Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hola Kanacki, a waterfall into the ocean is distinctive
probably many islands

wonderful tale, do continue

Gidday Bill

I cannot say for kanacki as far as I know there are two places I know of that has that type of water fall flowing directly off a cliff into the sea. One is in your neck of the woods on Cocos island and the other on this island we found. I have a photograph of the waterfall somewhere. But I think it's in my other computer in Polynesia? Maybe kanacki has picture. It's quite a amazing sight.


Hola Amigos

Here is a picture of the waterfall .


These places are not easy places to get to. They are not a casual Sunday drive away. However for me with my brig it was stop over on the way to others destinations. The first time a visited I did not even know the significance and did not even land. But little by little it began to add up that this might be the possible location. But amigos it was in our attempt an error of judgement on my behalf not following protocols I long had learned in New Guinea. Respect the hand holders and win their trust.

What is seen as good manners by the natives is to have see them first. While we could compare the situation in reverse how would we react if some one started digging around without permission on your property?

The second time Crow during our 11 month voyage around the Pacific. And we landed with naive hope that we could land and explore discreetly with out being noticed. The jungle was think and rugged as we hacked our sorry asses through the jungle and vines. Quickly learning movement was not so easy then we thought? Especially with out prior knowledge on the ground.

Well Bill hit the nail on the head is is earlier comments, That being a gringo on some ones else turf you stand out like proverbial Dogs B----. We of course had an entourage spring up out of nowhere. First the place looked deserted but people was springing out of nowhere. Strange enough it was supposed to be the isolated remotest part of the island devoid of people.

Yet before long we was taken to see the chief of the island and not being able to talk to him directly we had to use an interpreter. So it was hard to gain common ground and build re-pore when we used a interpreter. Try as we might we could not come to any sort of deal between the old chief. Although we built a repore with his son who had limited english speaking skills.

So there you have it amigos and interesting tale of treasure like so much like treasure legends it lures you in then vanishes when you make an attempt to discover its secrets. We tried 3 times to solicit a deal but they was not interested as his son seems interested but does not have power to make decisions in respect for his elders.

He was sympathetic to our proposal. But constantly hesitated in giving any clear permission. It seems as long as his father lives it will be until hell freezes over to let us explore.

We have kept the names of islands involved secret out of respect for the people who live there. The story is not high on our list of projects. Perhaps we will revisit it one day if more information comes to light. But for now one may only wonder if the alleged treasure looted from several ships in the 19th century lay buried in the mud of wet cave near the waterfall. On a small bay with 3 islands of its eastern side. 7 days sail with a fair wind South by South East.


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a project for your son perhaps Kanacki
your candor appreciated, too easy to say 'natives unfriendly' or some such

edit: your last several stories illustrate a fantasy of 50 years, a small plane with multispectral transcieving capability as with Landsat, and indeed LIDAR came along.
You fellows ever commission your own survey?

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Hola Bill Amigo

Those tools can be useful amigo in a Holistic approach but not a magic bullet and for trio who have on various projects used various claimed technologies over years many were in my opinion were way over priced and way over rated....

Because generalizing from our experience such data can be misinterpreted depending on the skill and experience of technician. And even with manufactures of these technologies tend to BS the actual capabilities to sell more units. Each technology has it limitations in certain situations. While Lidar is good seeing the layer of the ground and structures through the trees. Its not necessary good at detecting caves. Neither is thermal imaging. Each project is very different in terrain remoteness and require different logistical requirements. Even Ground Penetrating Radar can give inconsistent readings.

So while they can a tool to assist they should not be relied upon solely. At the end of the day like the silly clams that was made by ground penetrating radar results in polish nazi train case. Nothing is certain until you have boots on the ground actually digging it up.

It is late and my apologies Amigos you all have to go cold turkey for awhile with yarns for awhile as my good friend hardluck decided I needed some work to do.

So "fo fong" For now amigos and stay safe.


Gidday amigos

In Hawaiian it is "Aloha" and French Polynesia "Nana" and in Maori it is "Kia Ora"

"fo fong"seriously Kanacki? Sounds like a g string...or thong?:laughing7:

Well Old Crow has to flap his wings again also in trying times ahead and no one knows what is around the corner? What ever the future brings there is treasure out there amigos waiting for you to discover.

Until next time Take care amigos.


i never had aby shootouts in the Border Patrol, They were limited to Guadalcanal in 42 and my exploratios of old Mexico. As to WWLL I will not talk of, but yes on Mexico...Want some stories ?

My uule and I had a very close and compatible relationship. I, to not ordering her to anything other than a slight trot, and to provide her with food and water and min care - She to use her long expessive ears tndetect and indicate any movemebt . This kept me out of trouble by forewarning me, however she failed miserably on mwhile decending into one of those deeep canons that form the Barrca de obre comples.
f on me when decending into one of those deep canyons that makeup up the Barranas de Cobre in old Mexico.which led to one of . my first shoot outs

Tuned in and listening..

fter rewriting the next part of the story 10 times, I gave up. I promise even if it takes 50 times.

Technical problems or words not flowing properly?

If it’s a technical issue...for lengthy messages (those that take time), I recommend writing it in notes or some other separate program, then copying and pasting into TNET message.

Thanks for taking the effort.

The #$%^%&R^ p d I tried opening and clwaning the keys, no luck page still is goofing up. More suggestioms would be appreciated. Thanks again " iMADIGGER' Ied that in the padtve iWierd appol. Need a beer or coffee.

This one has nothing at all to do with a certain lame duck... ...This is one of my personal favorites...And it has a lot to do with the mention of Reno and a few other things... lol

Ed T

The #$%^%&R^ p d I tried opening and clwaning the keys, no luck page still is goofing up. More suggestioms would be appreciated. Thanks again " iMADIGGER' Ied that in the padtve iWierd appol. Need a beer or coffee.

Maybe one less beer ? ; )
Wish I could help you out.
Not knowing what you have going on makes it difficult from here.

Are you using a voice to text program?
My dad sends me weird text messages when he uses the voice to text.

Also curious if your translating to English.

Maybe come back and try it later? Don't let it get to you too much.

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