Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Mikel, I tried researching Shortstack and Old Dog. No reports of passing on, but probably was the case. This is what I came up with as far as activity and they have been absent for longer than we knew.

Last time Shortstack was here was February 17, 2015 at 06:31 a.m..
I lost were it was, but he was talking about loosing a younger brother (?) to cancer a few months earlier.
His last post was November 2, 2014 at 11:50 p.m..
( post # 11 ).

Old Dog ( Thom )
Last time Old Dog ( Thom ) was here was April 22, 2013 at 01:59 a.m.. ( post #3298.)
On March 7, 2014 people started asking about him and some guessed that maybe he took time off to write a book, but they were not sure. On December 10, 2014 someone else was asking about him and nobody knew anything. His last post was to the Thread that he himself had started called: Basic Signs and Symbols You Have Found.


As far as NP, my job had me working from 04:00 p.m. until sometimes 08:00 a.m., 7 days a week and so I never thought anything when I would log on and not see NP. Just makes me feel bad to have not noticed.

I'm at an age when I must consider a plan to wrap up my various affairs (No! Not that kind of "affair!") after I am gone.

Along with a very secret list of passwords and screen names, I think I will write a short obituary and ask those who have to take care of such things to post it for me. Since at that point I probably won't have easy access to a computer.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

I'm in deep poopy now in my new place... 6 kinds of venomous critters to watch out for. Copperhead, Cottonmouth, Pygmy Rattler, Canebrake, Diamondback and the worst of the lot, Coral Snake. Plus 24 different nonvenomous. Yikes!!

Time for the tequila....and some good snake boots.

/QUOTE]View attachment 1452531

Found it Markmar, don't tell where it came from :dontknow:
By the way, Happy Belated Birthday !

Thank you , for the wish and for the pic .

Like the boots Simon.:icon_thumright:. It's the same over here with old friends. One minute you are chatting away, and then you don't hear anymore from them. Most inconsiderate of them don't you know:sadsmiley: hope you won't mind my errumm humour. Come on Jose some gentle exercise is called for, like putting a finger on your keyboard,:wave:

luv 'U'

Like the boots Simon.:icon_thumright:. It's the same over here with old friends. One minute you are chatting away, and then you don't hear anymore from them. Most inconsiderate of them don't you know:sadsmiley: hope you won't mind my errumm humour. Come on Jose some gentle exercise is called for, like putting a finger on your keyboard,:wave:

luv 'U'
On the contrary Uni, your humor is appreciated here as we all need a good dose of humor ! Everyone here is friends, that is why we see no name calling and arguing. :hello:

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Mikel, I tried researching Shortstack and Old Dog. No reports of passing on, but probably was the case. This is what I came up with as far as activity and they have been absent for longer than we knew.

Last time Shortstack was here was February 17, 2015 at 06:31 a.m..
I lost were it was, but he was talking about loosing a younger brother (?) to cancer a few months earlier.
His last post was November 2, 2014 at 11:50 p.m..
( post # 11 ).

Old Dog ( Thom )
Last time Old Dog ( Thom ) was here was April 22, 2013 at 01:59 a.m.. ( post #3298.)
On March 7, 2014 people started asking about him and some guessed that maybe he took time off to write a book, but they were not sure. On December 10, 2014 someone else was asking about him and nobody knew anything. His last post was to the Thread that he himself had started called: Basic Signs and Symbols You Have Found.


As far as NP, my job had me working from 04:00 p.m. until sometimes 08:00 a.m., 7 days a week and so I never thought anything when I would log on and not see NP. Just makes me feel bad to have not noticed.

Thank you Simon1. Those were the same last contact points that I remembered... If my short circuited memory serves me at all, that time of Old Dog vanishing was the time frame of the major flooding in Colorado.

I sent him several PMs and posted on a few of the threads that he posted on, without success. I have feared the worst since then.

I guess most of us are getting old enough to start thinking like
Old Bookaroo....
It is good advice. My family has never understood why TNET has meant so much to me. So it follows that, they would not know how to deal with me being gone.

I guess I need to leave all of that information taped to the inside of my safe.

For now, my biggest problem is adjusting to wearing bifocals.

Sure, I can see better, but I am having to learn to walk again. Last Friday my wife had to grab me as I attempted to step over a curb that I’m sure is too tall for being at a crosswalk!!
Fortunately for me, the car that had stopped to let us cross, was from Texas and didn’t recognize me.

I know that I’m going to trip in front of a bunch of folks that know me. It’s just a matter of time.

If I die in a crosswalk, you can rest assured that my last words will be,
“ Datburn bifocals!”

I’m also learning to keep my shoes on until I go to bed. I’m running out of pinkie toes.

And for the life of me, I cannot figure out why I can see a reflection of my own eyeballs looking back at me!

On the positive side, I can see more stuff in Weekender’s photos while I am researching for chapter 24.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve finished that datburn book. As it is looking like I may vanish shortly after it gets published.

It may be necessary for me to mention in the last chapter, that Masons should be the first suspects, if I just vanished..... Maybe not. I’ll figure it out eventually.


Nothing wrong with "preparing" for it, just don't get sucked up into it to much because your brain may start to lead you down that last one way trail. You are NOT that much older than I, so hang in there and use that "Mind over Matter" !

"If you don't mind it don't matter."

My father lived to be 102. Over his last twenty or thirty years he had more and more trouble with his eyes - and when he finally just about went blind things got tough. Happily, he was 100 at the time.

My Dad never complained about his aches and pains, and he never concentrated on what he couldn't do. He was always thinking about what he could do. And he remained interested in the outside world. Other people have told me with advanced age the world becomes smaller and smaller - and one must make a conscious effort to push the walls back out.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

PS: I've been wearing "progressive" bifocals for years and I like them. You learn not to whip your head around - other than that, they are just great.

Good information Mikel and Bookaroo. For me, if it ever gets to the point that I can not drive, then I will know the end is close. Driving is one of my passions, not as enjoyable as it once was though, with road rage and all. In my High School year book, the caption they placed under my picture was " The only midnight oil he likes to burn is gasoline ". My parents were not to happy and I don't think we were contacted by the yearbook committee so everyone was anxious to see what their picture was captioned with. The old days.....................

Senor Don Jose, I was doing research and "Stumbled" across this post:

" My son drove down from Tucson the other day and presented me with a' new' Dell latitude 6520,laptop and I have been playing with it. It's a beauty. but actually it isn't new. He works for one of the leading researchers and developers, Every couple of years they dump their computers, pull the hard drives and remove any critical development data.

so he ended up with almost perfect laptops. His remarks to me were " your own family doesn't know what you have lived. the world has changed so much.

So now you can sit down and tell the family, and your internet friends, of some of the things that you lived through..Don't pull that excuse that your computer is out."

Sounds like a pretty smart son !
Bye the way, I am sending you a P.M. as well as an e-mail to your gmail address. Please, if you will, tell me what you think.

PROSPECTORMIKEL. FOR THE BENEFIT OF YOU AND YOUR NEW BIFOCALS. I presume you can read this now. ??? I also had new bifocals a month ago. They have spent most of the time in their case instead of on my nose. My head and not my eyes kept moving up and down, sheesh, whatever must I look like.

Just one more 'tale' from me, about ways that we leave 'our mortal coil'....My late mother in law reached the grand old age of 103 wowie. Each night she used to take a couple of 'nips' of whiskey. On her last night my sister lin law took a glass of the 'golden nectar' up to her bed, she sat up to take this drink, and it missed her mouth and it sorta spilt over shoulder. She just laid down her head and peacefully and happily passed away.
Sigh what a waste of good whiskey, but boy what a way to go.

Incidentally Simon, yes I know that character, it's Rowan Atkinson. He is the sort of actor that can make you laugh, or annoy you to the point of wanting to knock him on the head. Sorry to say I am of the latter group, he annoys me intensily. He recently played the part of Fagin in
the musical Oliver in London. To great success I must add

'U' enjoy my new friends, just sorry I am not a treasure hunter, so I can only add a post here and their

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Don Jose love, I know how you must feel not being in your beloved Mexico. I hope you are feeling just that wee bit better. Remember those happy times of general chatting on Senior Net, its been at least 20 yrs now. The plans we made for a trip to see Kezy in Vienna, and for you and Bert to come and stay with us for a holiday. Those thoughts can still be in our mind, except even I am an old lady now :laughing7: but often think of them. I am not a treasure hunter fellow posters, just an old friend of a man who has bought much laughter, and the most interesting stories of his life as a treasure hunter. Thank you my dear dear friend.

my love 'U'

Not a treasure hunter?
Treasure just found/ finds you then....
Not a bad thing!

Unicorn 🦄, you are a breath of fresh air... so you just keep on posting!

You remind me of one of the sweetest and most loving ladies in the world.

She, to, is British and is getting up there in years.
She has taught the new born Sunday school class at the church where my family and I have been members for over forty years.
She has built the foundation of Christian love to all of my children and a few of my grandchildren.
She is a great ambassador to all that know her, as an example of the greatest generation of our world.

I have loved walking by her class room door [emoji376] for four decades and hearing her sing the same songs to every child and then again to their children and again even to some of the third generations.
She always sounds as if she would be as comfortable with your Queen, as she is with our children.

I usually hear her voice when I read your posts, I am drawn to your posts, just as I have been drawn to her class room door.

As to the subject of that “little nip”, at bedtime...
I had a great aunt that would light up an unfiltered “Camel”
Cigarette every night as she would settle into bed and every morning one of her family would take an ashtray and tap the ashes that would be standing, undisturbed from her hand. She kept that ritual every night until she had all of her family with her to celebrate her [emoji817] th birthday [emoji512]. It was the last thing that she in this world. And when a family member went to tap the ashes the following morning, they noticed a very peaceful and happy smile on her face, as she moved on to her next life.

I’ll always remember that morning, as a sad and still relaxed day, all of her three generations were with her as she slipped into the night’s gentle sleep.
I don’t think that there is a better way to escape the chains that bind us to this world.


Uni, as others here have said, and I am sure those that have not yet spoken , ALL agree you are a treasure. Maybe you don't seek treasure, but your wisdom and caringness "Is" your treasure which you are giving us. Much like a female "Robin Hood" . Never, ever feel like you do not belong here . You are totally among friends and just chatting is all we need. :notworthy:

Uni, as others here have said, and I am sure those that have not yet spoken , ALL agree you are a treasure. Maybe you don't seek treasure, but your wisdom and caringness "Is" your treasure which you are giving us. Much like a female "Robin Hood" . Never, ever feel like you do not belong here . You are totally among friends and just chatting is all we need. :notworthy:

I can only 2nd that!!

Thank you all, and a special thank you to Mikel for his lovely comments. I just write as I speak, when I saw all of your lovely comments, it made me feel happy that I could write something in a rather specialized site. Although I have read much of what you have all written. Thank you for that.

But look now, is that a post from our dear friend Don Jose.....Good man Jose, I said doing those finger exercises would help.:cat: Well until the movement in your finger ( note the word 'finger ' lol) returns fully you can, I am sure read all of those lovely things we say about you. Is your e-mail still the same in Tuscon? I can send you a family update.
When I said I wasn't a treasure hunter, I didn't mean that I don't enjoy collecting little 'nick nacks' that catch my eye if I go to a car boot sale. ( now I know you call a car boot sale something different in the US). My Mother left me some lovely crystal glass, and I have collected one or two ceramics. Just never bought a metal detector. I feel sure I would have enjoyed it tho.

I was a child of the last War, so I could always 'pop' one or two stories in about how we spent our play times. Living in a large City that produced arms we had many an adventure as kids.

So my friends, thank you once again for your lovely replies.

Yous all take care now. 'U'

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Good morning Uni, in no time you will have Senor Don Jose pecking away at his keys. You are just what he needs for motivation. As Don Jose has said many times, his thread here is for everyone and anything can be the topic, not just treasure hunting. El Tayopa gatekeeper is improving as he is on here almost daily now ! Please do continue. :notworthy:

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