The incident that I referred to was about half starved,clothes dirty and ripped. He was one of those that commited a crime and thought that by running off into the mts would be a nice way to escape punishment, but he soon found it was far tougher than he realized. As soon as he found out that wasn't going to kill him , especially afteer //// made him start the campfire to make coffee. Frankly I felt sorry for him, he looked so down and out, I decided that he had learned a lesson . I considered keeping his machete, but he couldn't make it without it, so when he was leaving and gestured if he could take it, I just nodded my head and proceed to split my tortillas and other food suplies with him. The last that I ever saw of him was him scuttling off in the shadows. Later when I was telling the story to Charlito, a federal police man,, he aid that you just passed on the probability of an attack to someone else, with not so nice an ending. Never the less I considerdd that I had done right by not killing him.