Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Nothing exciting this time. Besides watching for black bears, OTM's, Border Patrol, and dive bombing Humming birds, Was at the top of a ridge at 7000 feet and watched a Curly Mexican wolf bounding around the other side of the valley about 1200 feet lower and 1/4 mile away just have a great time chasing his own tail. Never mentioned it before and won't say where he was as "They" would try and make it harder to get in there. Only saw him once in 20 years.

Spending more than I make anniversary...

Howdy everyone,

I am pleased to announce that yesterday was of great importance to my little world....My OFFICIAL 5000 full days in pursuit of things hidden by the spaniards, jesuits, KGC, etc. As I keep lengthy journals, (something for the kids to start a fire with when I die), I thought I would take a minute and reflect on years passed in pursuit of the past. (Dinosaurs are a different story and journal completely). Although I have yet to make one thin dime from cache/treasure hunting, I wouldn't change a thing. I have had the great fortune of finding over 2 dozen covered tunnels, and yet, have never opened a single one. (In order to open them, you have to get a wealthy dude, and then he wants to run the show...and I like running my own show). Maybe someday, I will stay still long enough to open one, until then, the hunt goes on.....
Day 5001...

A photo of a trapped tunnel....
into the void.webp

Looks like you need some pump for that one. A few air pump and a long hose

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Camp fire story. My friend Arnold bought a 12 gage pump shotgun and brought it home. His wife told him to go right out and buy a trigger lock for it so neither of the 2 older boys would have an accident. So he did. One day not long after, she was at home with the baby and heard someone kicking in the kitchen door. She ran to the back bedroom and called 911 after locking the door. As the person came closer she could hear them opening the doors. She went to the closet and got the shotgun down from the top shelf and looked for the key. She couldn't find it. Then she heard the door handle being tried. "I have a gun!" She yelled. They started kicking the door to open it. She "racked" the shotgun and heard nothing but footsteps running away. 20 minutes later the police got there and took down her story. When Arnold got home his wife told him remove the lock off the gun. Him."But what about the boys?" Her, " If they so much as touch it, they won't sit down for at least a week. Unlock it!" I am not anti gun, but I can not see a reason for a 30 round clip. 10, sure, but not 30. To me that should be covered the same way as having a license for a full auto. Just my thoughts.

At least in the US, the original purpose for our second amendment was for the people to have arms, the same arms in military usage in order to prevent an out of control government from becoming tyrannical.......
It is very interesting to read what our founding fathers wrote........and sadly it seems we find ourselves today in a situation they feared most and foretold.
President Jackson also wrote well on what would happen........

G'd morning, The mangos are IN, drool. I have 5 - 7 every moning, I have finally learned how to eat then one slice down each side, then three cuts on each sde of the sliced off halves pop the halves inside out, and you have six delicious segments to skoff..
course ya have to wash your face after wards, but it is worth it. That and coffee ( sock ) coffee starts te day then ready for breakfast

Side thingy, I was barred yesterday with the periodic password checking and lost my status for 24 hrs, I just casualy noticed i revision that I m listed as being born i 19-- ??? that should be Oct 3,1923, how do I change it??

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Your only old as you feel. I knew there was wisdom in your writing that comes from age

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When it comes to guns. It's better to have one and never need it than need it and not have one

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That was the story of the women at the Waco Luby's shooting. As a "good Citizen" she left her gun in the car when, she, her mother and father went in to eat. The man shot her father and when she climbed out a back window thinking her mother was behind her, her mother went back to her husband and was holding him when the shooter came back through and killed both.

G'd morning, The mangos are IN, drool. I have 5 - 7 every moning, I have finally learned how to eat then one slice down each side, then three cuts on each sde of the sliced off halves pop the halves inside out, and you have six delicious segments to skoff..
course ya have to wash your face after wards, but it is worth it. That and coffee ( sock ) coffee starts te day then ready for breakfast

Side thingy, I was barred yesterday with the periodic password checking and lost my status for 24 hrs, I just casualy noticed i revision that I m listed as being born i 1986 ??? that should be Oct 3,1923, how do I change it??


Hi Joe,

On any page, at the very top, on the right, is "settings'. Click that, then scroll down to edit "my profile". After that, I think it is the second box down where you can enter your birth date. There is an advisory notice that says if you have chosen the privacy option, then only a moderator can make changes.

Hope this helps.



Hi Greg, I think that you hit it, only the mod may change it since it says 66 years old which i would never do, although I must admit my avitar is from a few years ago :laughing7: say some 60 years ago ---- how-n-ell am i gonna attract any gals with my present err mug, :laughing7::dontknow:

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Au, Bob, I am an unabashed gun lover. Recieved my first one, a winchester 30-30 carbine for my 12th birthday. My ole grandpapy stood by very disapprovingly, and said " yer teaching the kid to go down in a hail of gunfire on some Bankstep"--- he as slightly wrong since I have been in the military and law enforcement work,except for my exploring,, where it played a critical part in keeping me here.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

I too received my first at 12th birthday. My was a 20ga.and was taught only kill what I would eat. I learned quickly what was good to eat. Because if I killed it, I had to clean and eat it Including snakes. Now days I still eat wild game but I haven't had to kill anything but time. That's a good thing for a treasure hunter. Do I hear an amen?

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Amen.......I used to want to hunt anything just for the sake of the sport, nowadays, I guess I have become soft. I hate killing anything that I am not going to eat. (that reminds me, I am off to cook and elk tenderloin)...

Amen, Bob.
The last thing I had to kill was a skunk that made a den under my bedroom.

I found a better way, after that.
I waited for the family of skunks that had made my cellar "Home smelly Home" , to leave for the night and buried three mothballs under the crack they crawled out.
The next morning, just as the sun was breaking over the hill they made it to the crack and one by one they tried to get passed the smell, they all turned and left, never to return.

Jose, you should list your age as " Just a little older than sliced bread."

July 7th, it will be 88 years old.
That will leave you a little margin and a little mystery.

#/;0) ~

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