Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

While the Jesuits at the time had secret ideals and ambitions for a theocratic state. They suppressed and adapted native customs into society that housed and fed them but for a price of conversion into catholic faith. Working conditions was far better than Spanish run enterprises and more profitable which led to jealousy accusation and innuendo. That was their ultimate undoing in Peru.

These ruined estancias each had their own church, square outbuildings and self sufficient community. The one below is another Jesuit Estancias with ruined bell tower you can see the frame that supported the adobe walls. Collapse was the result of liquid facts causing sideways rocking during earth quakes.


It is interesting to note the ancient Nazcan people who inhabited the Pisco valley before the Spanish Arrived never built their homes in the valley at all because they knew the valley floor was prone to liquefaction.


Hola Kanacki, mud and straw, aka adobe, is a truly terrible material for seismic resistance
in central Mexico I lifted the roof poles and laid a reinforced concrete beam around the 4 walls
still terrible, needed some vertical rods through the walls
and with soil liquefaction reinforcement is pointless as weight/displacement becomes the issue

Hola Kanacki, mud and straw, aka adobe, is a truly terrible material for seismic resistance
in central Mexico I lifted the roof poles and laid a reinforced concrete beam around the 4 walls
still terrible, needed some vertical rods through the walls
and with soil liquefaction reinforcement is pointless as weight/displacement becomes the issue

Hola Bill

Hardluck used call the buildings there coffin traps. At least adobe mud brick breaks in pieces? In down town Pisco most is made concrete with vertical rebar in them. With a concrete roof the side spay outwards and the concrete roof comes down like a pancake in large peices. Some building there are 3 stories high with no structural strength for lateral side shaking in a earthquake.

On August 15, 2007, an 8.0 magnitude earthquake centered directly off the coast from Pisco hit the port city at 6:41 in the evening. Being the location closest to the quake’s epicenter, Pisco suffered the greatest devastation.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 15th by the Roman Catholic Church and a mass was underway when the earthquake struck. The roof of the mostly adobe church collapsed killing 148 persons and injuring many others. San Clemente Cathedral was damaged beyond repair.

This is before


this was after.....


But was not just the church was destroyed many homes was destroyed. And still they built the same poor dangerous structures.


In a bitter twist of irony the mud houses the ancient Nazca people built are still largely intact.


builders do not like diagonals, any material
I'm from Calif and like wood, and CR is better - so now they use concrete

But this goes to show in part how these Jesuit Estancia's fell into ruin.

As far as I am aware there is only one ex Jesuit Estancia being used to make wine in the whole valley.


But this goes to show in part how these Jesuit Estancia's fell into ruin.

As far as I am aware there is only one ex Jesuit Estancia being used to make wine in the whole valley.

curious as wine is today a big time export, plenty of Europeans around with the money to invest
someday will return

Hola Bill wine growing in the region in question is more for the production of Pisco which is distilled from 8 different grapes. It is not aged in a barrel but distilled in a copper still. In fact its a type of brandy. Production i Peru is actually falling because the Chileans are producing Pisco but cannot legally call it Pisco because the Peruvian wine region have branded ownership of the name. However there is very little export of Pisco because for most it is very sour taste and no real market for it outside Peru. But the local population love it.


guaro here, just last week killed 20 with methanol poisoning
they need to go back to table wine, but if the natives have money and want rotgut......

ahhh, freedom

Hola amigos

In remote outback camps in Australia the towns they had an alcohol ban, the natives mixed a half 44 gallon drum of Mentholated spirits and half a drum of orange juice.. When authorities tried to crack down on that practice they went glue sniffing. When the authorities changed the type of glue. The natives started petrol sniffing.

Throughout history mankind regardless of race and culture always found a way to get high, drunk or wasted in one form another. As history shows America 1920's prohibition was a failure. The war on drugs around the globe is a total failure.

Why? Because it is commodity that has demand. Because such commodities have been made illicit by governments it becomes even more attractive and in demand thus pushing the price of such commodity that attracts criminals to make billions of dollars from such illicit trade. Not only that some of the largest corporations feed off those illicit funds generated by the drug trade that gives financial support to politicians election campaigns. Thus promoting hard-line prohibition yet profiting from it at the same time.

I could destroy the drug trade tomorrow....if I was in power legalize the lot. The price of commodity would drop crashing the value of commodity and many cartels can not adopt to the devaluation of their commodity as their business model for profit is based on it being illicit and a high return. What would happen market is there would be rationalization would weed out illicit producers to create progressively safer drugs. Just like alcohol producers today.

Critics of such a move claim it would be catastrophic for society?

It is already catastrophic for society.

An alcoholic will find a another drink to drink and Drug addict will find another drug to take regardless. Addiction is a state of mind. The billions spent of war on drugs would be better spent drug in rehabilitation and psychological support services and education in breaking the cycle of drug and alcohol dependency. As for society itself? Well people should take responsibility for their actions instead of blaming a drug or alcohol for their actions. And a addiction should not used as excuse for breaking law and order. There always be people who will push things to far. The legal system should be punishing the persons actions not the drug or alcohol.

In countries that illicit drugs have been decriminalized drug use fell. The crime rate fell because there was no turf war over drugs that can be bought legally. Since legalization of alcohol the rate of alcoholism did not rise. The crime associated with it being illicit commodity fell.

Excessive Alcohol and drug consumption is symptom of poor living conditions mentally as well as socially that drives such consumption. And differences can be seen between affluent societies or regions and less affluent societies or regions.

But alas the powers to be still wish to pursue policies that are an abject failure. But with all that illicit funds making its way into the general economy perhaps there is reason why the powers that be has to be seen doing some thing about the problem but not actually do anything?


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curious as wine is today a big time export, plenty of Europeans around with the money to invest
someday will return

Industries come and go amigo as regions gradually evolve. Detroit was once know for car manufacture. Parts of England for steel making. Tasmania had a apple industry gone. Wales coal mining gone even region that grew certain crops now growing some thing else. It all comes to with supply and demand for such commodities. Wine production has shifted to Australia California, Chile, new Zealand and South Africa moving away from traditional European producers that is why the EU screams for tariffs of foreign wine.

My guess a new industry perhaps in the future for Pisco region is in solar farming low precipitation and vegetable crops.


Gidday Kanacki I think ya getting wee bit bored being back on the island of yours matey?:laughing7:


Hola old ragedy old beach bum of pirate Crow so what have you being doing since Covid?


Hola old ragedy old beach bum of pirate Crow so what have you being doing since Covid?


Nuthing! probably annoying the crap out of Hardluck like you.:laughing7:

Just lurking here out of boredom. I did the last job the general gave me and sent some artifacts to Europe.


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Nuthing! probably annoying the crap of Hardluck like you.:laughing7:

Just lurking here out of boredom. I did the last job the general gave me and sent some artifacts to Europe.


Strange days amigo we are so used to all the years busting our gut its seems now so surreal sitting back watching money flow in. You know hardluck turned us into octopuses we have our tentacles into everything. :laughing7:


Anyway amigo its siesta time for me. The hammock buy the pool looking good. The other half is happy although still gives me jobs around the home. My sons are working on refurbishment of my vessels and I just go down giving to the slipway and give my 2 cents worth. So it seems I am just a loiterer these days. Maybe after covid we might just make another attempt at that project in Indonesia?


Anyway amigo its siesta time for me. The hammock buy the pool looking good. The other half is happy although still gives me jobs around the home. My sons are working on refurbishment of my vessels and I just go down giving to the slipway and give my 2 cents worth. So it seems I am just a loiterer these days. Maybe after covid we might just make another attempt at that project in Indonesia?


Kanacki its been one of those muggy humid days where everyone just wants to be sleep. lounging and loitering has become a natural talent of mine as late. Although my princess keeps me on my toes and my little pirate wears me out. Still yesterday I did some work it nearly killed me it seems I been having too much of the good life. Just running along going with the flow.....

I think many things with get moving again when the covid crisis ends if we are not at war with China? Until then come what may amigos enjoy every living breathing moment.

And now we pass the talking stick on amigo to Don Jose Amigo so he can tells us about his near death experience?



ok, hey operated on three cancers at once, neck, thigh ,. and right lower lip then p;aced me in IC for three days, then sent me home (home being the home of a friend here in Tucon)....I was tien placed on a king sized bed with drainage tubes coming out of my left thigh, neck, and. my clam to err, ah . manhood. I couldn"t get out of bed if I wanted to. One night I woke up to find myself in a soft , white cloud, I had the impression of a tunnel, that if I continued I could never return. I remember thinking that Berti was not ready for this, in spite of Her being the ceo of a mining co. I then woke up, I found myself on the floor on Berti side of the bed, although how I ended up there ?what witb all of the tubes and receptacles.? I never told Berti about this.

Gidday amigo don jose. It i imagine was quite an experience. Who really knows what lies before us at the point of death our final journey? I suspect you was not ready to go amigo. After all you have already come so far?


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