Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

my absence for a few days is easily explained.

My son drove down from Tucson the other day and presented me with a' new' Dell latitude 6520,laptop and I have been playing with it. It's a beauty. but actually it isn't new. He works for one of the leading researchers and developers, Every couple of years they dump their computers, pull the hard drives and remove any critical development data.

so he ended up with almost perfect laptops. His remarks to me were " your own family doesn't know what you have lived. the world has changed so much.

So now you can sit down and tell the family, and your internet friends, of some of the things that you lived through..Don't pull that excuse that your computer is out.

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Well, what they don't tell you about those, is that they only work once....the first surge destroys them, the second surge will act like there is nothing there.....because there isn't.


Never put a Laser printer on a "Surge Strip". When the Fuser lights off it will pull 8 Amps and above, same with the Xerox Color Cube Printers. The plugs on the strips are all "Back Stabbed" and only good for 5 Amp draw per pair. Also when the Fuser on the Laser turns off you have a back EMF kick that now hits the back side of the MOV/Surge Protector. Metal Oxide Varistor. The strong side is for the power inrush and when it goes too high it blows Open to save the equipment. If they ever blow shorted, you can most likely sue the manufacturer. Good Luck on that. LOL Most come out of China now days. PC Mag did a study on them back in the early 90's. 20 different units, from $20 to $250's. They hit them with 800 volts AC as the power supplies were supposed to be good for 700 volts. Half of them died the first test, so they did it again on the survivors. They died on the second test. Didn't matter if it was $20 or $250 on the first test, they did the job. Lightening is a hit on Ground not the power lines. Any thing with a ground connection can be blown away.

Never put a Laser printer on a "Surge Strip". When the Fuser lights off it will pull 8 Amps and above, same with the Xerox Color Cube Printers. The plugs on the strips are all "Back Stabbed" and only good for 5 Amp draw per pair. Also when the Fuser on the Laser turns off you have a back EMF kick that now hits the back side of the MOV/Surge Protector. Metal Oxide Varistor. The strong side is for the power inrush and when it goes too high it blows Open to save the equipment. If they ever blow shorted, you can most likely sue the manufacturer. Good Luck on that. LOL Most come out of China now days. PC Mag did a study on them back in the early 90's. 20 different units, from $20 to $250's. They hit them with 800 volts AC as the power supplies were supposed to be good for 700 volts. Half of them died the first test, so they did it again on the survivors. They died on the second test. Didn't matter if it was $20 or $250 on the first test, they did the job. Lightening is a hit on Ground not the power lines. Any thing with a ground connection can be blown away.

Exactly. Most only work once, some will work twice, but don't count on it. And, once the MOV is gone, it's gone, and the surge protector doesn't protect any more.


my absence for a few days is easily explained.

My son drove down from Tucson the other day and presented me with a' new' Dell latitude 6520,laptop and I have been playing with it. It's a beauty. but actually it isn't new. He works for one of the leading researchers and developers, Every couple of years they dump their computers, pull the hard drives and remove any critical development data.

so he ended up with almost perfect laptops. His remarks to me were " your own family doesn't know what you have lived. the world has changed so much.

So now you can sit down and tell the family, and your internet friends, of some of the things that you lived through..Don't pull that excuse that your computer is out.

You can thank your son for all of us. So get busy with the stories, already!


Exactly. Most only work once, some will work twice, but don't count on it. And, once the MOV is gone, it's gone, and the surge protector doesn't protect any more.



I didn't mean to do all the work the surge socket .
I don't know about your houses , but in my house i have a circuit control panel which prevent any damage from short circuits , overload and electric skock .


Look at this panel . All are automatic relays . The first left-down is the central relay and to the right is the electric cooking stove and the electric boiler .
The upper line are the relays for every room separately , and the last up-right , and the most important , is the earth leakage relay which is connected to the circuit after the central relay . Read here what can do an earth leakage relay https://www.bayt.com/en/specialties...-can-it-protect-people-from-electrical-shock/

And after all these , I have and some surge sockets at the most important devices .

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Cheers! To the New Laptop and the Old Procrastinator..... :occasion14:



I didn't mean to do all the work the surge socket .
I don't know about your houses , but in my house i have a circuit control panel which prevent any damage from short circuits , overload and electric skock .

View attachment 1479237

Look at this panel . All are automatic relays . The first left-down is the central relay and to the right is the electric cooking stove and the electric boiler .
The upper line are the relays for every room separately , and the last up-right , and the most important , is the earth leakage relay which is connected to the circuit after the central relay . Read here what can do an earth leakage relay https://www.bayt.com/en/specialties...-can-it-protect-people-from-electrical-shock/

And after all these , I have and some surge sockets at the most important devices .


I can assure you, without having ever seen Don Jose's residence, that it does NOT have anything that is near as sophisticated as that. Surge protectors are going to be his only source of protection. And they only work once.


short finger is correct my Gric friend, remember I am in a remote village in ole Mexico (don't have any Griock dancing girls either, sniff )

short finger is correct my Gric friend, remember I am in a remote village in ole Mexico (don't have any Griock dancing girls either, sniff )

Don Jose

I live in a remote place too , 15 Kilometers off the nearest town .


Don Jose

I live in a remote place too , 15 Kilometers off the nearest town .

View attachment 1479419

Nice view, Marius. But, I can assure you that private houses in Mexico, even in the most populous areas, have nothing like the panel that you do. If you were to look at some of the wiring i have seen in Mexico, it would probably scare you. It sure scared me!


The stories the Cavalrymen told of the Apache wars chilled me to the bone. The Apache(all bands), Comanche, Pima, Tohono, and any other I missed (not out of disrespect). They were the epitome of Che-Guevara's Guerilla Warfare and make waterboarding look like a dandy on a stroll through the park.

no, they were not very nice, but fighting for survival. stillllll

I chuckle when reading about surge control devises and circuit control panels (in Mexico). When I visited a friend there earlier this year, he was happy just to have go unnoticed to the authorities his illegal tap into the public electrical lines--along with many of his neighbors.
Coffee anyone?

This morning as I lay in bed scratching, gathering enough energy to get up, for some reason my mind returned to 1943. Things had quieted down on Guadalcanal and for some reason I liked to slip off into the jungle by myself (looking for Japanese soldiers) to a small ammo dump they had for tradable souvenirs.

Om this day, as was my custom I used a new route. I came acrsoss a small mud flat where I found the remains of a squad's foxholes, still filled with their owners, One had his dog tags visible so I retrieved them kept one and hung the other frmo a limb for easy spotting. I duly reported it to the marines then forgot about it,

Years later I was cleaning out my desk and found it again and sent it offwith a letter of explanation to the commandant of the Marines,. In due time an answer came, thanking me for reporting the graves in the first place then more spacific,

He was James Framcis Pearce, corpsman 3 rd class. now buried in Arlington, along with the rest of his squad.

What a story he could have told of his last night. surrouned by screaming Japanese with no hope of escaping.

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Don Jose,

I remember years ago when you first brought that experience of yours to TNet. Here it is again:
"Re: Lost WWII battlefield found -– war dead included

HI: I entered the Guadalcanal campaign on Aug 11, 1942. I know what the jungle is like. I have one question for those that claimed "fake", just where did they come up with the Japanese bodies?

I returned in 1944 and cut my way back behind Henderson about 4 - 5 miles to where there had been a Japanese ammo dump, with the idea of getting a few souveniers.

On the way, I dropped down into a small valley, pehaps 50 meters in diameter. There I found the remains of a US Marine squad that had been wiped out by the Japanese. They were still in their foxholes which were in a small circle, with dead Japanese surrounding them.

I took the dog tags of one and later informed the grave locators. The dog tag that I took was for "James Francis Pierce". Later, I asked about the site and was told that the bodies had been recovered, thanks to my information.

They told me that James Francis Pierce was a hospital corpman, 3 rd class and was eventually buried at Arlington.

Yes the jungle is a weird place.

Don Jose de La Mancha el *Tropical Tramp*"
I salute you Don Jose

And there you go, Jefe. Don just volunteered to ghostwrite for you. :icon_thumright: :tongue3: :whip2:

no, they were not very nice, but fighting for survival. stillllll

I was born in their territory, and there was still so much prejudice, that even as a child, I could hear the whispers that echoed in school hallways.

I was too young to understand why kids didn't like me, just because I was a friend to one child, born of their blood...

with kulula, very interesting beverage compound that you introduced to My friend Mac

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