Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Just in case you show up,
Happy Birthday Shortfinger !

Thanks, Guys. I didn't make it yesterday, but I'm here for a little while today. As Kanacki said a while ago, I'm busier than ever now that I have retired.


Thanks, Guys. I didn't make it yesterday, but I'm here for a little while today. As Kanacki said a while ago, I'm busier than ever now that I have retired.

Have a good one! As for being 'busier than ever' ... yup, I can relate. I don't know how the heck I ever had time for a full-time job!

I think that I spend more of my time now days, scratching my head trying to remember how I did stuff that was just normal back when I was working...


.Bueanas dias mi amigo Homar. If the blast holes are large indicating black powder,or it.s equivalent yes, it is probably Spanish, They ran to the end of the vein very often. But remember they had the problem of ventilation . They used fires for ventilation look for sines of fires.LUCK! p's' they didn't go very deep, only to where they had ventilation problems

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Don Jose, I have to admit that the first time that I read about this method of drawing fresh air by using fire [emoji91], Well I thought it was insane.

I believe that I saw it in De Re Metallica...
but I remember seeing a drawing of two men carrying a kettle, with fire in it, down into a shaft. And that is just a disassociated memory, and I don’t know when or how it came up.

In the end, I believe that they did do it.
And I can understand how it works.


Look no further than a candle burning surrounded by glass

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wanna hear a couple of stories from the USBorder Patrol ??

H a p p y B i r t h d a y

Senor Don Jose

this is "Actually" a birthday cake with a mountain theme which seemed appropriate for you.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Don b.webp
I see Oro trying to look for the depository entrance.

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Or is your official birthday in October :icon_scratch: :dontknow: ?

Ok, I see TNET has it listed for today, but it should be October, oh well, Happy EARLY Birthday Don Jose just in case I forget next month :coffee2: :coffee2:

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10-03-1923. About the same age as sliced bread!


Thanks for thprelimanery birthday wishes, will be 96 next month. I will post the BP story tomorrow. The Japanse 20mm frag in my knee is acting up tonight.

In case I miss next month...
Happy Birthday Trampe!

[Three elderly brothers age 92, 94 and 96 live in a house together. One night the 96 year old draws a bath, puts his foot in and pauses. He yells down the stairs,… “Was I getting in or out of the bath?” The 94 year old yells back,… “I don’t know, I’ll come up and see.” He starts up the stairs and pauses, then he yells,… “Was I going up the stairs or coming down?” The 92 year old was sitting at the kitchen table having coffee listening to his brothers. He shakes his head and says,… “I sure hope I never get that forgetful.” He knocks on wood for good luck. He then yells,… * * * * * * * * * * * * * “I’ll come up and help both of you,… as soon as I see who’s at the door.”]

Source: https://www.mr-funny.com

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