for most. They take a great amount of time, which most just do not have. Perhaps the early Spanish did, but ---

Thanks, Don Jose. The only reason I can think of why he would boobytrap it, is maybe it was a decoy, with nothing in it, that was set up for the sole purpose of killing somebody looking for his cache. This would have put fear into anybody else looking for his caches.

Okay, since a lot of people have been posting about strange occurrences, I’ll go with my weirdest one. There were 3 of us out deer hunting in the desert north and west of Arrivaca, AZ. We had camped at the end of a dead end road, which came down a steep hill, and ended at the bottom of the hill, about 100 yards away from a deep wash to the north. To the east and west of the camp, there were some small ravines, running down from the range of ridges and hills to the south. There was a small ridge to the east, about 10’ high at the camp, and running out to the flats about 50’ to the north. We had been at the camp for 2 days, mostly hunting to the east, and had been all over the area near camp and farther out. Also , to the east about ¼ mile, there was a barb wire fence, with no opening. There were no roads east, west or north of the camp for at least 4 to 5 miles. There was one on the south side of the range, but the road we were camped on was the only road over the hills for about 15 miles either way. We went to sleep on the second night about 8 PM, and were awakened about midnight by the roar of a pickup truck engine from the east side of the camp. The truck, with headlights on bright came roaring around the end of the ridge, onto the dead end road, and continued up the hill until it crested the hill and went out of sight. We spent about 15 minutes talking about what had happened, and went back to sleep with the idea of investigating further the next morning. When we got up, we could find no tire tracks. There was no place of concealment large enough for a truck in any of the ravines to the east (or west, for that matter), the drop off (about 8’ straight down) in the wash to the north was too steep for a vehicle, and the barb wire fence was intact from the top of the ridge to the wash. We had all hunted to the east the previous day, and no one had seen a truck. Never did figure out where it came from, what it was doing there, or where it went. :dontknow: ???


Hello CI,
Thanks for the response , curiousity got the better of me.
That wax ball story is probably in the top 3 stories for me , at how it was handle & they never thought someone thousands of miles away , could pretty much tell exactly where in Bulgaria they were , simply by knowing about a wax ball. Hat off to the gentleman for his astuteness & throwing that curveball at the hunters in an area where it was illegal to hunt, subtle & smooth.
Perhaps, if asked nicely , I think a few on here if not aware of the story , might like to hear it , if the janitor is ok with that.
I still smile at that story. Priceless.

Hello CI,
Thanks for the response , curiousity got the better of me.
That wax ball story is probably in the top 3 stories for me , at how it was handle & they never thought someone thousands of miles away , could pretty much tell exactly where in Bulgaria they were , simply by knowing about a wax ball. Hat off to the gentleman for his astuteness & throwing that curveball at the hunters in an area where it was illegal to hunt, subtle & smooth.
Perhaps, if asked nicely , I think a few on here if not aware of the story , might like to hear it , if the janitor is ok with that.
I still smile at that story. Priceless.

Hello Banana skin slippers.

I know of the story but not fully familiar with all the details. I am sure the "Janitor" would no mind you repeating it here. Perhaps you could tell us I am all ears.


The amount of treasure stories out there is enough to keep us going to Don Jose 150th Birthday.

Here is one Newspaper account of lost christian underground city that was rediscovered in 1891 Some of the underground buildings was claimed to be 3 stories high and the underground cave about 1. 3 miles long.Was the site ever fully explored?

Yet nothing was later heard of this discovery. Fighting put an end to exploration, Political unrest in Russia, WW1 and the collapse of Czarist White Russian Empire to the Soviets left this amazing discovery from 1891 all forgotten.

Wagga Wagga Advertiser  Saturday 5 December 1891, page 4 LOST CITY OF THE CRISTIAN ERA s.webp

It tells of mudbrick buildings 2 -3 stories high, streets passages and plazas all underground. It was speculated this underground city was build by one of Alexanders the Greats General left behind? However that is of course only speculation. Coins and other artifact was found. It appears by the account it must of been abandoned very quickly with all those items left behind. Perhaps there is still unexplored parts of this underground city that goes much further than what was discovered in 1891? The paper does mention some passageways were collapsed?

A fake story from 1891 or some thing lost to history I let you be the Judge?


I like reading the UFO and ghost stories that people write so I'll toss one out there. This happened in Vietnam in my old outfit. I wasn't there when it happened so I don't know if it's true or not, but I feel like talking so why let the truth get in the way of a good story. I was an infantryman in the 173rd Brigade in 1968 and this story took place in 1967. One of our companies was on patrol somewhere in the central highlands close to a place called Dak To. They had camped on the side of a mountain that was overlooking a narrow valley. On the other side of the valley was a mountain that our recon teams had seen some well used trails on. The plan for the next day was to cross the valley and move up the side of the mountain and see if any contact was made. Things were pretty quiet and the guys were nervous so nobody got any good sleep. Half way through the night, a light started glowing down on the valley floor. It started out small but gradually kept getting bigger. The guys were wondering what the heck was going on but nobody panicked and the ball of light just kept getting bigger until the whole valley was lit up. This went on for awhile and then, without a sound, the ball of light zoomed straight up into the sky and disappeared. Needless to say, the guys were kinda stunned. The next day preparations were made to cross the valley and move up the mountain. They did find an NVA base camp with evidence that the NVA had been there but moved out real fast. There was food still by the cooking fires, there was gear left behind, and even weapons were left where they were laid. The guys figured that the NVA had seen the same light that they had but had panicked and ran like hell. IF this story is true, there's no way to figure how many American lives were saved by a UFO.:thumbsup:
Amigo :coffee2:Good story, there's plenty of sky action were I live all the time, for a good story and a good read check out the 2008 ufo crash at needles cal,very interesting,NP:cat:


I am waiting for a copy of your book.....

Amigo's:coffee2: Any day is good for conversation, I wish to share one of my treasure hunting Spirit tips with you,It can help anyone with boots on the ground or just every day help,Remeber someone in the past telling you to pay attention to your animals around people or places,because they can tell between good or bad energy,ever wonder why this is true, its because their spirits can sense this,its all about energy. Everything in this world has energy,or a spirit, all things communicate through energy, no matter how you treasure hunt, or research,your using this energy.dowsing,metal detecting, the o board, physic reading,or any means,the spirit and spirits which is pure energy all communicate,that's why many,many years ago,I always used an EMF detector or sensor,no matter what your looking for,or where,they will help you to find the electromagnetic energy,hope this opens doors for you,NP:cat:

Doctor Flores, by that I mean whie I have found, and own,Tayopa, it's history and my postulations are gradually coming together. For example I had completly overlooked the Rio Del Norte as a transportation system for the metals of Tayopa, when a chance conversation in here revealed It's connection, coupled with "NP's lil Map" which semi confirmed it, as well as the depositories in the Caballo mts of New Mexico. They lie on the Rio Del Norte - it became immediately obvious that it was the only logical path and also of the deposits waiting for the irregular Jesuit ship anchored in the viciity of Matamoros.

As you can see , it is still in the developmental stage, since I will need to write about 'confrmed' facts, which are still ellusive - the Jesuits did their work well.

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Np, your post has more relevancy than most believe. having spent over 10 years in the study and experimenting with the Para - normal, which included Dowsing and remote sensing.

I even encountered a case of one way Telepathy, I could only send and she could only receive- - 'get yer minds out of the gutter' :laughing7:

I was stlil in College, I could open one of my text books and, she, stting with her back too me, could almost repeat word for word what I had randomly opened to and was mentally reading - no chance for trickery, but only long as I wished her to..

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Amigo's:coffee2: Any day is good for conversation, I wish to share one of my treasure hunting Spirit tips with you,It can help anyone with boots on the ground or just every day help,Remeber someone in the past telling you to pay attention to your animals around people or places,because they can tell between good or bad energy,ever wonder why this is true, its because their spirits can sense this,its all about energy. Everything in this world has energy,or a spirit, all things communicate through energy, no matter how you treasure hunt, or research,your using this energy.dowsing,metal detecting, the o board, physic reading,or any means,the spirit and spirits which is pure energy all communicate,that's why many,many years ago,I always used an EMF detector or sensor,no matter what your looking for,or where,they will help you to find the electromagnetic energy,hope this opens doors for you,NP:cat:

I can vouch for this NP, I had a pure white German Shepherd and the most fantastic ( un-explained ), events would happen while we were together. It seemed as if his presence would literally attract "Good" paranormal or unknown encounters.

Not to change the topic, but does anybody know where Oroblanco has been? I haven't seen posts from him in quite a while.

Thanks for the concern amigo -and my apologies to everyone for being absent from class. I was "unavoidably detained" as the polite way of saying it goes, however thankfully and FINALLY all of my friends and relatives took up a collection to make bail and presto I am free! :hello2: Woo-hoo! It was a bit surprising that they had SO much trouble scraping up the $20 bail money though. :icon_scratch: ??? :dontknow: Anyway apologies again, will try to get caught up here soon.

I hope all is well with all of you, have already read some GREAT posts by you all so please keep 'em coming! :notworthy: :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: And one extra for having been absent :coffee2:

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