Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

As I was reading thru these posts, my thoughts went onto Don Jose's book.

You all realize that we have been so lucky because we have all had the pleasure of reading his book. True it hasn't been bound, but never the less it's all here, chapter by chapter so many stories, it's going to go into two volumes. We have all been so lucky.

Thank you my friend.


Uni, you are always on point.
It has been such an amazing time in my life to have come to know him and an honor to call him my friend.

I am quite sure that most of us that visit with him feel the same way.

And you are correct, that it is always right here.

Thank you for reminding us of how close we are to his book [emoji433].


ok for thoe that asked, I was issued a case hardened spring field RIFLE 30 cal. ser #123, they must have robbed a museum.Equip ment was scarce, they issued me a collins bowie knifeThey also issued me a colt revolver in 45 auto calibreAllo my britland love. Are you receiving my em-s luv ?

Hello Don Jose Amigo how are you it been a few years? Sorry to hear of your loss. Good to read your book coming along?

News travel slowly from the outside world on to my island. I do not surf the internet much these days. Just living the island life. I think I have gained an extra grandson since the last time I posted here. Springfeild rifle just like the oldies but a goodie I still have I have a Lee Endfeild 303 rifle. A vicious kick if you do not tuck it in your shoulder. Still has beautiful wooden stock with 18 notches in carved by the past owner. Notches of Japanese soldiers that never saw their homeland again.

He was kindly old fella who taught me a few native dialects as he got older and Parkinson's took hold of him, he sold me the rifle many years ago. He never surrendered when Rabaul in new Britain was invaded by the Japanese in WW2. He lived with natives in the bush using guerrilla tactics on Japanese. He could never engage the Japaneses in a firefight. One shot one kill. The Japanese called him Thundering death. Like a fatal lighting strike and vanish. He tied up many troops that never found him. He would disappear for weeks then out of blue pop out of nowhere and strike again like ghost or harbinger of death gone in a flash.

Anyway good to read your still around a testament to your longevity my friend take care and you too unicorn.


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Hello Don Jose Amigo how are you it been a few years? Sorry to hear of your loss. Good to read your book coming along?

News travel slowly from the outside world on to my island. I do not surf the internet much these days. Just living the island life. I think I have gained an extra grandson since the last time I posted here. Springfeild rifle just like the oldies but a goodie I still have I have a Lee Endfeild 303 rifle. A vicious kick if you do not tuck it in your shoulder. Still has beautiful wooden stock with 18 notches in carved by the past owner. Notches of Japanese soldiers that never saw their homeland again.

He was kindly old fella who taught me a few native dialects as he got older and Parkinson's took hold of him, he sold me the rifle many years ago. He never surrendered when Rabaul in new Britain was invaded by the Japanese in WW2. He lived with natives in the bush using guerrilla tactics on Japanese. He could never engage the Japaneses in a firefight. One shot one kill. The Japanese called him Thundering death. Like a fatal lighting strike and vanish. He tied up many troops that never found him. He would disappear for weeks then out of blue pop out of nowhere and strike again like ghost or harbinger of death gone in a flash.

Anyway good to read your still around a testament to your longevity my friend take care and you too unicorn.


Hi, Kanacki. Glad to see you back from purgatory. Hopefully, everything worked out for you. I don't expect any details. I have shot the Lee Enfield, and both versions of the Springfield (03 and 03A3). Good solid reliable rifles that did the job they were intended to. Not pretty, but beauty isn't everything. Hopefully, you will be able to stick around for a while. It would be nice to hear from your old crony, Crow as well, if you can put in a good word with him.


Hello JB

Love seeing those dolphin fish in your avatar. I have been fishing nearly every day

I do not see much of Crow and Hardluck these days. Although we keep in touch. When a viable project is on we come together for the job and then move on. There are things we can talk about other things are best left unsaid in public at least. :-) Even if we really said would we really be believed anyway? Perhaps that is a better thing?

I have doubled my net worth with very little effort So I cannot complain. These days I have been pottering around on my property. My house is built into the rain Forrest in short a series of linked Polynesian style tree houses.

My sons have my sailing vessels these days having their own adventures. I have had my fair share. I sailed all over Pacific south east Asia around south America the south and north Atlantic, the Baltic and Mediterranean, Caribbean sea. I have enjoyed the last two years or so on my island. I cannot complain one bit. As for Crow and Hardluck well amigo they are doing very well for themselves. None of them need to work, its just old habits die hard for them. Its who they are my friends.

Everything for me runs on jungle time these days. I am away from "The petty bickering of governments" and "Squabbling companies corporations screwing over the little guy with all doom and gloom. I am away from all of that amigos. Free to do as I want when and where to enjoy the sunrises and sunsets with out guilt or worries. Freedom is the power to be the master of you own destiny my friends. I do not need to dream I am living the dream.


Hello JB

Love seeing those dolphin fish in your avatar. I have been fishing nearly every day

I do not see much of Crow and Hardluck these days. Although we keep in touch. When a viable project is on we come together for the job and then move on. There are things we can talk about other things are best left unsaid in public at least. :-) Even if we really said would we really be believed anyway? Perhaps that is a better thing?

I have doubled my net worth with very little effort So I cannot complain. These days I have been pottering around on my property. My house is built into the rain Forrest in short a series of linked Polynesian style tree houses.

My sons have my sailing vessels these days having their own adventures. I have had my fair share. I sailed all over Pacific south east Asia around south America the south and north Atlantic, the Baltic and Mediterranean, Caribbean sea. I have enjoyed the last two years or so on my island. I cannot complain one bit. As for Crow and Hardluck well amigo they are doing very well for themselves. None of them need to work, its just old habits die hard for them. Its who they are my friends.

Everything for me runs on jungle time these days. I am away from "The petty bickering of governments" and "Squabbling companies corporations screwing over the little guy with all doom and gloom. I am away from all of that amigos. Free to do as I want when and where to enjoy the sunrises and sunsets with out guilt or worries. Freedom is the power to be the master of you own destiny my friends. I do not need to dream I am living the dream.

Welcome back, Kanacki! It is always nice to see the Unholy Trio dropping in. Not because of what you have found (or working on), but because you live a life of peace and contentment!

I agree with what Loke said. It is so nice to hear you drop in for a short and let us know you are still ok. When we do not hear from you guys, sometimes our imagination runs wild.


Hello JB

Love seeing those dolphin fish in your avatar. I have been fishing nearly every day

I do not see much of Crow and Hardluck these days. Although we keep in touch. When a viable project is on we come together for the job and then move on. There are things we can talk about other things are best left unsaid in public at least. :-) Even if we really said would we really be believed anyway? Perhaps that is a better thing?

I have doubled my net worth with very little effort So I cannot complain. These days I have been pottering around on my property. My house is built into the rain Forrest in short a series of linked Polynesian style tree houses.

My sons have my sailing vessels these days having their own adventures. I have had my fair share. I sailed all over Pacific south east Asia around south America the south and north Atlantic, the Baltic and Mediterranean, Caribbean sea. I have enjoyed the last two years or so on my island. I cannot complain one bit. As for Crow and Hardluck well amigo they are doing very well for themselves. None of them need to work, its just old habits die hard for them. Its who they are my friends.

Everything for me runs on jungle time these days. I am away from "The petty bickering of governments" and "Squabbling companies corporations screwing over the little guy with all doom and gloom. I am away from all of that amigos. Free to do as I want when and where to enjoy the sunrises and sunsets with out guilt or worries. Freedom is the power to be the master of you own destiny my friends. I do not need to dream I am living the dream.


Glad to know that you’re back Kanacki and it’s good to hear that all is well with you and yours!

So...first things first: where have you guys all been over the course of the last year or two?? Did you at least bring back any new yarns with you that you might be willing to (or can) share?
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a tale of your own (though that IS always preferred, of course), however, since keeping ones personal affairs private is an understandable concept, how about tossing out just a quick little anecdote that maybe you haven’t ever shared with us before??

Either way, assuming that everyone following this thread is OK if I speak on their behalf for just a quick moment, from all of us here at Tnet, it’s good to have you back, safe I& sound! I know I’ve definitely been missing the always fascinating & educational stories that each one of the unholiest of triads always has an abundance of!
Hopefully you’ll stick around for a bit while indulging us by sharing whatever you can, when you can.

I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing from you soon (and often!)!

P.S. Please also give my best to Crow & Hardluck (and the lovely Miss Amy).

P.P.S. Now that you are back, maybe you’ll be able to help get our old (though young at heart) compadre to finally finish his book (ahem...Don Jose)!! At this point, I’m convinced that all he’s actually completed is the prologue.
Oh...and had the “author photo” for the inside rear cover already taken as well (while looking GQ-smooth, of course!).

Hello Simon

No the trio amigo has not been sold as Mary kiki :-) err..not yet

Love the cartoon. Although these days the natives have smart phones and better internet service than most of us. More likely to flog handicrafts off to tourists than eating them my how times changed:-)

Rest assured we are all alive and kicking. And how is everyone else going?


Glad to know that you’re back Kanacki and it’s good to hear that all is well with you and yours!

So...first things first: where have you guys all been over the course of the last year or two?? Did you at least bring back any new yarns with you that you might be willing to (or can) share?
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a tale of your own (though that IS always preferred, of course), however, since keeping ones personal affairs private is an understandable concept, how about tossing out just a quick little anecdote that maybe you haven’t ever shared with us before??

Either way, assuming that everyone following this thread is OK if I speak on their behalf for just a quick moment, from all of us here at Tnet, it’s good to have you back, safe I& sound! I know I’ve definitely been missing the always fascinating & educational stories that each one of the unholiest of triads always has an abundance of!
Hopefully you’ll stick around for a bit while indulging us by sharing whatever you can, when you can.

I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing from you soon (and often!)!

P.S. Please also give my best to Crow & Hardluck (and the lovely Miss Amy).

P.P.S. Now that you are back, maybe you’ll be able to help get our old (though young at heart) compadre to finally finish his book (ahem...Don Jose)!! At this point, I’m convinced that all he’s actually completed is the prologue.
Oh...and had the “author photo” for the inside rear cover already taken as well (while looking GQ-smooth, of course!).

Hello J.A.A

I think friend Don Jose has already finished that book twice over. As Unicorn has so sweetly alluded to. For me I have not lived an eternity or drank the waters of the fountain of youth such as our Don Jose.And alas time poor these days with 8 kids and 9 grand kids you understand.

I think I have told as much as there is to tell. But I will say this many people dream of fortune and glory and yet very rare few who attain that goal really knows what to do next? You see my friend searching for lost treasure can consume ones life so intensely. That they know no other life.

And its a perilous life my friend it can and has broken the most determined of men. For many here its the expectation of making that big discovery keeps them alive. A reason get up in the morning. The light at the end of proverbial tunnel keeping in company of those seeking the light. An fellowship understanding of daring to solve the almost impossible.

Searching for treasure is a challenge and escape for many from many different cultures, jobs and life situations trapped by circumstances beyond their control. A quest for freedom in a world that has imprisoned them with inadvisable bars of responsibility.

You see there is a little bit of rebel in all of us wanting to bust out my friend. That is why we secretly admire prisoners who do daring ingenious escapes from prisons. Its that proverbial break for freedom from the confines imposed on us that we admire. Treasure hunting is that desire to be the big winner, the one who has wealth has freedom that drives us.

Yet careful what you wish for? As wealth is not always a guarantee of Freedom either.

All of these lessons was learned on a long hard road my friend.


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Hello JB

Love seeing those dolphin fish in your avatar. I have been fishing nearly every day

I do not see much of Crow and Hardluck these days. Although we keep in touch. When a viable project is on we come together for the job and then move on. There are things we can talk about other things are best left unsaid in public at least. :-) Even if we really said would we really be believed anyway? Perhaps that is a better thing?

I have doubled my net worth with very little effort So I cannot complain. These days I have been pottering around on my property. My house is built into the rain Forrest in short a series of linked Polynesian style tree houses.

My sons have my sailing vessels these days having their own adventures. I have had my fair share. I sailed all over Pacific south east Asia around south America the south and north Atlantic, the Baltic and Mediterranean, Caribbean sea. I have enjoyed the last two years or so on my island. I cannot complain one bit. As for Crow and Hardluck well amigo they are doing very well for themselves. None of them need to work, its just old habits die hard for them. Its who they are my friends.

Everything for me runs on jungle time these days. I am away from "The petty bickering of governments" and "Squabbling companies corporations screwing over the little guy with all doom and gloom. I am away from all of that amigos. Free to do as I want when and where to enjoy the sunrises and sunsets with out guilt or worries. Freedom is the power to be the master of you own destiny my friends. I do not need to dream I am living the dream.


Hi, Kanacki. As everyone so far has said, we are all glad to see you back, and hopefully maybe some of your other compatriots can be convinced to join in as well. If not, so be it, but all are welcome. I have been in occasional contact with Crow as well, over the last couple of years, and know he is living the good life too. Interestingly enough, the last time I was in communication with Crow he mentioned my avatar and the fish as well. We don’t get many here in SoCal, but they are a treasured catch. They are known as “Dorado” in Mexico and SoCal, so I thought they might fit in well. I remember the stories about your vessels. Perhaps you can share a few more tales about some of your voyages? I always enjoyed talking with you about your experiences on the sea.


Hi, Kanacki. As everyone so far has said, we are all glad to see you back, and hopefully maybe some of your other compatriots can be convinced to join in as well. If not, so be it, but all are welcome. I have been in occasional contact with Crow as well, over the last couple of years, and know he is living the good life too. Interestingly enough, the last time I was in communication with Crow he mentioned my avatar and the fish as well. We don’t get many here in SoCal, but they are a treasured catch. They are known as “Dorado” in Mexico and SoCal, so I thought they might fit in well. I remember the stories about your vessels. Perhaps you can share a few more tales about some of your voyages? I always enjoyed talking with you about your experiences on the sea.


Hello JB

How we catch those fishing our part of world is stretch a tarp between 4 floating drums in water. Come back an hour or two later troll some lures. I think the shade attracts food for the fish.

Stories I have many yet these days I am hindered by island time.


Hello JB

How we catch those fishing our part of world is stretch a tarp between 4 floating drums in water. Come back an hour or two later troll some lures. I think the shade attracts food for the fish.

Stories I have many yet these days I am hindered by island time.


Around here we just look for floating seaweed or debris. The shade does seem to attract them as well. Not sure if it is the bait, or just the shade, but I guess it doesn't really matter, as long as they are there. Island time is fine, we are used to waiting for things on this thread.....post when you can. I always enjoy a good sea story.


Hello JB

How we catch those fishing our part of world is stretch a tarp between 4 floating drums in water. Come back an hour or two later troll some lures. I think the shade attracts food for the fish.

Stories I have many yet these days I am hindered by island time.


Howdy Kanacki,

We use a similar tactic here in the man made ponds of South Texas. One time we went fishing for bass in one of those ponds, and no one was having any luck. One of our friends layed his rod down, went and cut a Huisache limb, tied a rope to it and swung it into the pond. About ten minutes later he had the first fish, and after a while everyone was casting around that limb in the water, all catching fish.


Kanacki, great to have you posting again. How son of Crow doing?

According to Crow, he is "starting school next year, and running his dad ragged."


Karma ? :tongue3: And definitely time to start locking up your daughters, ( or grand daughters ) !

Kanack, it was so good to hear from you. Yes I did go downhill after la Bert passed on, it almost threw me for a final loop. I actually came to the States to die, I figured that the funeral expenses would be taken up by the VA, but the best laid plans of men an nice---??'am actually up to 146 lbs, was 98 Am playing around with the book and Tayopa.I still love your version of the "Haki-a dance with Crow and.hardluck that was a clasic.have to learn two handed typing over agi\ain psst, don't tell the others, but I have saved a few stories for the book. or here.

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I agree with Don Jose in regards to that now famous Haka dance performed by the "Trio", but don't forget Don Jose your taking a leak on a jaguar is also famous. Both had potential lethal consequences. :notworthy:

I agree with Don Jose in regards to that now famous Haka dance performed by the "Trio", but don't forget Don Jose your taking a leak on a jaguar is also famous. Both had potential lethal consequences. :notworthy:

I agree, wholeheartedly!
Who else has ever pulled that off?!?

Folks don’t speak in the form of our mutual compadre, any more. I believe that he may set the style of writing back to this generation of people who prefer personality above character, and getting above doing, and, placing their footprints upon sacred ground ( Just to take a selfie to post,) above the respecting history and learning from it.

I do not desire seeing this new generation leading the world [emoji289]

An island with a small library of old books.... That is my El Dorado!

Live it well Kanaki , for all of us...


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