Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Never had that kind of test. That's all very interesting.

Have enjoyed a few very nice people and lovely ladies.
Even had good teachers, smart business women, awesome artists,
and have sung with a few with good 3-part harmony, etc.
Will always value good hearts, thoughts actions, guess
that makes me a sentimental also.

Always tried to be a gentleman. Total respect.
Nice ladies are way more fun to talk to, and look
at, than scrubby men :laughing7:. Had a couple of cute and smart,
non romantic friends in school. The value of instinct, some have is best. :thumbsup: :fish:

I like the songs and piano playing also... 8-)

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Bonita, that sure is a bummer, wish you luck getting everything straightened out. Hope you are able to return soon to show us the time capsule contents.

:cross:, that roadrunner is starting to look good.:laughing7:

Compadre, maybe you could tell us if roadrunners taste anything like a chachalaca?

Mikel, I sure miss hearing the sayings from the older generation. My parents in law had a saying for everything, and I find myself telling one every now, and then.



My fast little friend shows up now and then, tells coyote jokes, even goes beep beep... :laughing7::laughing9: :fish:

Crosse, when I started pre-med, they gave me a week long battery of psychological tests,to determine if I was adaptable to be a doc emotionally. The results were 55% male, 45% female in my likes. In other words while I don't particularly like spectator sports, I showed a predominance to good music, sunsets, flowers, and so on. Things that are normally considered feminine, but make no mistake I am 100 % male in regards to my relationship to gals.

It also showed that the worst job or profession would be n a YMCA related work. In other words males don't interest me in the least the way a beautiful woman -- or any gal - does. And I was raised to have complete respect for them..

Yes, I love waltzes, turn of the century music - any good music for that matter, so yes you could say that I am an ole romantic of the first water..sigh. I suppose that's why I throughly enjoyed exploring the forbidden city in Peking in 46-47 before the com take over.

I even found romantic overtures in the search and finding of Tayopa.

p.s. I never asked my wife to marry me, it just seemed the natural course of events, strange as it seems, she felt the same way - as if it was preordained.

Now you tell us Compadre, on your next birthday I will just send you flowers.:icon_flower:

Road runners vs Chacalacas Chacalacas are slightly better. Ate one a day on the Mayan ruin trip to the Quitanna Roo . Iguanas are slightly better than chachalacas.That is my partner in the river and on the main trail. now a four lane divided highway. I am gatherig oysters on the Mangrove roots.

A walk in the Sun down Mexicos W coast©@®.webp

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Ever had an actual $1,000 bill, I mean one paper cash in yer
pocket, ya know, not $100 bills, or someone wantin their money.

Might send an Indian paint brush, with a buck, so then ye can go to
the cave, an proceed with drawing deer pictures, in yer Indian/Irish
treasure scrapbook... :laughing7: :laughing9: :fish:

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Do very much like yer pictures, nice arranging, etc. :thumbsup:
Hope to see one or two more, at the campfire 8-)... :fish:

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Geez. Read the last few pages fast. You people are..are.. well, you know.

Varied in diet, tastes, courtship, vision, ect.
Crosse singin three part harmony......
I'm more like the old Kung Fu episode where young Cain watching a girl dance and he is getting uncomfortable asks,"Master what is love?" And the old man says, "Love is harmony in dischord".
Not sure what they ate but not much more exotic than rice at home probably. On the road though I suppose it might have been more a case of when traveling drink the local wine.

So here's a toast to pages of postings by many different wines.

Oh but aint that America, the land o' the free,
yeah aint that America, for you and me...

Diverse, artistic, and fortunate to all have our tastes,
maybe to laugh, and hope to sing... 8-) :fish:

As someone we know down in Mexico would say, "Ahh, Drink yer coffee"...

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hey Unicorn, how about a sexy, slow Tango with me for Valentines day ?

Ya can dance Fascination with mikle or one of the other guys, join us Jodie, Judy ?


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*smacks forehead*

Haha. I miss u tropical tramp. You're always fun.

Who Don Jose, Fun? Not bad for "Old Fashioned", whatever tha 'tis.
Interesting though, an sometimes fascinating, I guess. He he he... 8-)

...Throwing another few logs on the fire, looking for maybe another tale, directly...

Coffee, cake or doughnuts ? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: :fish:

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Thats me ! that's me err This is ME, This is ME :laughing7::laughing7: oh well 8-) :coffee2::coffee2:


{Border Enforcement Discussion} When God Made Border Patrol Agents
To: border-enforcement-discussion@googlegroups.com

When God Made Border Patrol Agents
God wasn't messing around when He made Border Patrol Agents. It isn't every day that a real BPA is born, and it is too often that they are lost in the line of duty. It is a rare person that can uphold the standard required to be considered a Border Patrol Agent. There are no bad Border Patrol Agents. There are only those wannabe's that are corrupt who infiltrated and pretended, but the truth is that they were never PA's. A real PA would never betray their brothers and sisters or the call to serve and protect this great Nation. It is the rarest combination of character, courage and compassion that is the essence of a Border Patrol Agent.
It is going up against insurmountable odds day after day, night after night facing the worst of the worst that this world has to offer, yet still showing compassion to those that they have to deal with in that environment. It is knowing the difference between a cold blooded killer and a poor farm worker just by the look in their eye, and treating each accordingly while never showing fear, and always being in control , even when complete chaos is occurring all around.
It is never letting each other down, and never backing down...from ANYTHING, because if THEY back down, there is no one else to stand up and fight. It is knowing that no matter how overwhelming the odds are, that they can never be defeated, because they will ALWAYS get back up and come back at the adversary. It is knowing that the adversary isn't quite sure what makes that that agent tick, and that constant sense of fear and uncertainty that the BPA instills. It is rushing into the most fearsome of situations imaginable, while all others are running for their lives, because SOMEBODY HAS TO GO IN THERE, and the PA WANTS to be that somebody. It is sacrificing personal agendas for the common good, and hurt marriages and kids who know that Mom or Dad have to miss again because they can't leave the post abandoned.
It is working to the point of exhaustion to catch that smuggler, child molester, rapist, murderer or other criminal only to be spat upon and called a racist by the very people that they are protecting. It is stopping to help the stranded motorist on the side of the highway, searching for that lost kid in the desert, responding to that domestic for the rural Sheriff who can't get there for an hour, and counseling the suicidal man who just caught his wife cheating on him. It is saving the life of a neighbor's choking infant, and going on to work as if nothing unusual had happened. It is jumping into a moving vehicle full of people left to crash by a smuggler and bringing it to a safe stop, risking life and limb as if routine. It is jumping into dangerous waters to rescue the ones who despise them, risking their lives. It is carrying a sick and injured man for miles through the desert, saving his life, and going home at the end of shift, just another day. It is being mocked at a checkpoint, disrespected by neighbors, maligned by the media, and manipulated by politicians endlessly, and still showing up and giving the job everything they have. It is always taking the high road, when the low is so much easier. It is living character and honor in all that they do, and sometimes it is about being betrayed by those pretenders who never deserved to wear the Green.
It is always being the underdog, and always overcoming the odds.....eventually. It is about making the impossible possible. It is about never quitting, never giving in, and always being there for each other. It is knowing that the PA beside you has faced down the giants alone and that together, you are invincible. It is telling those unbelievable stories, the ones that make the trainees shake their head and doubt, when the reality is that you don't have to embellish, because you have been there and done that. It is about all of these things but always, ALWAYS it is with humility.
Border Patrol Agents are the "Rudy" of law enforcement, but they KNOW that they will never be carried off the field....and they are good with that. Just give them the keys to the four by, and let them go to work. Never bet against them. You will lose.
When God made Border Patrol Agents, he wasn't messing around

Senor Don Jose……you were among the good guys……..the border patrol of today is a far different creature than in the past……like about all else in the land of the free, it has been modified to serve the globalists in charge…….
Vaya con Dios

Senor Real,

Wow. Deja vue goosebumps. Thank you for posting that.

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