And you're going to tell me it does that with the screen, right? To me anything on the screen is a gimmick, and Minelab has been playing the same game for a long time. Make it more techie and people will think it's better. I would absolutely love to hunt with someone using one for the price tag to be proved to me. I'd win either way because I'm confident they'd fail, but if they didn't I get to buy a new detector.
If you've hunted around a fire pit or similar trashy, iron infested area, you may change your mind on that. A friend of mine paid for his CTX in the first month of hunting. Would the Explorer have made the same recoveriies? Maybe....maybe not. I've seen some amazing finds with one though, in areas previously hunted by other high end detectors, including Explorers and E-tracs, as well as other brands. The bottom line is, if you like your machine use it until something you like better comes along. I started with BFO's and there's no way I would go back to using one of those! Would you want to use the detector you had before the Explorer? Since you're not using it, I would guess not. I would say however, that I'm disappointed that parts and service would be discontinued just because the model is discontinued. That puts a sour taste in owners' mouths and makes them think twice about buying another detector from that company. At least sell the rights to make the parts to someone else if you don't want to do it. It's annoying to have a good machine with a minor problem that can't be fixed because parts aren't available.

If you've hunted around a fire pit or similar trashy, iron infested area, you may change your mind on that. A friend of mine paid for his CTX in the first month of hunting. Would the Explorer have made the same recoveriies? Maybe....maybe not. I've seen some amazing finds with one though, in areas previously hunted by other high end detectors, including Explorers and E-tracs, as well as other brands. The bottom line is, if you like your machine use it until something you like better comes along. I started with BFO's and there's no way I would go back to using one of those! Would you want to use the detector you had before the Explorer? Since you're not using it, I would guess not. I would say however, that I'm disappointed that parts and service would be discontinued just because the model is discontinued. That puts a sour taste in owners' mouths and makes them think twice about buying another detector from that company. At least sell the rights to make the parts to someone else if you don't want to do it. It's annoying to have a good machine with a minor problem that can't be fixed because parts aren't available.

Considering I made my best find since 2009 with an Ace 250 a hearsay scenario of hunting a detected site and finding something good isn't a particularly strong argument in my opinion. Trust me if I thought there was a reasonable chance the CTX would find more, and be better in iron (sound not screen) I would have bought one instead of the SE I just got. I had the money, I just do not believe the technology is any more advanced other than a fancy screen analysis, which I don't think would rival the sound. Maybe some day it will, but until then it's just marketing to move more detectors. The deep hits I have seen on youtube videos are very unimpressive to me.

But I still would love to hunt with someone using one, and to be able to play with it myself. It's too bad dealers can't loan them out to potential customers because if I had a two week trial and it proved itself, I would buy one. I'm totally the type to have have the best, and will pay to have the best, but after the Explorer II nothing has impressed me.

I would almost agree Iron Patch on the screen part, but the combined audio which the Etrac and explorer don't have let's you hear the iron grunts without going to TTF and still have 4 adjustable tones from low to high conductive targets up above iron. The target trace is pretty amazing the more I use it, especially when you have mixed targets like iron-gold, iron-clad, pulltab-clad, etc. It's just one more tool to use to decide if it's worth digging or not. In the end do the extra bells and whistles matter, maybe not so much. PS: I can't help but laugh a little when I read all you're post, for some reason they're in Dr. Sheldon Coopers voice!

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If anyone is looking to assign blame for the demise of the Explorer, look at the Etrac, not the CTX.

The introduction of the Etrac, (which is basically a more advanced Explorer) created a demand vacuum between the Safari and the Etrac.

The Safari remains popular I assume, for it's auto features and simplicity using the FBS technology. The Etrac is a very popular, and capable detector, and the go to alternative to the CTX. The Explorer, although still a good detector was doomed, being stuck in the middle of those popular models.

Since it's beginnings, in 1985, Minelab has at last count 46 archived (discontinued) models, 5 of those are Explorer models, which was introduced in 1999. The Explorer had a good, and long, 15 year run, but time and technology move on.

If anyone is looking to assign blame for the demise of the Explorer, look at the Etrac, not the CTX.

The introduction of the Etrac, (which is basically a more advanced Explorer) created a demand vacuum between the Safari and the Etrac.

The Safari remains popular I assume, for it's auto features and simplicity using the FBS technology. The Etrac is a very popular, and capable detector, and the go to alternative to the CTX. The Explorer, although still a good detector was doomed, being stuck in the middle of those popular models.

Since it's beginnings, in 1985, Minelab has at last count 46 archived (discontinued) models, 5 of those are Explorer models, which was introduced in 1999. The Explorer had a good, and long, 15 year run, but time and technology move on.

That's exactly right, and I seen it right from the start with my Explorer XS. But as for the technology moving on, it seems like the E-trac is simply an explorer with a different screen... so big deal. From what everyone says, and the fact the CTX uses different coils I do tend to believe it's an entirely different beast, but I don't necessarily believe that's a good thing. There's probably a lot more people that move quick while swinging, and for years there's been post after post about recovery speed, and even though the truth is Minelabs don't need a lightning fast recovery because of the technology they use, most people don't seem to get that, and no doubt swing an Explorer like they would an F75... but you can't get away with that, it's just different. So... there's no doubt Minelab has been paying attention to this, and I think it's quite obvious through their actions that whatever makes the most money is what they're going to do... and if it's making a detector that acts a little more like a Fisher, and has a quicker recovery, and maybe the tones are a little sharper... they won't really care what the most experienced users think, they just want to sell as many detectors as possible. I'd like to hear from someone who has actually put in a decade or so on an explorer and changed to a CTX. What do they think? There's just no point reading posts from people who just upgraded from an AT pro and think a CTX is the best detector ever.... that's really not an opinion that counts for me. It doesn't count anymore than mine which is all based on assumption. I never bought an E-trac because my gut said it's an Explorer with a few changes that don't matter, and for a solid year I heard how much better it was than an SE... then an explorer user on here bought one and was basically WTF... it's an Explorer. Someday if I couldn't use an SE, then I'd feel fairly confident in buying an E-trac and being able to use it like I do my Explorer, but the CTX actually scares me because it would really feel like I'm rolling the dice. And just for the record, I know there will be some read this, as they always do, and think I'm bashing the CTX.... and of course that would make no sense because for the price the thing is I'm pretty sure it can do something. I'm just not so sure that something is the something I prefer. The more I write the more curious I am, it's just too bad there's no Minelab dealers anywhere close to me, and even if there was I doubt they'd have one of those, and certainly not one for me to play with out in the dirt. If I ever hear of someone within a couple hundred miles of me who hunts fields I'd be very inclined to pay them a visit. Maybe some day it could happen.

Damn that was about 4 times as long as I figured.

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Iron Patch, just where are you located approximately? Maybe that could happen, but I think were very far apart! I'm 5 miles from Florida line.

Iron Patch, just where are you located approximately? Maybe that could happen, but I think were very far apart! I'm 5 miles from Florida line.

Yeah I'm about 2,500 miles North of you. :)

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Profit is always the motivation in the manufacturing world, Minelab is certainly no different.

I agree with your Explorer/Etrac analogy Iron Patch. I don't think there is a great deal of difference between the two. The computer interface ability of the Etrac is probably the most obvious, and it can probably be more customized to suit the user. (Based on comment from an acquaintance about 7 months ago, who switched from an Explorer to an Etrac. Kind of funny, as the reason he switched was, he thought the Explorer would probably be discontinued soon. He figured, he would get more money for a used machine that was still in production, as opposed to a discontinued model. Not sure if it was a good guess, or there was scuttlebutt about it 7 months ago?)

As to the CTX, it's FBS II, Smartfind II, and target trace technologies, do set it apart from any prior FBS detectors. To any prior EXPERIENCED users of FBS machines, the difference may not be as pronounced, but it is there.

Beyond the detecting/target I.D. enhancements, the CTX's wireless headphones, ability to hunt submerged, and GPS tracking/recording of find locations may or may not suit everyone. They do legitimately add to the cost. I find them all useful, and have had great success with it, which is why I got one. NO REGRETS!

As far as I am concerned, there are no bad metal detectors!!! From basic beep and dig, to more advanced featured models, they all do the same thing. It is just a matter of choice, in what suits the user. I feel the more choices the better.

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Iron Patch, if you were closer to southern PA I'd loan you my CTX (or an Etrac or XP Deus, if that ever interested you) for a few weeks... I think all of Treasurenet would love to hear your candid, thorough, and careful assessment of the CTX as an expert user of the Explorer. I know I would. :hello:

The 3030 IMO is a very impressive machine, but I agree that due its pricepoint its not a "Hobby" MD, it's intended more to the enthusiast that will use/need/want most or all of its features, the average joe will be happy with any MD that discriminates FE/Non-FE items and there are tons of detectors that can do that.

Iron, call Kellyco ask to speak to dave in minelab repairs... I just talked to him and told him about your problem, he told me to tell you to call him.........

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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I agree with your Explorer/Etrac analogy Iron Patch. I don't think there is a great deal of difference between the two. The computer interface ability of the Etrac is probably the most obvious, and it can probably be more customized to suit the user.

Most people assume this because of the similar control panel and the use of the FE/CO VID. This is wrong, as they are very different machines internally. The E-trac is actually based on the quatro detector, not the explorer.

Many people also consider the CTX to be re-worked E-Trac but that again is false. Just because there are some similarities, there are FAR more differences.

As to the use of VDI being important or not, that is up to individual user to decide. Some prefer tones only, some prefer VDI, some like to use both, but that doesn't make any one of them a "gimmick". It's all just tools for user.

Iron Patch, if you were closer to southern PA I'd loan you my CTX (or an Etrac or XP Deus, if that ever interested you) for a few weeks... I think all of Treasurenet would love to hear your candid, thorough, and careful assessment of the CTX as an expert user of the Explorer. I know I would. :hello:

No, I'm very North, even from you. it probably could be done through insured Fedex, and I'd have no problem paying the cost if I was serious about doing it...but that's a heck of a hassle, not to mention I'm in Canada so customs would probably apply duty and fees no matter how the detector is declared. I'm pretty happy with what I use so it's not a big deal, but if I ever have the opportunity I'll probably take it.

It really comes down to one thing for me... that that is how well it can see small targets in iron. Of course it would have to be as good as my explorer in all the other ways too, but the main place I would be looking for an edge is in iron where I spend most of my time.

Iron, call Kellyco ask to speak to dave in minelab repairs... I just talked to him and told him about your problem, he told me to tell you to call him.........

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Just in the last couple of days a thought basically slapped me upside the head. The day I had problems to rule out the coil I tried my friends coil. The detector still wasn't right, so then I knew it was likely serious. We left and went to another site and he used his Garrett, and me his Explorer II, and it had problems! The thing is after getting the thought in my brain that my detector was done, and feeling like I ruled out the coil, it never hit me at all that there's the possibility that he had a bad coil too! So I have some hope both our detectors will be fine with a couple of new coils, but don't have a high degree of confidence because I've had several explorer coils go bad and they low toned false, where these were high tone falsing. My others it was always water damage, but I don't think that is the case this time, so each of these may just have a different type of short and why they false in a different way. I really don't know, and why it is very important now I do my testing in the Spring just to be clear on what is wrong. If it is the coil I was really setting myself up for a bad start because I'm selling the pro coil on my new SE and was just going to go with the old white stock coil... which potentially could have left me with two working detectors and no working coils. Now knowing this I'm going to pick up an SEF to be ready for which ever way it works out.

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There were more problems with the older FBS Coils that you like than the newer pro coils if I am remembering correctly.... and as to you trying my CTX - you are right, in that customs would be a real pain to deal with... If you were close enough for one of us to drive to the other though, I would still be open to making it happen.

Back to Keppy's original topic... I just got word that there are just a few more NEW, but leftover Explorers (and Sovereign GTs!) available if anyone is interested!

There were more problems with the older FBS Coils that you like than the newer pro coils if I am remembering correctly.... and as to you trying my CTX - you are right, in that customs would be a real pain to deal with... If you were close enough for one of us to drive to the other though, I would still be open to making it happen.

Yes, those old coils sure weren't built to last, and I have been through many of them. So many I have lost track. As much as I hate change, I am hoping it's my coil and not my detector that has the problem so I can finally make a coil change for good and not have to be concerned about finding old ones that work 100%. Just 20 minutes ago my 10" x 12" SEF arrived, so if I have to change it's what I'll be using.

i have a explorer 2 and just got the dirty 30 its a diff beast its faster picks up small flat buttons in this mist of nail beds its so much faster no lag time and it nulls to a minimum iv got my tones adjusted so that iron is a verry low grunt and the good targets pop loud i normaly hunt in a semi open screen i debated on the cost over and over got it and im verry happy

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