🏆 HONORABLE MENTION might have helped save a life metal detecting today

I don't know anything more - there couldn't have been a child there or she'd not have left I don't think. Being that shell shocked I don't know what to make of her saying that. maybe the father of her child was one of the two men or something? I have no idea really

You done a great thing, hope she's ok and they get those guys before they hurt someone else. HH

You were the exact person that needed to be there........coincidence........nope........God has a way of answering prayers.........you were the answer to hers.

i could not stop there,i would have to know where the baby was and where the ones responsible for this was

Good Job, Thanks for helping her!

keep us updated ..I wonder if they had beat her so bad that they left her for dead .. I gotta woinder where is the child ..hope its ok -- scum like that god only knows --hope they catch em and that the kids ok --yes sometimes god put folks exact where they need to be ...to act as his angels at the right place and time

Thank you for stepping up and keeping a level head throughout the situation. This is an Honorable Mention if ever there was one.

STEALTHYCAT, That is something that has never, nor would I want Ever to happen for me, but if ever it should, I will remember your example, and try to live up to it. I have a CCW permit, and see now where I should use it more. If those guys had still been around, you may have been faced with not only saving her, but yourself as well. You can and should take pride in the way you reacted Stealthy, because ya gotta know, many of us, and most certainly myself are proud of you. Check the box next to your name that says, "One of the good guys".


Any missing persons/children reported lately?

I googled Arkansas missing woman and came up with one (mother and child), but dates back to Nov.
You might want to check it out though.

:icon_thumright: for being there and helping though stealthycat, you are awesome.

To qualify as a "missing person", you have to be missing for more than a certain number of hours (sorry, don't know what that is, or if it varies from state to state). Then, somebody has to report you "missing". Maybe the only person to report her was one of the ones that left her.

It absolutely dumbfounds me whenever I hear about some sort of such tragic story where potentially good Samaritans end up just slamming and bolting the door, preferring instead to not get involved. I simply cannot understand how one human being couldn't/wouldn't step in and help. ...I mean, I understand the "fact" that people don't or won't help - just can't understand the mentality. ...But then I can't understand the mentality of someone to do that to another person, either!!

There isn't really a waiting period anymore in most states, I think it can depend on the circumstances, or the history of the individual.

She mentioned a baby also, and for a child under the age of 18 that definitely wouldn't apply, although you don't know much from what she could say.

Probably the baby is with someone else, or maybe the other parent.

That was an intense situation! I am glad you were thinking on your feet and got both of you out of there ASAP. You were certainly chosen to be her angel that day.

I went to school with the superintendent of the city school the woman says her kids go to and yes, my friend knows of the woman. She said if she heard anything she'd let me know and she hasn't

I assume there is an investigation, she's not badly hurt etc or there would have been news of some kind. Hopefully it wasn't her husband or boyfriend that did it ( how often does that happen :BangHead: ) and the police will do what they do best

I doubt I'll ever have such a bizarre day - but i will be going back to that park, its 40-50 years old only but still

Not many people would take time out of their day to help someone in need these days, thank you. It makes me happy to know there are people like you still out there. Hopefully they catch the ones who did this.

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