yes but they still be around for years to come but use one i hate for them quit making Explores they very good m.d. I thought about trading mine off 2 or 3 times hate too they are the next thing to an etrac finding silver and thats why i hate to get rid of mine

Yes, and why I just bought a new one to get a 3 year warranty. It's said that Minelab will service them until at least 2020.

Yes, and why I just bought a new one to get a 3 year warranty. It's said that Minelab will service them until at least 2020.
Yes...That is what i heard they will service them till 2020……Or until parts run out...

There may be a few leftovers floating around in dealer inventories, but new production has unfortunately ceased of this legendary detector.

To bad the Sovereign now the Explorer….

Yes, and for what... a CTX 3030. I sure hope what comes through in the videos is not the case in person, because the sounds I've heard them making on deep targets was just a mess. But of course as long as you give a detector a fancy screen, and charge a crazy price, some people will convince themselves it's better. I might be right, or I might be wrong, but I would make a pretty large blind bet a CTX would not do anything on my sites my explorer could not... and probably do less because I'm the one who has the experience there. I do not believe for a second Minelab has made a detector better than the Explorer XS, and obviously you can believe that because I don't own an E-trac, or CTX, and have no plans to get one.

Yes, and for what... a CTX 3030. I sure hope what comes through in the videos is not the case in person, because the sounds I've heard them making on deep targets was just a mess. But of course as long as you give a detector a fancy screen, and charge a crazy price, some people will convince themselves it's better. I might be right, or I might be wrong, but I would make a pretty large blind bet a CTX would not do anything on my sites my explorer could not... and probably do less because I'm the one who has the experience there. I do not believe for a second Minelab has made a detector better than the Explorer XS, and obviously you can believe that because I don't own an E-trac, or CTX, and have no plans to get one.
.. Your right there But Minelab wants the big bucks for detectors that are no better than the explorer..

The CTX is hard to compare to anything, because there isn't anything else like it. Whether you care for it or not is a matter of choice. It can do things that your (and my) Explorer can't, the same as you (we) have abilities that it doesn't. That alone doesn't make one better or worse, just simply different, and more or less suited to you. And IMO, that's how it should be. If all detectors that they made were the same, then they would have a very limited line.

The fact is that things come, and they go. I like old muscle cars and cheap gas, but what I like and want means little in the big scheme of things. You (and I) just need to learn to get over it and get on with it. Nothing stays the same forever.

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The CTX is hard to compare to anything, because there isn't anything else like it. Whether you care for it or not is a matter of choice. It can do things that your (and my) Explorer can't, the same as you (we) have abilities that it doesn't. That alone doesn't make one better or worse, just simply different, and more or less suited to you. And IMO, that's how it should be. If all detectors that they made were the same, then they would have a very limited line.

The fact is that things come, and they go. I like old muscle cars and cheap gas, but what I like and want means little in the big scheme of things. You (and I) just need to learn to get over it and get on with it. Nothing stays the same forever.
But you see nothing is like the 5000 either but how many can afford the 5000 … So not every one can not afford the 3030 … But people with money do not under stand about people with out money they think i can afford it so why can't you….. Myself i can afford one but do not want one………..Why would some one want to pay $2400 … to find a penny or a dime .. I can see the cost for a detector like the Excalibur for what it does … I can see the cost for a detector like the 5000 for what it does .. But all the 3030 does is for the most part coin shoot..I know you can wade in the water with it..

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But all the 3030 does is for the most part coin shoot.
And it does that better than most anything. So to some it's worth it. It's more digital than an E-trac, which is why it can ID two targets under the coil at once (among other things), which you can't do with any other detector. Hunting for coins in trash that feature alone could make it worthwhile to some.

And it does that better than most anything. So to some it's worth it. It's more digital than an E-trac, which is why it can ID two targets under the coil at once (among other things), which you can't do with any other detector. Hunting for coins in trash that feature alone could make it worthwhile to some.

And you're going to tell me it does that with the screen, right? To me anything on the screen is a gimmick, and Minelab has been playing the same game for a long time. Make it more techie and people will think it's better. I would absolutely love to hunt with someone using one for the price tag to be proved to me. I'd win either way because I'm confident they'd fail, but if they didn't I get to buy a new detector.

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Planned obsolescence--make it 'unfashionable' to hold on to such 'old' equipment by cutting off the production of spare parts; and encourages the purchase of newer 'bells and whistle' machines. I'll stay with mine till it dies in my arms.


And you're going to tell me it does that with the screen, right? To me anything on the screen is a gimmick, and Minelab has been playing the same game for a long time. Make it more techie and people will think it's better. I would absolutely love to hunt with someone using one for the price tag be proved to me. I'd win either way because I'm confident they'd fail, but if they didn't I get to buy a new detector.

Planned obsolescence--make it 'unfashionable' to hold on to such 'old' equipment by cutting off the production of spare parts; and encourages the purchase of newer 'bells and whistle' machines. I'll stay with mine till it dies in my arms.

Do you guys carry signs or have bumper stickers that say "Stop The World, I Want To Get Off"?
I'm almost surprised that you're not still swinging BFO machines.

I was taught 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'; especially if the machine continues to produce excellent finds.
No problem. Continue to use it until it breaks or doesn't suit you anymore. Until then, bashing another advanced machine serves no productive purpose.
If you don't like the CTX, don't buy it. Simple as that. Your whining isn't going to cause Minelab to see it your way or alter their plans for new models.

You're out of bounds, longhair. I made no reference to any other ('advanced')specific machine; just expressed my opinion about my own machine and why I thought spare parts are no longer available. No need to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Minelab just quits making good detectors and parts so it will cost more to repair the old detector than a new one cost………… That makes you buy a new detector and that is not a fair to there former buyers….:cussing:

Reminder to please post by rules... Please do not end up insulting other members...

Check out Gary Drayton finds using his 3030...

Bottom line is sales if a detector falls below a certain sales number several years in a row it is discontinued...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

"Out of bounds"? That's not how I see it. I don't buy a machine to be "fashionable", and those that might aren't likely to stick with the hobby long anyway. Catering to the "fashionable" market is a poor business plan, and not likely at all what Minelab is doing.
and encourages the purchase of newer 'bells and whistle' machines.
The inference is that they are pushing you into another machine, when in fact there are whole lines of machines (like Tesoro) with very few "bells & whistles" that you find unnecessary.

Don't get me wrong. I too have an Explorer. But if it dies before I sell it I'm not going to be heartbroken because they don't still make it. I'll just look for a machine with features I want out of what's available at the time.
I actually applaud Minelab for killing off older technology machines and those with lagging sales. They are pioneering new technologies instead of rebadging the same old. Look at who is leading development and who is essentially stagnant, and then look to see who is gaining market share and who is relying on cult following.
Then consider the people getting involved in the hobby that are hearing impaired that need some of the "bells & whistles" to be able to enjoy the hobby as much as you.
The fact is that there is a machine out there to suit most anyone, and you're free to buy what you want. And if what you want isn't available, you're free to develop & market your own if you like.

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