Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

I know just what you mean, Homar! One of my most favorite blues guitar players is Joe Bonamassa, his face goes through so many contortions when he plays...it must be coming from his very soul. :icon_thumright:

Like was not strong enough. Also love Stevie Ray.

hola, I have been keeping quiet, but I can't anymore, Where have you gone ? Dit, your honeymoon with a sas should have worn off by now ----- There are many things that you can tell, err not about that of course. Mikel get to reminding me again. fresh coffee ready. Will post another story tomorrow, today I am having a tooth problem, a sharp edge is cutting the side of my tongue and it is darn uncomfortable. do you want a Chinese adventure story, Mexican? or one of the Melenesian ? Or a Gringo one ?

Jose. How about a good ole Gringo story?!?!

As for that sharp edged tooth, try a fingernail file.

I chipped a tooth last year and got tired of it catching my tongue, so I filed the edge down and it's been afraid to give me any more trouble...


I have a story from my " Guardian angel protected" youth.

When I was about 7 or 8 years old. My family lived in an old log house, with a lean-to addition on the back that served as a small kitchen and an emergency exit.

One spring day, while Mom was heating water to make tea and heating the oven to make bread, with the front and back door open to let the heat out ( it was a wood fire stove) a full grown wild hog wandered into the back door, backing Mom into the back corner with the hot stove. She did not call for help because there was nobody to save her other than her children.

As she started to climb up on the counter, she saw the pan on the stove had come to full boil. She grabbed it and poured it on the pig's face hoping to blind it.

The hog squealed and turned while heading for the way out. My brother and I were in the other room and saw the hog standing with his nose outside the exit and his other end open for ambush.
We grabbed a pan and a skillet and started beating the tar out of him.
Once we were outside the house we dropped the pans in exchange for long pieces of fire wood, just large enough to keep him moving.

Mom's plan to blind him must have worked. We chase him into the woods as fast as he would run, and once we realized that he couldn't see, we started guiding him head first into every tree that we could. We stopped, only when we were so tired from laughing at him that we just couldn't run.

Clearly, we were sure that he wouldn't return and he didn't. However; I don't think that he warned the bears, but that is another story that I believe is already posted here on an earlier post.

£;0) /

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hola, I have been keeping quiet, but I can't anymore, Where have you gone ? Dit, your honeymoon with a sas should have worn off by now ----- There are many things that you can tell, err not about that of course. Mikel get to reminding me again. fresh coffee ready. Will post another story tomorrow, today I am having a tooth problem, a sharp edge is cutting the side of my tongue and it is darn uncomfortable. do you want a Chinese adventure story, Mexican? or one of the Melenesian ? Or a Gringo one ?

The Sasquatch sends greetings, Jefe.....and said to tell you ONLY YOU would interrupt a honeymoon with a forked tongue. :tongue3: :laughing7:

Gringo story!! I second Sir Prospector, a good 'ole gringo tale sounds perfect. So gargle some salt water for the tongue, and get back to work! Ándale!! :whip2:



I'm avoiding salt, for a while. I have been feeling a little sluggish lately.


Ya should avoid it in general anyway Mikel.

Here is a sample of real singing.OIRISH of couse dedicated to our DIT and her sas/


AU, A dferent kind of singing, both are classics.

Ya want some from my experiences as a guard at San Quintin, Calif, a max security prison , unless it brings back too many memories for HIT's sas.

I was raised with movies of Humphry Bogart, and others in the big house, always violence so when I tok on the temp. job as a guard I was preconditioned I remember that one of the unofficial tests was to walk across the yard when all of the cons were in it and milling around. Of course the cons were unto this test and hammed it up by muttereing threats etc in low voices as the candidate walked across the Yard. Many never made it acros the big yard. had some experience so made it across safely ?? However there wasn't any real danger, so I was accepted. So began an episode of adventure, which culminated in two attempts on my life,

They weren'r successful if your interested

The first was when I was supervising loading in one of the shops. I was standing just outside of the large doors, watching a con run a large loader in and out, He had made perhaps 10 or 12 runs with loads, always backing out, while I stood in a certain spot checking the loading. For some reason I changed position, when he came roaring out of the building with a full load, right over the spot where I had been standing for the previous loads.,

If I had still been standing in that spot I would prob. have been killed, he was a Psychopath.

There wasn't anything that I ccould do, he could always claim that it was an accident, and I couldn't prove otherwise. so I merely grinned, to let him know that I knew what he had attempted and let it ride.

However the other cons wouldn't let up on him, they knew, and I gained points in their eyes, he probably suffered from them, than if I had written him up.

Then there was the time ------

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Try this one. Albert King and Stevie Ray. Hour and a half of Blues.

If you like Joe B. and the blues., I believe you'll like this one:
Joe Bonamassa "Introducing Eric Clapton" to "Further On Up The Road" from RAH Concert 2009

Further developments on my dove, now full grown.

The dove has developed a new trick. it sits on one blade of the ceiling fan which causes it to slowly rotate until it reaches a new balance,where it slowly stops, then by hopping to the next blade it causes the fan blades to rotate more, it keeps this up and keeps the fan rotating slowly, a dove merry-go-round,, it also now perches on the monitor preeming her feathers,while I am typing, about 12 inches away but still does not permit any such foolishness such as touching,

Don Jose,
And a 'buenos dias' right back to you, mi amigo, from this sunny day in gringoland with the temp about 70 degrees; enjoying coffee enhanced with my favorite enhancer--awaiting the Charger football game--an embarrassment so far this year, but there is still time to improve their record.

Saludos MAC, my friend, and here I have just finished making a fresh pot ,but without your enhancer, willl have to drink it without.

As for the footballers, they are a bunch of losers :laughing7:

Don Jose,
No need to go without; here's one for you:


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