Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Sigh, I forgot to post a few pictures. Top left Dove and Chachalaca, our main stay for food. Top right an iguana, excellent eating. Middle left my partner over acting on the third day without water. Right, our lil grass shack on the coast of Michoacan. Bottom left me gathering Oysters from mangrove roots. with my ever present Machete, it is still here at the other side of my desk. Bottom right. My partner on the main trail down the west coast, now a hi speed 4 lane hiway, and many of our isolated camp spots are now towns, sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha


  • A walk in the Sun down Mexicos W coast©@®.webp
    A walk in the Sun down Mexicos W coast©@®.webp
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:[QUOTE="Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, post: 2785327, member: 746"]Sigh, I forgot to post a few pictures.

Sigh, I forgot to post a few pictures. Top left Dove and Chachalaca, our main stay for food. Top right an iguana, excellent eating. Middle left my partner over acting on the third day without water. Right, our lil grass shack on the coast of Michoacan. Bottom left me gathering Oysters from mangrove roots. with my ever present Machete, it is still here at the other side of my desk. Bottom right. the main trail down the west coast, now a hi speed 4 lane hiway, and many of our isolated camp spots are now towns, sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Heres real treasure,each silver word you write. May your basket allways be full.:coffee2: thank you for making us richer.

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:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: coffee, my boiler has seen many fires but had it seen Don Jose's trails i would frame it. I will try to keep downwind if you guys want me to clear out just say so. No desire to be near anything your tracking,got my own leads however sized. Never want to live watching over my shoulder full time cause i cheated .Nice to know others look to du chasse.
Don Jose i agree should you publish a book(s) it would be well recieved. I do not know cost/sales required to break even but if a guy bumped into some ahhhh disposable income,sure would be nice to see you on record way down the road . Thanks for your time and travel safe.

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: coffee, my boiler has seen many fires but had it seen Don Jose's trails i would frame it. I will try to keep downwind if you guys want me to clear out just say so. No desire to be near anything your tracking,got my own leads however sized. Never want to live watching over my shoulder full time cause i cheated .Nice to know others look to du chasse.
Don Jose i agree should you publish a book(s) it would be well recieved. I do not know cost/sales required to break even but if a guy bumped into some ahhhh disposable income,sure would be nice to see you on record way down the road . Thanks for your time and travel safe.
Enjoy sittin at the fire with us , Amigo . Just don't try the coffee
that Poorhunter makes . The boy has a poor choice when it comes to socks :tongue3:...............................



:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee: truckinbutch thanks for the hospitality and warning about Poorhunter . Reminds me of one of the guys at fish camp coming in minus his sleeves and lower 3 inches of his shirt. Just not too picky! While its said when travelling drink the local wine and i have had the pleasure(?)of sock coffee, if we cross trails i will just have to beat him to brewing. Then we can sift the grounds through our teeth. ;D;. MIKEL, following tales here knocking a little macho off me. Long hard trails and more than a months grub stake in finds about out of my league, not that i would pass up finding more than i could carry! Its a delight to read accounts where you can see shining eyes looking ahead. Leaves me like some youngster at fire listening till the hivernano shakes the dregs out of his cup ,turns in and leaves me looking forward to next chapter. Now i wait.. shhh listen.

Welcome Relevantchair, have you had an adventures to talk about? Here is one I almost forgot. A man my father worked with told him of a farm that they could turkey hunt on, and as it was up for sale, the owner said they could hunt it. We all went there before daylight, and not knowing the lay of the land as we had never been there in the daylight before, we all separated and headed in different directions to start calling. About an hour after daylight, I heard a shot and thought one in our party had been successful. A few seconds later, I heard someone shout and answered, revealing my position. I asked where they were and they repled, up on the hill. We met up back at the truck and and also saw my fathers friend. He was scratched and torn up and his clothes looked like rags. We inquired what had happened to him and he finally revealed the answer. He was not granted permission to hunt and when he heard us shouting back and forth and and shots fired, he assumed the worse. He ran through some wild roses and blackberry bushes to get out of there without anyone seeing him. We all made a mad rush then to get out of there before the owner showed up. rockhound

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: hmmmm, that kind of friend.scaring the birds too i suppose. Not sure what to post regarding adventure. Some tales maybe. Guess i could take risk and try to explain why any outing is an adventure now. first NEVER pity me, it will be returned with scorn. I go where i please, just some lonely places i do not want to"hike "to again. Glad i got to see them.that said , i will take the long way here. I quit trapping for money around late 70s. My partner week before recieved 50.00 for an xl.coon. i took one in a dry land set that was as large and prime and when i went to fur buyer's knew something was wrong when guys walking out offered to sell me coons.Yes i could have held it over to following season but was mad. Took buyers 25.00 and went and pulled all my sets. Cause of the money?a little. But that big o boar coon was missing his left foot about three quarter mark, healed well. His right foot had broken toes from quite a while back,probably did not chew them off cause of what he went through with left?.he had thumb and index so to speak,and i had him by index.he was hog fat,one survivor thats for sure. Now forward to a few years ago deal at work ride in ambulance wondering how much plumbing gonna get put back,(all)thanks docs. Knowing leg gonna be gone,just outside hip joint ,pelvis broke couple places. Instead of being cut in two i get to live. I will take that! Now back to that coon. He adapted by himself,healed on his own never curled up and died. He could do that.friends way worse off than i can keep at it then i can take a second chance and make it worth it. Last fall adventure. Punched a hole through a deers lungs, meat deer little waste. Deer takes offence and runs about 70 yrds into swamp.to my fortune it expires about 30 yrds from an old trail on swamps edge. I had made a pully out of an old sheave and a piece of flat stock and it and a small sledge and heavy stake were kept in truck. Chained pully to a tree andy using three ropes(had to re rig a couple times) snaked it out to trail.2.5 hrs from shot to in truck. Good thing it was not one of your dads friends spots!. Mind you though i am trying to be discreet on this site, there have been problems caused by others in past. About a short week later i anchored a deer through shoulders(no chase some waste) then trying to get it in truck (had me well outweighed)managed to hit panic alarm on key chain rolling around on tailgate with deer. Oh yaa! Horn blaring,lights flashing,dogs in same zipcode and maybe a couple others barking. Yea thats me in and out like a puff of smoke. Discreet out the window. Allright who,s up? Don Jose? , DonJose if you write just a little maybe i will tell of upsetting grandmother?

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Using Truckin's sock would only be an intent to Stiffen the coffee a bit...... Make a man wide eyed and bushey tailed in the morning.....

A good friend of mine was explaining to me about this fancy coffee maker he had purchased, He also had purchased some fancy roast to brew in it.. So he began to ask me "How much coffee do you put in your pot when you make it"? I replied about 3.5-4.5 tablespoons.. He said "Oh, That explains it" I said "explains what" He said "Well when I put the filter in the pot, I filled it to the top, That explains why I had grounds all through my coffee" Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA I lost it.. I said "Aint you ever made coffee before" He says "No".. :coffee2:

Allo relevantchair: you posted -> Now forward to a few years ago deal at work ride in ambulance wondering how much plumbing gonna get put back,(all)thanks docs. Knowing leg gonna be gone,just outside hip joint ,pelvis broke couple places. Instead of being cut in two i get to live. I will take that! Now back to that coon. He adapted by himself,healed on his own never curled up and died. He could do that.friends way worse off than i can keep at it then i can take a second chance and make it worth it.
Poor old coon sigh, as to what happend to you, slip under a stamp, or did the girl friend ram her car against you while you were loading that poached deer in the bed of the pickup?

Don Jose de La Mancha

OK poor glad that you warned us about him sheesh, but then I, like you, have had to sift out grounds, bugs, twigs etc with my teeth.

Don Jose de La Mancha

:coffee2:Jose. Now uncle, if your asking if the bull still has the devil in him,yes he does. Pistola still shoots. Does your pen still write? Coffee?:coffee2: not a unech.. still a :male: . Oro, do not worry. I am not pulling el gatos tail, only holding it. What will he do?.

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Sorry to hear of your misfortune, I guess we all have some at some point in our lives. I had a really close call several years ago while cutting a large maple tree that was groing to close to my utility building. The roots were starting to upend the concrete floor, so I decided it had to go. I always try to be safe and since I was going to cut some of the larger limbs off first, I would have to climb the tree and standing on a ladder is not real confortable using a chainsaw. I had a brilliant idea, and started looking through my hunting gear for my safety belt. I then put the ladder up against the tree and climbed high enough to reach the limb, which was on the far side of the tree, secured my safety harness around the trunk of the tree and then had my wife hand the chainsaw to me. As I was cutting through this large limb the chainsaw hung up and as I tried to free it the limb started splitting. It was over 3/4 of the way through. And then without warning it twisted around the tree, where I was standing on the ladder. Knocking the ladder to the ground, it left me swinging in mid air like Peter Pan. My wife was laughing so hard that she couldn't stop me from swinging and was afraid to with that chainsaw in my hand. It felt like forever before I could cut the chainsaw off and hand it to her. She still teases me about that incedent sometimes. I can only guess what the neighbors thought who were watching me. Oh well. I was lucky to have used that safety harness or no telling what might have happened. Good luck. rockhound

Rockhound,all, no sorrow. I am fine.just another soul around fire. Really. Let it be. Yeah those trees can bite. Been fighting stumps here for several years. I quit digging them out ,now i just put the top 3rd of a 55 gallon drum on them and use it for a fire pit. Welded a tophat shaped handle on lid to snuff it down,makes charcoal thatway to. Not as well as a sand pile but a fun side effect. Poorhunter, sounds like your friend made some of that float a horseshoe,with the horse still attached! With Oro sock,poorhunter truckinbutch sock,your friends xxx coffee,and others, instead of a chili or b.b.q cookoff at rendezvous a coffee contest seems in order.maybe whichever one can dissolve a penny first? :laughing9: :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

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Relevent ,
We all banter here and you fit right in :thumbsup: When we get around the fire I think some well made coffee and plate fare that won't aggravete our aging intestines would contribute to more stories and fewer trips to the brush . Little good hooch probly wouldn't hurt , neither :headbang:


:coffee2: folks i,m not tech savvy, this net drives me nuts. Gotta learn it.using a tablet off neighbors wi fi. I,ll get something going eventually. Prospector mikel i hear ya on the meds, got off mine a yr or more ago.wanted my mind back.that said....truckinbutch, not fair to compare but i,ve worked with and run into people who have had dealins in your neck of the woods. There are some hairy legged ol boys i sure wouldn,t want to cross,i ain,t bullet proof no more! I do respect those who can make do, its a big part of what makes this country what it is.regarding hooch. (You drink it right) no thats hooter, no wait. Good hootch a fine time honored art.problem is greed got some a holes beingstupid as to how to produce.i do make wines,course i don,t condense it thats forbidden. Can,t drink like before anyway. Notice i stay out of tiki bar. That way i don,t wake up thinking i,m gonna die, then five minutes later be afraid i,m not gonna die. Then crawl to the toilet and try to figure out which end to hang over it! Allways mostly,except a year or two been on edge of a wood or woods. They never turn me down and if i have any discomfort its on me.

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:coffee2::coffee2:Jose,please write.Mikel wake up!all lets here some adventure. As a child i was taken west to see some of what still was.left me feeling like a speck in a new world .2 days on Arizona California border. Wind enough to turn the world,carrying sand with teeth eating glass,paint,everything.tractor trailers on there sides,any thing sand could fill occupied. I was told there were gold bars in the desert so when not chasing lizards i,d keep a sharp eye out. Met a fellow traveler grounded by the wind. A seagull. Just to be sure he was not a kindred spirit wanting to reveal said bars i fed him some tuna.almost suprised the can was not full of sand when opened.no ingots revealed. Hope he was not standing on a highgrade ore spill! My knowledge of metal madness slightly less than now. Then on to real treasure in Capistrano. A jewel of a place. Then San Diago oh my,now theres a climate for me! And the ocean,strange creatures and what can you eat,gee whiz. Learning tides,currents,how long would that take? Sailed on the ocean,turning color every 5 minutes(me not the ocean). The ship Griffon went down in great lake in my area. These lakes chop at a hull,must have been strange for crew. The ocean sure was strange to me. Way up way down way up way blaaaaa. Hee hee . Its a big world,never going to get it all covered but as a indian once said, "a way where there is no way".maybe if we share we can "see"more of it. Ventura!

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