Metal Detecting Dreams?


Gold Member
Apr 15, 2005
Location: Undisclosed
Detector(s) used
I use, Whites MXT and Garrett AT Pro.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello all,

Just wondering if I am the only one that dreams of finding coins. I have these dreams where I am searching through "Welcome Mats," (of all things) Clear Water Beaches and strange places of people who have died that I don't know. I find some great coins most I can't recognize but you can see are rare and or old. (Remember these are dreams that happend in my sleep not real)

So what are some of your treasure finding dreams, if any?

Keep @ it and HH!!

:D :D :D I was taking a nap this afternoon and dreamt of finding another half dime! I really need professional help, probably ;D.

Stand back. I'm a Behaviorologist and I can help this man.

Lets see. Check my Field Guide to Dreams by Joseph Peterson, here. Detectors . . . detectors . . . Hmmmmm? The detector is obviously a phallic symbol and the welcome mat is a sign that you feel a barrier between your goals and the expression of your inner child. Hmmm? Did your uncle ever baby sit you? Hmmmmm! Oh, that's nasty. Tsk. Tsk.

Searching strange places of people who have died . . . GASP! Oh no!

I can't go on. It's just too horrible . . . .

TEXAN Connection said:
O.K I admit it, but I dont wanta talk about it
MY 4 little nieces go with me alot.. whether it be MD, looking for bottles,fossil hunting or helping me with the family tree.. The 10 year old says to me yesturday,"Aunt Barb I had a dream last night that I found a treasure chest while we were metal detecting" I said, thats cool and smiled.. she replied,"when I opened it there were bars of GOLD made of CHOCOLATE " :P What do you say to that..LOL

i dont know y but i had this dreamlastnite that i took a boat to this island out in the middleof the bay where the light house caretakers house was b4 it burnt down the house was built back in the 1850's and i had adream i that i went5 back to 1850 and met the lighthouse caretaker and i talked to him and watched him bury something well i woke up fell back to sleep 20 minutes later to have another dream of being on that island present day with mymd and goin to where he buried something. i love those dream because i love history

Few... :'( I thought I was the only one!! ;D Well since their are many of you lets here some more!! ;)

Keep @ it and HH!!

i got 2 S.L.Q's the other night........ was wierd cause i ain't got one in over a year.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Strange that this topic should come up right now. Well, not being one to believe in coincidences, I guess I should say this topic is very timely - rather than strange. Anyhow, I had a long and detailed dream the other night about a specific place I should search for treasure. I will be traveling to this place in a few weeks to determine if my dream was correct. If so, I'll be spending more time sleeping (perchance to dream). If not, I hope the insomnia returns. :(

One other time I dreamed I went into this abandoned house and found silver coins under the linoleum, inside the cupboards, and taped to the underside of the countertop. Thing is, I had just finished reading the book Search! when I had the dream. Nothing Freudian about that, sorry to disappoint Charlie P. :D

Nothing Freudian about that, sorry to disappoint Charlie P. :D

Ach so. Denial. When you get ready to talk about it, I'm here. ;D

Twice, i've dreamed of the place I was going to hunt the next day and found what I dreamed about. One held a US plate and right off I can't remember what the other was.

There is another specific place (nothing special looking, kinda plain) that I have dreamed of hunting but haven't hunted yet. I hope to get a CS plate there and a CS staff button. It does have a nice high view of a river, but probably too far away to see any crossings or fords.

Now that's weird....seriously. I can see dowsing working because you're there, but just thoughts about a place you've never been???

I also used a crystal pendulum and a map looking for a CW camp. I pinpointed where I wanted to hunt because for some reason I knew it was there. I kept it quiet for a year or two and shared it with two guys I hunt with. As it turns out, they have been hunting (unbeknownst to me) the property across the fence for three years and had found lots and lots of CW stuff. Yes, I'm sure it was the camp I was looking for. I wasn't off by more than 100 feet.

Granted, there have been lots of times that I dreamed and failed, but it is kinda eerie when you do get a good hit.

just my ramblings, thoguhts and opinions.


Something must be wrong with me....I use to dream about women. :-\


I think I have a haunted metal detecting spot. Let me explain . . .

I dreamed that a mummy looking figure(no kidding) pointed to a tree and said, "look by the big tree." Well, in my dream the tree was dark and shadowy, with very distinctive vines growing on it that made it look like it had hair or something. Spooky stuff. Well, then later in the night I had another dream that I was showing my dad some type of great coin that I had found. I had no idea where this tree was.

The very next day I went to my usual park. I was thinking how weird it would be If I could find the tree. Well, I did. I noticed that the very same tree with the vines was adjacent to the park in a wooded area. (don't know if I had subconsciously noticed it before or not, but this was the first time I paid attention to it) I was freaking out and twilight zone music was playing in my head. My dad shows up to hunt with me, which was also unusual, and we detect over by the tree, which was off the beaten path a little. My first target was my first 1926 Standing Liberty Quarter and I was with my dad when I found it!! This quarter was literally 2 feet from the tree that I had dreamed about.

Okay, so now the strange part. So I notice while hunting this area that I was finding a lot more items than in the rest of the park, like it was unhunted. I found several wheat pennies and a couple of merc dimes. I was excited about this spot which was obviously overlooked before by others. So I'm digging along and I find a larger sized Celtic Cross! I was thinking, how cool! So I throw it in my bag, take it home and clean it up. All the while wondering what the heck it was doing in the woods.

A month later I'm looking at a plat map of the area and I notice that the area I was hunting was formerly called "Cavalry Cemetery!!!" back in 1872! Know what I did? I went back to the spot and reburied the cross and I've never been back since.

So if any of you want to go to a spot that is virtually unhunted with the promise of many coins, have at it. I'm not going back.

Honest to Gosh - a true story...


Haha, this is crazy !! Premonitory Dreams, (Dreams that predict things) about coins. Well the way I see mine is that the people who lose coins are welcoming me to hunt out the coins they lost. I have always wondered if it would be OK to hunt a grave yard. (not digging graves of course) and OK to the ones who died not the keepers or what have you. I don't dought that the dead would be happy to let us dig their treasure or lost change or even coins around their grave. These stories are great, "Charlie P. (NY)" It seems to me your interpretation of my dreams show that you are the one who has been abused and we are all here to talk if you need it.

Keep @ it and HH!!

I dreamed that I was at my sisters house in Philadelphia, she lives about four blocks from the Liberty Bell and I was searching her house for a cache.. I woke up!!

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