Mirage and Nate s totals for 2006

Re: Mirage and Nate 's totals for 2006

Bavaria Mike said:
Nice totals Mirage and Nate! Are you going to tumble all that? HH, Mike

Hey Mike. Yeah, we started the tumbling process. The belt broke on the tumbler the third load. Guess I overloaded it. ;D I rigged it with a rubber band. Some of these coins are really red and it's hard to get that off. The guy at work always knows when I am paying my coffee money cause it's "dirty money". ;D :D :D


Re: Mirage and Nate 's totals for 2006

Very cool,,,,this may be of interest...I found this estimation of coins in circulation which roughly matches distribution of your finds...
1c - 66.5%, 5c - 8.25%, 10c - 13.25%, 25c - 12%

Re: Mirage and Nate 's totals for 2006

Nice presentation Bob, looks like you guys had a great year.

Unlike DoyBoy, I dig pennies. I'm glad he doesn't, cause that leaves more for us. Of course those lowly wheat penny's are nice to find also. I just love the 1914 D penny I found years ago.

By the way Bob, do you have a Harbor Frieight Tools store near by. Then have a great tumbler there that is really cheap. actually it's a double tumbler. I think I paid around $30 for it. Check it out or go on line and check it out.

Again, congratulations on all your finds and thanks for posting great pictures of them.

HH, Ringfinder

Re: Mirage and Nate 's totals for 2006

Let's see now ......From the charts it looks like you're doing a little better last year than in 2005? I cashed my clad in a while back and I think I had around $260.00 but don't remember for sure. I won't have that much this year as I am trying to stop wasting my time digging so many pennies. The problem is I like to know if there are wheaties around as it kinda' dates any other things I might find. Pennies ring up the same as a dime on one of my detectors...or on most of them depending on what year they are. The 1970s are bad about that for some reason. Nice pics, I posted one kinda' like it somewhere. Oh here's some of them, a months worth, the rest are in rolls. Monty


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Re: Mirage and Nate 's totals for 2006

Woah!............that is a monster pile of clad!

Re: Mirage and Nate 's totals for 2006

Interesting...I also keep track of my coin finds. Since August of 2005 I have found 2605 coins with the following breakdown....

Pennies - 1799 - 69.06 %
Dimes - 260 - 9.98%
Nickels - 206 - 7.91%
Quarters - 193 - 7.41%
Halves - 2 - .08%
Dollar - 2 - .11%

I'm quite disappointed that the total dollar value is only $119.83, but finding so may pennies and so little of the other will do that. This all averages out to $.046 per coin found. Hopefully I'll find fewer pennies and more of the other. Also my silver total is so ridiculously low I won't even post it. I must be doing something wrong as I'm hardly finding silver at all.

Re: Mirage and Nate 's totals for 2006

bogeymcq said:
I am so love love LOVIN" that picture! Unbelievably outrageous!! ( in a great way! )

Look at the jump in the wheats you all had found! :o Kudos!

I am really glad you posted pix & info! Outstanding! ;D

Bogart :D

What Bogey said!

Re: Mirage and Nate 's totals for 2006

Nice totals of clad Mirage and Nate.

You guys are doing it well. Getting both sides of the hobby new and old. That's something I have gotten away from. I probably only find about 50.00 a yr in clad now.

It would be nice to find alot of old coins and alot of new. I know of alot of clad sites. But I get bored with it at times. Unless I know there is old stuff mixed also.

You guys will have another great yr in 07. You hunt hard and have the know how and equiptment to do so.

HH Jer

Re: Mirage and Nate 's totals for 2006

Now that is being organized. Quite impressive. I charted mine...here are the results......HA.

Pull Tabs - 72%
Aluminum Cans - 21%
Bottle Caps - 5%
Others - 2%

Without charting my finds like you did I think my penny ratio is a little higher than yours. WTG guys.


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