China in the 1960's was still clinging to the old customs. Girl babies were not wanted. They only brought another face to feed, as a result there was a black market for centerfold types. A rather good looking one went for about $ 250 dolllars, a prime one,one qualified one for center fold, went for 500, but that price was excepiional. the girls wwould never run away because ir would cause a diisgrace to their family, besides the owner would protect his new property ny feeding her.
as a result the ho houses were loaded with prime gals - or so I have heard HMM
There was a BLUE Baby squad in the major cities whose sole job was to find the new born baby girls hat had survived the cold first night - it was very cold at night.and had been thrown out in the street, The Catholic missions were responsible for this.
This lack of life, due to the extreme poverty led to the reveloutin, just as in Mexico
ok dit,
Dit I would have paid $ 500 dollar for you or Unicorn.