Awesome advice, Gentlemen!!
I will definitely consider all suggestions! Although I like to think of myself as well versed in self defense, I have absolutely ZERO experience with a Grizzly. I've learned to compensate for my size in many ways, but am still very limited when it comes to recoil, naturally. And we all must be cognizant of our limitations when our lives depend on it.
The 810 has an 18" barrel with a 3" magnum chamber and an extended magazine tube that gives me 6+1 round capacity. I think Marius has the right idea, and would compensate for the "pucker factor" by allowing me to follow up the buck with the heavier ammo. Then again, Short finger has a very good point with the pellet per inch pattern.
I've been leaning towards the Remington Managed-Recoil, 8-pellet 00 buck, followed by 3" Magnum 1 oz. slugs. For my size the managed recoil works good for me as it still delivers 1,200 fps, yet has half the recoil of a Magnum load. ( The buckshot preferably to its face should buy me a second or two to get off a couple of slugs into his brisket ). With a pattern of appx. 15 " at 15 yards, I'd have at least a good chance of blinding him with the shot to the face, and not be knocked on my asterisk by the recoil before I could follow up with the slug.
But after Oroblanco's well made point, I'm questioning my reasoning on any head shot. ( BTW, Oro, I never run away from a fight....especially if my life depends on it ). But there would be no need to " play dead ", as I most probably will have succumbed to heart failure long before that point, lol.
Eh? What say you, El Bwana? Should I just stick to the bear spray.....or count on My Sasquatch's odor to keep the bears at bay?
Very thought provoking advice, thank you all!