Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Here's a short one. The last trip I went on, as usual had stopped for a hotel room a couple of times on the way in and home. Several times, the person who checked us in for the room, immediately guessed that I am a treasure hunter. Never had this happen before in the lower 48, and I don't think I particularly look like a typical treasure hunter. But apparently they are seeing a lot more treasure hunters these days?

:coffee2: :coffee2:

It could be the rings around your eyes [emoji102] from seeing your first (too close for comfort) bear [emoji199].

It’s my understanding that those don’t go away, even after you outsmart the bear, by running around the truck!!


Here's a short one. The last trip I went on, as usual had stopped for a hotel room a couple of times on the way in and home. Several times, the person who checked us in for the room, immediately guessed that I am a treasure hunter. Never had this happen before in the lower 48, and I don't think I particularly look like a typical treasure hunter. But apparently they are seeing a lot more treasure hunters these days?

:coffee2: :coffee2:
Better switch back to the cowboy hat....


Biien venidos Senor UglyMailman. I was not ona of the pilots., that came later Through the USAF. I was a Naval Bonbardier

It could be the rings around your eyes [emoji102] from seeing your first (too close for comfort) bear [emoji199].

It’s my understanding that those don’t go away, even after you outsmart the bear, by running around the truck!!


article-1102347-02E7E860000005DC-997_634x427_popup.webp article-1102347-02E7E867000005DC-984_634x436_popup.webp article-1102347-02E7B9EE000005DC-608_634x395_popup.webp article-1102347-02E7B9E7000005DC-191_634x386_popup.webp article-1102347-02E7B9D9000005DC-162_634x407_popup.webp article-1102347-02E7B9E1000005DC-420_634x427_popup.webp

My friends here are 100% convinced that is me in those photos, and refuse to believe it is not me. So I am now pleading the 5th. I can run pretty fast if the right thing is chasing me though.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Ah yes, the joys of the outdoors. LOL I was walking down a trail and saw a black streak go past ahead of me and go up a tree. It was a black bear cub and it was calling out to Mama. I turned around and started walking back up the trail, holding the .22 pistol in one hand and a bowie knife in the other incase Mama came for me. Waited a 1/2 hour before going back down the trail. Cub was gone and didn't see Mama either. On another trip went over to see the Boundry tree (where 4 map sections meet, USGS map) and must have tripped one of the personal sensors. Went back to the trail and up it to the crest and sat down for a breather. After about an hour had pasted since the boundry trip, here comes 2 Border patrol guys, puffing and hiking up to the crest. Had a nice talk with them and they left. Seems that the Illegals and Drug runs come past the boundry marker a lot and that's why the Border Patrol guys came out. They didn't realize that the ones that they would be looking for would not take the trail but would go down a ravine instead.

China in the 1960's was still clinging to the old customs. Girl babies were not wanted. They only brought another face to feed, as a result there was a black market for centerfold types. A rather good looking one went for about $ 250 dolllars, a prime one,one qualified one for center fold, went for 500, but that price was excepiional. the girls wwould never run away because ir would cause a diisgrace to their family, besides the owner would protect his new property ny feeding her.

as a result the ho houses were loaded with prime gals - or so I have heard HMM

There was a BLUE Baby squad in the major cities whose sole job was to find the new born baby girls hat had survived the cold first night - it was very cold at night.and had been thrown out in the street, The Catholic missions were responsible for this.

This lack of life, due to the extreme poverty led to the reveloutin, just as in Mexico

ok dit,

Dit I would have paid $ 500 dollar for you or Unicorn.

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au, we knew that the illegals would prefer trails, they are not sophisticated You are just as protected on a trail as well as a ravine. X Border Patrol. Texas

au, we knew that the illegals would prefer trails, they are not sophisticated You are just as protected on a trail as well as a ravine. X Border Patrol. Texas

Do you ever really truly become an
“X” Border Patrol.???.?

Even this morning, I was awakened by a dream, about extricating someone from a wreck.

Those experiences seem to follow us around long after being in emergency service....


Ah yes, the joys of the outdoors. LOL I was walking down a trail and saw a black streak go past ahead of me and go up a tree. It was a black bear cub and it was calling out to Mama. I turned around and started walking back up the trail, holding the .22 pistol in one hand and a bowie knife in the other incase Mama came for me. Waited a 1/2 hour before going back down the trail. Cub was gone and didn't see Mama either. On another trip went over to see the Boundry tree (where 4 map sections meet, USGS map) and must have tripped one of the personal sensors. Went back to the trail and up it to the crest and sat down for a breather. After about an hour had pasted since the boundry trip, here comes 2 Border patrol guys, puffing and hiking up to the crest. Had a nice talk with them and they left. Seems that the Illegals and Drug runs come past the boundry marker a lot and that's why the Border Patrol guys came out. They didn't realize that the ones that they would be looking for would not take the trail but would go down a ravine instead.

Okay, here’s my bear story. A few of us were camping up in Wyoming, near a lake. We had heard that sprinkling Lysol around the perimeter of the campsite would deter bears, so we laid out a circle about 100’ in diameter around the camp. Everything went well, with no sign of bears anywhere near the camp for 3 days. On the afternoon/night of the 3rd day, we were hit by a sudden rainstorm. As a consequence, we all went to our tents early, without washing our dinner dishes. The rain lasted about 3 or 4 hours, and we were all sound asleep about 10:30 or 11 when we heard the dirty dishes that we had stacked up on a stump come crashing down. Looking outside with a flashlight none of saw anything unusual, so we thought that it was probably a raccoon or skunk that had knocked over the dishes. However, when we got up the next morning there were VERY large bear tracks coming right between 2 of the tents, going over to the stump where the dishes had been, and continuing on down to the lake. So, does the Lysol trick work? Maybe, but you sure need to renew it after a rainstorm.


Mikel. you askec if there was a truly an x lBorder patrolman, the answer of course, is NO

Mikel. you askec if there was a truly an x lBorder patrolman, the answer of course, is NO

I understand exactly what you mean.

The dreams that haunt me, are usually particularly painful [emoji21]. I am generally in pain after waking up and need medicine for muscle cramps.

The cramps are the cause and the dreams are the effects.

No matter what, the pain is real.


My apologizes Mi Major. NAVAL LT.? Dad was WW2 Navy so if I stepped on toes I am sorry. Still, life expediency's in a B26 weren't the longest.
I worked with a radio operator that flew in Italy. Good luck.

au, we knew that the illegals would prefer trails, they are not sophisticated You are just as protected on a trail as well as a ravine. X Border Patrol. Texas

Yeah the Illegals normally stick to the trails but the drug mules take the ravine down Brown canyon. The illegals dump empty water gallon jugs and the Drug Mules have that canned Peach drink and canned/potted meat. From the stuff we would find going off trail. 80's,90's and later. The illegals would usally carry gallon water jugs, but not always. The Border Patrol guys I ran in to carried 1 liter water bottles for when they would find them in the desert areas as they need water to survive being arrested.

China in the 1960's was still clinging to the old customs. Girl babies were not wanted. They only brought another face to feed, as a result there was a black market for centerfold types. A rather good looking one went for about $ 250 dolllars, a prime one,one qualified one for center fold, went for 500, but that price was excepiional. the girls wwould never run away because ir would cause a diisgrace to their family, besides the owner would protect his new property ny feeding her.

as a result the ho houses were loaded with prime gals - or so I have heard HMM

There was a BLUE Baby squad in the major cities whose sole job was to find the new born baby girls hat had survived the cold first night - it was very cold at night.and had been thrown out in the street, The Catholic missions were responsible for this.

This lack of life, due to the extreme poverty led to the reveloutin, just as in Mexico

ok dit,

Dit I would have paid $ 500 dollar for you or Unicorn.

Ah, what a sad fate for those poor little girls. Just chills my bones. While I thank you very much for the compliment, mi Jefe, I also know that you would have been the kind to do what you could for those poor souls. Like teaching them self protection techniques. As you know, the word "submit" is not in my vocabulary. 'Tis a good thing I wasn't born in old China....I would have emerged leading that Revolution. :wink:

Thank you very much for the story, and the kind thoughts. It would have been my honor. :notworthy:


:coffee2::coffee2: :icon_thumright:

Better switch back to the cowboy hat....

View attachment 1527712

Hahaha I never wear baseball caps, it's either a real prospector hat that keeps the sun off the back of your neck or a simple headband. Not enough brim on the baseball hats, and can't fold it up to let the sun in your pan!

$500 sheesh so expensive for a female! I wouldn't be able to feed her!

Please do continue,

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

Dit, I have posted the story of my spending the night in the dockside Ho house teaching the poor HO basic chinese, instead of - there was no other place to spend Chritmas eve, refugees. This was not one of the centerfold ones.

I'll post it again this Christmas eve if you wish

Oro, you could get one for about $ 150 dolaes, yankee money that was Quite passable, course there was the problem of feeding her

Uglymailman. I was anlisted at that tine'and don't worry about stepping on any toes. That is what this is for, friendly campfire talk.,

Hahaha I never wear baseball caps, it's either a real prospector hat that keeps the sun off the back of your neck or a simple headband. Not enough brim on the baseball hats, and can't fold it up to let the sun in your pan!

$500 sheesh so expensive for a female! I wouldn't be able to feed her!

Please do continue,

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

Cheapskate. How much does it cost for a plate of your moth encrusted Mac & cheese? :sad10:

Pffft! I'd stick with mi Jefe, at least I'd have plenty of iguana to eat and good storytelling round the fire at night to keep me warm. And eggshells in the coffee instead of strained through an iffy sock.

Even in old China a girl recognises a real treasure when she sees one. :notworthy:


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