Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

An old saying says save the last one for yourself.....
Not sure of AK. Regulations ,but magazine extentions are available for some models here.
For migratory birds/fowl we are restricted to three rounds , a plug is required /used for five round capacity magazines.

The restrictions are for hobby hunting not for self defense . If you are going in the forest for mushrooms or to hike , take off the plug from your gun . Your life is worth more than a fine .

We can discuss our favorite 'Bar Medicine' firearms and calibers to no end, and enjoyably so - however it generally works out that you will have those unpleasant type encounters with Mrs Bear or Mr Bear when you do not have any such weapon at hand. So it is wise to know what to do in such a case, back away slowly if possible, if attacked by a grizzly, brown or polar bear, play dead at once, if by a black bear (and they do occasionally) you must fight as hard as you can, as if your life depended on it because it does. A black bear with start eating you if you play dead. And have to agree with what was posted about grizzlies having incredibly tough heads - between the tough hide and thick sloping skull, a shot at the brain is very likely to just glance off and further enrage the bear! Some practice at quick shots at close range is definitely wise, and of course always carry that gun with you. It is always better to have the gun and not need it, than to need it and NOT have it!

Please do continue;

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Short finger, Interior and exrerior ballistics are my fort. Yer speaking my language. I remember an article By Christine Jorganson, in an old American Rifleman entitled "Make mine a .375" and she only about 125 lbs. That article made a confirmed 375 man out of me, sides you can handload it to a 38 55 ballistics, considered an ideal deer cartridge :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:I spect that we could have a nice session with Marius : IF: he'll bring along his Grick dancing gals.

Short finger, Interior and exrerior ballistics are my fort. Yer speaking my language. I remember an article By Christine Jorganson, in an old American Rifleman entitled "Make mine a .375" and she only about 125 lbs. That article made a confirmed 375 man out of me, sides you can handload it to a 38 55 ballistics, considered an ideal deer cartridge :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:I spect that we could have a nice session with Marius : IF: he'll bring along his Grick dancing gals.

I acquired a Ruger 77/ 357 to complement a GP 100 ( 5 inch).
The 77's 18.5 inch barrel definitely wrings more out of a round.

Oro, no like section,??? I always like your posts cept when yer bashng Tayopa :laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2: genuine sock coffee, bring Beth along :coffee2:

It definately does REl, hangs unto the end of the pressure curve. Allows the use of slower burning powsers.

Side point, some use birdshot for the first shotgun load and aim for the eyes, once blinded a finishing shot / shots can be applied When something is trying to ad you to it's diet, it is no time to be squeamish.

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Shori, then you will love my favorite as a kiddie, the .600 Jefferies double barell. Old story, the slight Englishman sneaks up on the dangerous game, fires and the first to get up wins.

Awesome advice, Gentlemen!! :icon_thumright: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I will definitely consider all suggestions! Although I like to think of myself as well versed in self defense, I have absolutely ZERO experience with a Grizzly. I've learned to compensate for my size in many ways, but am still very limited when it comes to recoil, naturally. And we all must be cognizant of our limitations when our lives depend on it.

The 810 has an 18" barrel with a 3" magnum chamber and an extended magazine tube that gives me 6+1 round capacity. I think Marius has the right idea, and would compensate for the "pucker factor" by allowing me to follow up the buck with the heavier ammo. Then again, Short finger has a very good point with the pellet per inch pattern.

I've been leaning towards the Remington Managed-Recoil, 8-pellet 00 buck, followed by 3" Magnum 1 oz. slugs. For my size the managed recoil works good for me as it still delivers 1,200 fps, yet has half the recoil of a Magnum load. ( The buckshot preferably to its face should buy me a second or two to get off a couple of slugs into his brisket ). With a pattern of appx. 15 " at 15 yards, I'd have at least a good chance of blinding him with the shot to the face, and not be knocked on my asterisk by the recoil before I could follow up with the slug.

But after Oroblanco's well made point, I'm questioning my reasoning on any head shot. ( BTW, Oro, I never run away from a fight....especially if my life depends on it ). But there would be no need to " play dead ", as I most probably will have succumbed to heart failure long before that point, lol.

Eh? What say you, El Bwana? Should I just stick to the bear spray.....or count on My Sasquatch's odor to keep the bears at bay? :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

Very thought provoking advice, thank you all! :hello2: :notworthy:


Short finger, Interior and exrerior ballistics are my fort. Yer speaking my language. I remember an article By Christine Jorganson, in an old American Rifleman entitled "Make mine a .375" and she only about 125 lbs. That article made a confirmed 375 man out of me, sides you can handload it to a 38 55 ballistics, considered an ideal deer cartridge :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:I spect that we could have a nice session with Marius : IF: he'll bring along his Grick dancing gals.

I spect we could have a good session with Marius without the Grick dancing girls. Of course, IMHO, it would be much better WITH them. I actually have a .38-56 Model 1883 Winchester. Supposed to be a slightly hotter round than the .38-55, but anything black powder (which this is) just won't compare with modern stuff. I still favor the .30-06 for most large game, but when it comes to bears, the bigger the better, as long as you can handle it.



Shori, then you will love my favorite as a kiddie, the .600 Jefferies double barell. Old story, the slight Englishman sneaks up on the dangerous game, fires and the first to get up wins.

I always wanted a double rifle (although the .600 Jefferies wasn't at the top of my list). Never could afford one, still can't.


Good luck and fair weather on your journey!
Keep your friends close and your powder dry.

Thank you so much, Weekender! I most surely WILL, on both counts! :notworthy:

Awesome advice, Gentlemen!! :icon_thumright: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I will definitely consider all suggestions! Although I like to think of myself as well versed in self defense, I have absolutely ZERO experience with a Grizzly. I've learned to compensate for my size in many ways, but am still very limited when it comes to recoil, naturally. And we all must be cognizant of our limitations when our lives depend on it.

The 810 has an 18" barrel with a 3" magnum chamber and an extended magazine tube that gives me 6+1 round capacity. I think Marius has the right idea, and would compensate for the "pucker factor" by allowing me to follow up the buck with the heavier ammo. Then again, Short finger has a very good point with the pellet per inch pattern.

I've been leaning towards the Remington Managed-Recoil, 8-pellet 00 buck, followed by 3" Magnum 1 oz. slugs. For my size the managed recoil works good for me as it still delivers 1,200 fps, yet has half the recoil of a Magnum load. ( The buckshot preferably to its face should buy me a second or two to get off a couple of slugs into his brisket ). With a pattern of appx. 15 " at 15 yards, I'd have at least a good chance of blinding him with the shot to the face, and not be knocked on my asterisk by the recoil before I could follow up with the slug.

But after Oroblanco's well made point, I'm questioning my reasoning on any head shot. ( BTW, Oro, I never run away from a fight....especially if my life depends on it ). But there would be no need to " play dead ", as I most probably will have succumbed to heart failure long before that point, lol.

Eh? What say you, El Bwana? Should I just stick to the bear spray.....or count on My Sasquatch's odor to keep the bears at bay? :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

Very thought provoking advice, thank you all! :hello2: :notworthy:


You probably know the old saying, when in Grizzly country, wear bear bells on your pack and carry pepper spray. The addendum to that is, the way to tell black bear scat from Grizzly scat is, Grizzly scat has little bells in it and smells like pepper spray......




Cuddling with sourdough starter is not on my list of things to do on a long winter's night.... :tongue3:

What's frybread? Your Mohican ancestor must have been a Yankee. :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

You probably know the old saying, when in Grizzly country, wear bear bells on your pack and carry pepper spray. The addendum to that is, the way to tell black bear scat from Grizzly scat is, Grizzly scat has little bells in it and smells like pepper spray......



I was talking with a man q while back about bears and specifically about bear guns. He said he recalled when he was 12 or maybe 13, he was hunting in the north woods with his dad, Wisc or Minn, i can't remember. His dad had built several permanent tree stands on their property. One morning he was in one close to the next property line when shortly after sunrise he heard a loud booom. He said it sounded like a baseball bat striking a large hardwood tree. He climbed down to see what had happened. As he approached the fence, he saw a large black bear lying just on the other side. A man then climbed down from a tree stand and approached them. He asked the man what he shot it with and he replied a 45-70. The man said that bear never moved after he shot it. He said I guess not, you clobbered that bear. Good luck. rockhound

HIT+++++++ my Sasquatch's odor hmm, ya don't sleep with MY sourdough starter

short, the 38 55 ^ 56 are famous as game getters, vel is low enough as to not have so much bloodshot meat as say with the 30 06. mild recoil.

Rock, that 45 70 and the 50 70 were what they used in the Apache wars, the military, not the Apache, THEY used whatever they could steal.or trade for.

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Never leave camp without a good 18 inch blade for those embarrassing moments when you don't have time to reload.

Keep 'em sharp enough to shave with and clean enough to eat with.


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