Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

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We luv every hair on his head.............did I just say hair

Don Jose,
I'll get back to reading these stories, but first.........


JOE ..I made it out of San Carlos and back to Colorado.. Good to see you back on the air! Something about this crisis doesn't add up...Number of deaths worldwide from corona virus is less than 1% of total deaths from disease in the period 1 January 2020 to 20 March 2020. This is published by a legit date gatherer. Why are we distroying the world economy....this is scaryer than Mexican Banditos.

Unicorn................So very nice to see you post ! Don Joes is bound to perk up now :notworthy:

And how are you doing across the pond ?

Good to see that so many good posts are flowing through here.

Jose, as always, I am glad to see you posting.

I’m livin’ the life of a hermit, trying to to obey my number one rule!!

Air goes in and out. Blood goes round and round, do not deviate!

I haven’t figured out how we could get caught off guard by COVID19!!?!

I have a container of Clorox wipes that are dated 2018 that says it kills human CORONAVIRUS on the label.

We just got our first confirmed case, two days ago, while the county to our west has almost fifty confirmed cases.

It’s not possible to use the data without factoring the number of folks tested.

But social distancing and a note on my door saying that I have been exposed to the virus 🦠 seems to keep folks from bothering me. That helps a bit.

Lord willing, I hope to locate a carving in a cavernous area that has some Latin carving in it. One of the markers on the keystone points very close to the suspected Treasure site. The last word has two symbols. Attempting to find the owner of the property have been fruitless thus far. But I don’t give up all that easy, so time will tell. I’ll get ya a picture...ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1586065297.559150.webp ,ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1586066152.135084.webp

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We luv every hair on his head.............did I just say hair

Ditto it is good to see you back - and now we know we have Don Jose's undivided attention for a while!

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

I’ve gotta admit. The six foot distance is quite difficult. These tiny little keys are very difficult to hit with a fishing rod.
I tried to just cover the phone with a condom but it would naturally gravitate towards porn sites.

Hoping to get back to the new norm. And soon.
Running a bit short on TP, but mail man delivers a new supply almost all days.

Happy Birthday coazon de oro :notworthy: :occasion13: :occasion16: :coffee2: :notworthy:

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Thank you Señor Simon, you know you're getting old when ......

I found out I was getting old last month. I have trouble walking due to a head on collision that shattered both ankles, and r femur. I try not to use a cane, and fall now and then here at the ranch. :laughing7: I usually tend to the animals at night, and was walking back from the goat pen when I saw what looked like a snake drag. We had been through a long dry spell, and rattlesnakes usually only move a day or two before a rain. Needless to say, I got excited, and shined the light for a closer look at the drag. Turned out to be my own ??? my heels drag in the sand for about a foot. That's when I found that I was getting old.

El Viejo

Happy birthday Homar ! I wish you also a quick recovery.


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You are not an old man coazon de oro :notworthy:
Sounds like you are lucky to be alive. Both ankles and a femur huh ? Sounds like you knew it was coming and tried to brace yourself.
Glad your still with us, Glad all of you are still with us !
Stay safe everyone so we can celebrate more birthdays :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: View attachment 1821095

Thank you Señor Simon, you know you're getting old when ......

I found out I was getting old last month. I have trouble walking due to a head on collision that shattered both ankles, and r femur. I try not to use a cane, and fall now and then here at the ranch. :laughing7: I usually tend to the animals at night, and was walking back from the goat pen when I saw what looked like a snake drag. We had been through a long dry spell, and rattlesnakes usually only move a day or two before a rain. Needless to say, I got excited, and shined the light for a closer look at the drag. Turned out to be my own ??? my heels drag in the sand for about a foot. That's when I found that I was getting old.

El Viejo

At least it wasn't your butt draggin , yet!

Happy Birthday to you.
And many happy returns of the days. (Sans drag marks...:laughing7:)

Thanks Marius, that's some great string music, I've tried to learn how to play a guitar, but never could. Always have admired those who can play their own music, they are never alone if they have their instrument.


Thanks releventchair, it won't be long before I'll be dragging my butt instead of my feet.:laughing7:


My parents were Country and Western and had numerous friends in that field. In my teens I enjoyed Rock as that was what "most" of my friends played. The leader of this Country and Western band was 15 years old. His goal was to cut a demo record and take it to Nashville and become the next star. We all heard about his goal and his cousin was a good friend of mine. It was not long before the cousin and another of my best friends convinced me to join. I was 18, my best friend was 4 months younger than me, the female was 17, and the bass player, ( the leader's cousin ), was 16. We had fun and eventually the leader cut his demo record and his parents drove him to Nashville. Unfortunately for him there was more competition than he ever imagined. He did become friends with several stars and even managed one. I have always been looking for a tape or recording from those days, ( 49 years ago ). Recently I was sent an attachment with us doing 3 songs at some show somewhere. This was all before I even met my wife and so neither she or my two sons , ( who are in their 40's ), have ever seen this. Hope it provides some entertainment during these times.

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A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to mi amigo Coazon de Oro! Sorry for being late.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Sheesh - I stay away two days, and there's a birthday going on!!
Humble apologies, Coazon - hope you had a wonderful birthday! All the best and many, many more of them to come!!

Thank you Oroblanco, and Loke, good wishes are welcome any day. :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

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