Ok, I'll chime in hopefully for the last time on the Equinox. I DID go detecting today and NOT with the Equinox. I used the Deus, but also took my Vaquero which loves the beach. Went to a salt water beach subject to four nor' easters this month and scored a very old 8 reale Spanish cob. That's another story.
Re: the Equinox. I fell for some of the hype and bought a 600. Oh well. After careful consideration, with nothing to do with the manual or charger, I wasn't bothered by that...well...this cat is getting older and I digress. Older than dirt itself. I suppose the manufacturer went for "cheap" on the ergonomics of the machine. It is nose heavy with the 11" loop. I knew that, but thought, never mind, maybe I was imagining that when I tested one out in the fall. Well, dag nabbit, it is nose heavy and sloppy with that straight shaft. Why no "S" shaft guys? Come on, the 19th century is over. It made my shoulder hurt after 15 minutes. This for old toads is bad news.
I also found in hot ground with lots of small and mid size iron in it, the loop is too big for my type of relic hunting. The audio response was too consistent, at least for me, and I had to rely on the VDI for target identification. With 6 or so targets under the 11" loop, that was impossible.
I certainly do not need a "dig everything" machine. I already have one of those. Now the Equinox is probably going to do very well in some circumstances, like parts of the South where the dirt has very little mineralization, and Terry likes his at the beach. Parks, probably. I do not do parks.
Bottom line....I S O L D I T! It just wasn't going to work in my area and I don't need another thing in my closet. The end.