Metal Detecting Banned Wisconsin DNR Regulated Lands/Waterways

...and the funny thing 99% of the detecting is just a waste of time and money think about what u spent to what u found

So true! Not counting the cost of equipment -

Gas driving to spot: $10
Morning coffee (after I drink my thermos from home on the way): $1
New 9v because I forgot mine on the charger: $5
Lunch or snack: $7
Post-hunt beer(s): $3 or more (can get pretty high if I go with fun people)

TOTAL: $26

Clad: $2.06
Merc dime (that I don't sell): $2
2 Minie balls (that I also don't sell): $4.

TOTAL: $8.06

Time spent out in the field/woods/park: Priceless

I'd still take a so-so day of detecting over a good day at work or a decent day of fishing.

and the funny thing 99% of the detecting is just a waste of time and money think about what u spent to what u found

Tell that to my wife, given her 8 of the 9 diamond rings I have found so far, I wear the Fossil watch I found and my display case has lots of gold and silver rings and silver coins found. My change jar with all my clad found has over $1300 in it now. Made several very good friendships as well.

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well some of u are the 1% like mel fisher but here in the philippines with many large silver treasure sites (manila galleons) millions spent very little found ....and those other war treasuries sites billions spent and countless lives lost in the last 74 years for (blood gold) ....lets see gold fields picked clean for 1000 years ....coin detecting ( modern coins all made out of steel ) everywhere trash targets out number good targets a million to one ....and beach hunting which is allowed in most places the sand tide is 3 to 6 feet so good luck

midmo treasure was out $18 for the day .....sorry to hear that .....lets see the hunters that i know this year 2019 ....3 lost there lives ( age 29 , 31 and 62 ) and a few others cant afford to hunt anymore how much money do u think it cost investors to hand dig a small lake or to mine a 50 foot deep hole to nothing ....let me remember electric and fuel cost one site for the pumps was $100 a day labor was another $100 a day so those investors were out 10 grand a month for rum talk ...mel fisher had to spend over million plus one son if i remember right to be that 1% was it really worth it ....and what burns me up if your the honest type dont forget men in black share 50-100% never forget the Roxas treasure that made fishers looks like a drop in the bucket what he get for all his work he died from mental illness he didnt make the 1%

... never forget the Roxas treasure...

Do you believe the Roxas story ? Never was any treasure or goodies ever shown, to be examined by anyone (other than replicas, token parts of the supposed treasure, etc...). But sure: This lack of treasure was all a part of the grand conspiracy/theft, right ?

tom i think i once told u ..i talked to mrs marcos in starks on thomas street in lower manhattan it was her birthday party in the late 80s and ive been to the mine in baguio and to where camp holmes was where head treasure man stayed i know the whole route of the treasure.... the story is true ...ROXAS lost and marcos won ....marcos was a great man and smart his wealth was from treasure i talked to one of his tigers (soldiers) in tuba luzon outside of baguio he told me that marcos orders were all treasures found were his ....look up what the banks say they lost in the war crime trails from singapore or from java banks they list numbers of 75 kilo bars of gold stolen from them ...large amounts of gold came from that java mine look up that time period amount if u dont believe the mine reports and the bank reports i guess Roxas went crazy for nothing then ....u lose $22 billion treasure u go crazy to ....and dont forget marcos had someone from new york he hired to refine the gold from 18k to 24k in this area the gold only 75% pure 25% copper in the 1970s u had to change the gold to sell it on the world market java banks still had claim entil the 1985 if i remember right ...

tom do u believe the spanish looted thousands of tons of gold and silver from mexico and the philippines over a 350 year period ????? well the japanese did the same in asia ...and if u show thousands of tons gold bars that had markings and or numbers on them that was recorded at the banks or mines dont u think u lose it in court ???? how many treasures have been taken away from the finders by england , spain , russia , ...king marcos made himself the owner of all treasures ....

... tom....

666: I have no doubt that persons can fill books with salacious juicy details. That , yes, will all sound bullet proof iron clad true. You can do the same with every single legend........ stacking up various facts. Eg.: Pearl ship, lost dutchman, oak island, etc.... Every one of them will have stellar impeccable lineage. Complete with conspiracies, skeletons, double-crosses, etc.... And all are built around real events, names, dates, etc... (no good treasure legend ever starts with "once upon a time"...)

And the trouble with trying to address each one of the various details you can bring up, is it will simply turn into a game of wack-a-mole. Heck, don't forget, every treasure legend is 99% true . Names, dates, events, so & so talked to so & so who told him such & such. And then so & so suddenly had un-explained wealth, etc....

But since you're open minded to alternate views/evidence, here's some reading for you :

Notice that Roxas' own son denied the treasure story.

" ..... Jose also declared in court that his father never found a Golden Buddha.[12] ..."

666: I have no doubt that persons can fill books with salacious juicy details. That , yes, will all sound bullet proof iron clad true. You can do the same with every single legend........ stacking up various facts. Eg.: Pearl ship, lost dutchman, oak island, etc.... Every one of them will have stellar impeccable lineage. Complete with conspiracies, skeletons, double-crosses, etc.... And all are built around real events, names, dates, etc... (no good treasure legend ever starts with "once upon a time"...)

And the trouble with trying to address each one of the various details you can bring up, is it will simply turn into a game of wack-a-mole. Heck, don't forget, every treasure legend is 99% true . Names, dates, events, so & so talked to so & so who told him such & such. And then so & so suddenly had un-explained wealth, etc....

But since you're open minded to alternate views/evidence, here's some reading for you :

Notice that Roxas' own son denied the treasure story.

" ..... Jose also declared in court that his father never found a Golden Buddha.[12] ..."

6 foot of water. True or false?

Was gold recovered from the Central America?
[SANTA ANA, Calif. - More than US$50 million worth of gold bars, coins and dust that's been described as the greatest lost treasure in U.S. history is about to make its public debut in California after sitting at the bottom of the ocean for more than 150 years.

The 3,100 gold coins, 45 gold bars and more than 36 kilograms of gold dust recovered from the wreckage of the S.S. Central America steamship are now sitting in a makeshift laboratory just south of Los Angeles.]

Wisconsin has drift gold. Why should detectorists be prohibited from sniffing it out?
Yes it is legend. But also real.

.... Was gold recovered from the Central America?....

Relevent-chair, I'm trying to understand your point. Who ever doubted that the Central America (and all sorts of other treasures) aren't routinely found around the world ? But does the fact of various true treasures, make every/all legends therefore true ?

Relevent-chair, I'm trying to understand your point. Who ever doubted that the Central America (and all sorts of other treasures) aren't routinely found around the world ? But does the fact of various true treasures, make every/all legends therefore true ?

Not to those who do not research them. And those who ferret them out.

Funny , you have not been involved in any legends recovery , yet voice disbelief in potential existence of them.
Good luck in your hunting.
Stay out of Cuba. Or wait , you might like a no treasure is real type life , when assured nothing is to be gained by others seeking them....
Even if they are being sought by the powers that be.

Not unlike the thread topic preventing such wild dreams as being able to search lands and waters belonging to the elite. Better no one , than just anyone believing wealth exists for the picking by mere serfs..
You know , the Cali model.

Not to those who do not research them. And those who ferret them out.....

Yes. And that's exactly what we md'r/TH'rs need to do. And as your post hints at: Yes, some will indeed be ferreted out.

Yes. And that's exactly what we md'r/TH'rs need to do. And as your post hints at: Yes, some will indeed be ferreted out.

Go get em cowboy!:laughing7:

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